Nov 1, 2007 at 3:00 AM
Join Date: Jun 1, 2007
Location: In Space
Posts: 191

schism (skĭz'əm) n.
1. a split, as in a church, because of difference of opinion, doctrine, etc.
2. Schism the cataclysmic event that tore the universe apart, damaging reality itself.
3. an epic "game-mod" for Cave Story created by a certain deranged individual.
<<DEMO>> v1.0
*Screenshots (a little dated):

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Yep, it's finally here. Version 1.0 of the Schism Demo (a.k.a. SCHEMO) is now available. Blast your way through the first chapter of this "game-mod" and get a feel for the beginning of the end of time.
New additions since the ancient 0.51 release include an almost completely new soundtrack, new sprites for all enemies, a spiffy new intro, and new, new, and more new. Though it's the same length as the previous version (and still a demo to boot), the new one is most certainly worth checking out. Spread the word about Schism and tell a friend! The "official" demo is finally here!
Without any further ado, you are free to play the mod if so desired. Feedback and criticism (the good kind!) are very much welcome, so post away, young folks. Let the Schism begin!
P.S. - Before anyone asks, no, I actually did not name the main character after myself. No, I took my username from the character (who I created many moons ago). There's a difference, y'know. ;P