[MA Winner] <(Schism)> - Demo 1.0

Nov 1, 2007 at 3:00 AM
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schism (skĭz'əm) n.
1. a split, as in a church, because of difference of opinion, doctrine, etc.
2. Schism the cataclysmic event that tore the universe apart, damaging reality itself.
3. an epic "game-mod" for Cave Story created by a certain deranged individual.

<<DEMO>> v1.0

*Screenshots (a little dated):


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Yep, it's finally here. Version 1.0 of the Schism Demo (a.k.a. SCHEMO) is now available. Blast your way through the first chapter of this "game-mod" and get a feel for the beginning of the end of time.

New additions since the ancient 0.51 release include an almost completely new soundtrack, new sprites for all enemies, a spiffy new intro, and new, new, and more new. Though it's the same length as the previous version (and still a demo to boot), the new one is most certainly worth checking out. Spread the word about Schism and tell a friend! The "official" demo is finally here!

Without any further ado, you are free to play the mod if so desired. Feedback and criticism (the good kind!) are very much welcome, so post away, young folks. Let the Schism begin!

P.S. - Before anyone asks, no, I actually did not name the main character after myself. No, I took my username from the character (who I created many moons ago). There's a difference, y'know. ;P
Nov 1, 2007 at 3:22 AM
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Awesomeness. Truly. :D
Nov 1, 2007 at 3:50 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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WOW that looks good, nice hype (getting people excited(well atleast me))
its also cool you used anime pics XD

Edit- this should be in the mod section, ah crap and sp's away :D
Nov 1, 2007 at 4:01 AM
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Need any monster sprites made? :D

It looks utterly awesome.

Why can't Cave Story PSP support mods, why? :D
Nov 1, 2007 at 4:24 AM
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You totally remade the whole game :D

Wonderful ^^

I really look forward to it!
Nov 1, 2007 at 12:04 PM
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Interesting. Did you make the faces yourself, or were they ripped from elsewhere? Prehaps RPGmaker2003 facesets? Ah well, hard to tell.

*Waits for demo*
Nov 2, 2007 at 1:26 AM
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ZTaimat said:
Interesting. Did you make the faces yourself, or were they ripped from elsewhere? Prehaps RPGmaker2003 facesets? Ah well, hard to tell.

*Waits for demo*
They aren't RPGmaker2003 facesets, I'd know if thet were.
Nov 2, 2007 at 11:59 AM
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Well, I don't mean defaults, I mean ones that others have made for rm2k/3.
Nov 2, 2007 at 10:41 PM
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I'm no artist, so sadly, no, the faces aren't mine (though I do lay claim to some heavy edits). They *are*, in fact, based on an rm2k/3 set by one crazy-talented artist whose site link I have stored somwhere around here...

Ah, here we go: Yosio Factory. It's in Japanese, but there's some crazy-good resources there, I say! Woo!

Hehe, thanks for the compliments. And I hate to be so secretive, but until the demo comes (sooon...) this is all you'll see. :)
Nov 3, 2007 at 10:40 PM
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This looks very well done, must have taken ages.

I'm a bit hesitant about the 3-D on such as the roads, seems a little odd to do it when everything else is 2-D. Other than that, it looks like it's gonna be very good. Puts my petty attempts to shame. :)
Nov 3, 2007 at 11:07 PM
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Looks awesome, really looking forward it X3
Just too bad you used RPG Maker faces :/
Nov 3, 2007 at 11:15 PM
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For a future demo release/edit, set it so you walk on the widewalk of the 'opposite' side of the road; The way you have it now... Well, houses usually arn't built in the middle of the road, now are they?

Release the demo whenever you can - Don't worry about doing as I said right away, though.
Nov 5, 2007 at 12:23 AM
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Hehe, actually, not saying this out of laziness or anything, but I actually did that on purpose. Notice the broken highways and how oddly twisted the buildings are? There's a reason for that in the storyline, so much of the architecture is just plain mad. :p

For a bit of a fun example: One minor character seems like he knows what he's talking about and has a wealth of information about stuff. The only strange thing is, he's sitting on the roof of a building, fishing. No water in sight, either. Hmm...
Nov 5, 2007 at 12:57 PM
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I see. Sounds like it'll be fun when you're download link is warped through time and space to the far future ;P
Nov 8, 2007 at 12:06 AM
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Enigma Challenge!

All right, so... I promised myself I wouldn't ask for any open assistance until after the demo, but... *sigh*. Here I go anyway.

So, my mod is very un-Cavestory-ish in terms of characters and story and the like. Naturally, it would make no sense to craft a new storyline and characters and suddenly throw Balrog in the midst (though the idea is tempting), so to resolve this problem, I came up with a "Balrog-ish" character to provide the lovable-yet-villainous source of comic relief.


Introducing Enigma. Yes, I didn't do the face graphic and appearance is sort of a rip from that, but... therein lies the problem. No matter how I try, I can't seem to come up with any sprite that fits the face graphic, much less anything that might do Balrog any justice.

So, I'm hesitant to ask, but I'd better anyhow. Would any of you kind sprite artist folks care to take a stab at it? I was hoping to get these sprites done before the demo release (still soon... ;P), but seeing that I'm stuck in a rut here, I figured I'd ask anyhow. If nobody's interested, no problem at all. Thanks for at least taking the time to read my little plea of help and the like, hehe.

Until next time, Happy... uh, Doukutsu-ing? :D
Nov 8, 2007 at 1:53 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Sorry but I merged the topic your mod thread, since you can post it here and don't have to open up a new thread for this :D
Nov 8, 2007 at 3:22 AM
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Xaser said:
All right, so... I promised myself I wouldn't ask for any open assistance until after the demo, but... *sigh*. Here I go anyway.

So, my mod is very un-Cavestory-ish in terms of characters and story and the like. Naturally, it would make no sense to craft a new storyline and characters and suddenly throw Balrog in the midst (though the idea is tempting), so to resolve this problem, I came up with a "Balrog-ish" character to provide the lovable-yet-villainous source of comic relief.


Introducing Enigma. Yes, I didn't do the face graphic and appearance is sort of a rip from that, but... therein lies the problem. No matter how I try, I can't seem to come up with any sprite that fits the face graphic, much less anything that might do Balrog any justice.

So, I'm hesitant to ask, but I'd better anyhow. Would any of you kind sprite artist folks care to take a stab at it? I was hoping to get these sprites done before the demo release (still soon... ;P), but seeing that I'm stuck in a rut here, I figured I'd ask anyhow. If nobody's interested, no problem at all. Thanks for at least taking the time to read my little plea of help and the like, hehe.

Until next time, Happy... uh, Doukutsu-ing? :D
I'll give it a go when I get home, which .pbm will it replace balrog on.
Nov 8, 2007 at 4:29 AM
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@Garde: Doh! Why didn't I think of that? *headslap*. Thanks for the merge, anyhow. :D

@Andwhy: The "NpcBllg" tileset is the one in question. If you can come up with just one frame of animation at least, I can work from there, but I just can't seem to get a base sprite to save my life. Thanks a boatload for your help offer and such, hehe! I owe ya one, even for the attempt. :D
Nov 8, 2007 at 9:02 AM
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Xaser said:
All right, so... I promised myself I wouldn't ask for any open assistance until after the demo, but... *sigh*. Here I go anyway.

So, my mod is very un-Cavestory-ish in terms of characters and story and the like. Naturally, it would make no sense to craft a new storyline and characters and suddenly throw Balrog in the midst (though the idea is tempting), so to resolve this problem, I came up with a "Balrog-ish" character to provide the lovable-yet-villainous source of comic relief.


Introducing Enigma. Yes, I didn't do the face graphic and appearance is sort of a rip from that, but... therein lies the problem. No matter how I try, I can't seem to come up with any sprite that fits the face graphic, much less anything that might do Balrog any justice.

So, I'm hesitant to ask, but I'd better anyhow. Would any of you kind sprite artist folks care to take a stab at it? I was hoping to get these sprites done before the demo release (still soon... ;P), but seeing that I'm stuck in a rut here, I figured I'd ask anyhow. If nobody's interested, no problem at all. Thanks for at least taking the time to read my little plea of help and the like, hehe.

Until next time, Happy... uh, Doukutsu-ing? :D

osht i f**k'd up somewhere


Edit - It fits into Balrog perfectly. Ignore that green patch, its just uhhhh, well, just ignore it.