Opening CG was a nice touch...
Took me a little while to get used to King's innocent look, but it works out quite well, especially with what happens later...
LOVED walking around the bustling Mimiga town. All the little touches really made it come to life.
I was seriously DISTRAUGHT when everything went to the crapper! I'm not sure I'm 100% onboard with how the turn of events played out. But, it's wonderfully put together.
The first time they attacked those robots had me completely pinned. [waited too long trying to figure out what those bad boys were going to do when I got close to them lol. Before I knew it I was dodging 5 robots at once... nice!]
I really
like Love the atmosphere built with the village pre-ROBOT attack. Ah, but the fall down the ladder/ledge thing was eh...
Not convincing enough... If he was closer to the place (right under it!) where the robots first came out I might have gone along with it better. It seemed too totally bad luck. Maybe if a rock were to fall from above him and knock him one or the ground to crumble a little under his feet...
I'd probably make it so when he gets to where he falls currently, it zooms up there and shows dust falling and maybe a crack. Then zooms back to King, and you go there to check it out... then... OMG! And somehow King falls off the ledge. I think you could even move the mom and maybe some mimigas closer at the point where he falls down partways (for the part where he falls down). It seems like the amount of time that passes between King's KO, and everyone is dead could easily fit the time slot of her running away, getting King to safety; and then they catch up just as ...
Ah, anyways just opinions.
... also the beast fang remark was a nice easter egg (no pun intended)

Oh, and difficulty seems about right for that battle. Pretty epic, even for a bubbler.
The Ctuhulu parts are quite interesting. And the branching plot depending on your answers is a great touch. Replayablity ++ Also amount of work needed probably ++?
Anyways, bottomline I rated your mod a 9/10; aka a must play.
Looking forward to future updates!
(PS -I hope I can apply for the 2x res mod whenever I can get a demo finished... although, making all the new graphics from scratch will be a daunting task...!)