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King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

May 31, 2011 at 1:12 AM
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May 31, 2011 at 2:57 AM
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And hey noxid where is this "suggestive theme" implemented because i have yet to see it.
May 31, 2011 at 3:22 AM
In my body, in my head
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You have to unlock "bootylicious" mode in which all the dialogue is replaced with the characters hitting on each other and making innuendos.

And if you still can't tell, that was a joke.
May 31, 2011 at 3:33 AM
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May 31, 2011 at 3:56 AM
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Noxid said:
You have to unlock "bootylicious" mode in which all the dialogue is replaced with the characters hitting on each other and making innuendos.

And if you still can't tell, that was a joke.

This would be best during the gorier bits
May 31, 2011 at 8:41 AM
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When will the next version be uploaded? Can't wait to arrive at the Research Hub :confused:
May 31, 2011 at 10:34 AM
In my body, in my head
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Probably a really long time, unfortunately. I make no promises, because then I don't have to break them

BUT speaking of the next version it would be cool if somebody wants to finish this list for all 361 entities or something.

// A single slash starts comments (I prefer two)
// A # sign indicates an entry.
// Entries have the format:
// <int entity number> <string name> <string left:Right:Up:Down>
// <string Category:Subcat ...> <;>
// Can't have spaces in the name
// left:up:right:down is for the framerect of the preview image.
// An entity can be placed in multiple categories!
// Try not to go crazy. Also, probably shouldn't forget the semicolon.
// If it crashes from bad input well,
// that's your own stupid fault now isn't it.

#0 Null 0:0:0:0 General:All ;
#1 EXP_Flower 0:32:32:64 ;
#2 Behemoth 0:0:64:46 Tileset:Eggs1 ;
#3 Unknown 0:0:0:0 ;
#4 Smoke 128:0:160:32 General:All ;
#5 Critter(g) 0:94:32:124 ;
#42 Yuki 0:0:32:32 Tileset:Regu Character:Mimiga ;
#71 Chinfish 128:64:160:96 Tileset:Guest ;
I don't expect anyone to...
May 31, 2011 at 11:49 AM
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Actually if we were all assigned like 20 entities, it could be done in less than a week.
May 31, 2011 at 11:59 AM
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Indeed except I'm not all that good at entities xD
More the creative map making/Music making stuff :D
May 31, 2011 at 12:11 PM
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it.... is... soo... hard!!!!!!!!!!!

how long did it take you to do it?
whos that man who talks to you in hermits cave

hemit: "get out of here you punk!"
king: "holy shit this is one crappy gun!"
May 31, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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Have you even played cave story because while not a necesity it can stop you from making (no offense) noobish questions wich in turn can tire out the other members who end up answering. But anyway hes the guy who crafts the polar star and upgrades it to spur i believe he is named the hermit in the credits.
May 31, 2011 at 3:33 PM
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Well I never really tried the editor but I'd surely like to try to help you guys. But ofc, no problem if you finish it later, as long as it's better and you keep up the good job :).
Jun 1, 2011 at 5:22 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Your most recent version is down.
Can't download D:
Jun 1, 2011 at 12:33 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Here ya go cult
This may/will contain some of my files because I was being a tad lazy, but nothing 30 seconds of deleting won't fix.


mediafire is actually taking A REALLY LONG TIME to upload (verify, tually), in case you were wondering

decided to not use mediafire after ten minutes of repeated failures.
link at top.
my post ends here.
Jun 1, 2011 at 4:11 PM
In my body, in my head
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I had no idea I posted the link to pikmin.png instead of my mod
Although, when I said I fixed it in "The laziest way possible", I guess that kind of works. Anyway I think it's the right link now.
Jun 1, 2011 at 4:53 PM
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Hey I'd like to help you finish faster but I don't know any programming. Is anything I could do?
Jun 1, 2011 at 4:55 PM
In my body, in my head
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Can you make music? I kind of need some of that.
Music and that list of entities, those are the only two things right now I can think of.
Jun 1, 2011 at 6:05 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Entities are something which are done in the editor, right? If I'd read a tutorial maybe I could help you with that. About music, not sure. I think I could.

EDIT: I could do music, but you need to tell me the kind of music you want. I mean it depends on the zone/level, and it has to fit the tileset. Where can I contact you?
Jun 1, 2011 at 6:48 PM
In my body, in my head
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By entities I mean this list

There are 361 entities (including #0) and the list needs an entry for each one of them.
As for music, I'd prefer to see a sample of your work before I go handing out assignments. It has to be made with PxTone. I got your email, and I thought I replied to it but maybe I forgot to hit send? Sorry. Email is usually a pretty good way to contact me since you can't use forum PMs yet.
Jun 1, 2011 at 7:01 PM
Neophyte Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Well, can't I make them in ORGasm? I'm more used to that one.. But sure, I'll learn to use Pxtone.