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Jenn's Journey - Complete

Nov 30, 2013 at 10:48 AM
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JonSpider said:
Hey, tell me when the livestream starts sometime, I'd be glad to see it.
Ah, right, pretty much everyone here does livestream when they play stuff. :p I was just thinking of recording it and then uploading it to my youtube account, but now that you mention it, I might try a livestream. I'll let you know if I do.
Dec 1, 2013 at 2:02 AM
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This game was very well put together, and the story was great too. The first boss fight was pretty difficult (It took me about 2 tries.) with the first form, then it has a surprise second form >:3
This game had neat custom sprites as well, so good work overall.
Keep moving forward on updating it! :heartrefill:
Jan 3, 2014 at 12:18 AM
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Oh, this is what we're collaborating with?
Cool! :)
Jan 4, 2014 at 6:32 AM
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Well, after a...reasonably legitimate conversation regarding this, I am proud to announce that Jon and I are collaborating in each other's games. (Basically I lend him some of my staff). The games are in canon with each other, and both are in canon with the original Cave Story. Once most of my staff is ready to be 'deployed', I'll be sure to have them work on Jenn's Journey too, so long as they agree.
For the record, Project CS2 (which is a WIP name guys, since it's easier to remember than Cave Story 2: Beneath the Surface, or something like that) is a direct sequel to Cave Story, and closely follows the events of the first game, even though most of it takes place on or beneath the surface.
Jenn's Journey is an indirect sequel to Cave Story, and takes place many,many years after the events of the original game. As of now in the development process, Jenn, the main character is not related to anyone in CS or CS2 canon, but an entirely new character.
Looking forward to collaborating, so long as I can get my team's act together.

P.S. Ahem, Sable, you promised you would put 6% more effort into PCS2, along with a 'legit' drawing, so I'll be waiting...
Jan 4, 2014 at 6:15 PM
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literally the only things I didn't like about it were the 'J' on the title screen, and Jen's mouth when it's closed (it needs to be a bit darker so you can see it). But other than that, this mod is awesome! Especially loving the maps.

Nadojin said:
Well, after a...reasonably legitimate conversation regarding this, I am proud to announce that Jon and I are collaborating in each other's games. (Basically I lend him some of my staff).
does 'some of your staff' include me? ^_^ I wouldn't mind making some orgs for this really quite awesome mod tbh.
Jan 5, 2014 at 12:57 AM
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Well, I mean, by that is that anyone who's willing to work in collaboration is welcome to. Barely any of our staff is back from vacation anyway...
Feb 15, 2014 at 8:56 PM
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Nice art, ms.
I'm busy today, but i'll probably be able to test this version when I get back tomorrow.
Mar 10, 2014 at 8:45 AM
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I began drawing recently, and I drew a fanart for Jenn!
Not super accurate (armor pads for one xD), but enjoy; thought you might appreciate it :D


Here's the original smiling version just for the curious : Link
Apr 2, 2014 at 12:47 AM
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Huoy, took forever, but at least now I can finally make the announcement.

Scratch that, Annoucements.

So, first of all, Jenn and co. have decided to celebrate the month of April and get some Mimiga Ears and such for Easter. Lots of fun to be had, as you can see here:

Second part is that she and the others are now in 2x res! Yes, I even have a tiny little preview and stuff. Was pretty fun to make it. Least you can get some more detail out of the two here! Don't ask how I got the Hack out of Noxid.

Not to mention I made finalized, updated sprites for Jenn in the original version!

And the biggest news of all, for I have actually started -making- new content for the game. Huzzah! The following is a work in-progress of course, but give your thoughts!

Hell, I even updated the old demo by adding the new sprites and everything. Sorry for no real new content yet, but I think I've finally polished the thing up. I promise after this, there will be no more rereleases of the same demo. Just new content. Hopefully. With more story, more gameplay, and more Melons! It's in the Original Post.

Now, after this, I'm wondering. These are two songs I'm planning to use in the level I showed a preview of up there. Here they are:


Tell me your thoughts and such on using these. Though, if any of you out there are willing to make an original composition, I'd appreciate it. Just contact me.
Apr 8, 2014 at 12:04 AM
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Mmmm, nIce level coming :P
Good song choices. Always enjoyed Bomberman 64's music...

You're going to use both in the game or just one? ... I expect a penguin with the B64 one for some reason... (PS - icy watermelon gfx? Tasty ice melons...)

Chill man's stage has a more dangerous feel to it. ... Is it one path or the other? Or expect to encounter both songs in one playthrough?

Hmmmm, hmm... very good; can't wait to see how they end up there!

And from the sneak peak of the level gfx, looks like a tundra ice cave... Ahh.. I see now... Or...?
(Wondering if Sand Zone has frozen over, or if it's a brand new new area...)
Nice easter art; Who made it? :D I had a little trouble distinguishing the characters as from JJ, but soon as I saw the melon: yep, that's Jenn's Journey... lol
(Can't believe it's already almost Easter.)

And as I mentioned in chat before, liking the new character sprites... (Who made those again too?)
And 2x!? Cool. Gotta thank Noxid... I miss seeing more higher res mods...

*downloads demo
(btw, what do you think about having melon gfx of various types? Fishy melon, icy melon, "water melon", golden melon... lol)
Apr 8, 2014 at 12:27 AM
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The 2x Res thing was the only joke amongst a serious post for April Fools Day.

And to answer your question, yes, I'm still putting varieties of Melons in the game. The Ice Tundra-like area will have both songs, since it's good path exclusive for the most part.

For the art, it's our very own Pomfy.
Apr 8, 2014 at 2:18 AM
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So I really enjoyed this mod. I really did.
And I believe that the only thing I saw wrong with it was this:

It slightly bothered me, but otherwise yeah.
I love how it resembles the blade. *sniffs*

So yeah, thanks for making this mod! I really do feel grateful to have been able to play it and I hope to see more updates/demos soon~
Apr 8, 2014 at 6:25 AM
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JonSpider said:
And the biggest news of all, for I have actually started -making- new content for the game. Huzzah! The following is a work in-progress of course, but give your thoughts!
That is some serious colour clash.

I've changed the bg to something a little less over-the-top and have coloured it to fit its surroundings:



I'd also recommend toning down those shadows on the floor tiles. That is waaay too much contrast.

Something like this:
Apr 9, 2014 at 1:53 AM
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Aye, thanks a lot for the background help. Should've seen the one before that. It looked a lot like Ice with the colors and such, but it ended up being blindingly bright when applied as a background in-game.

Instead, I used the older background's palette on just a few blocks in-game for testing and I'd say (and some others in the Skype Group) it looks good. Still haven't finalized on the actual tile being used, but we'll see. Also probably going to lighten up the darkest color on the Ice Pillars on the right in a moment.

Just to note, the pillars aren't supposed to be a foreground thing. Just have to set them as a background object in a sec.

Also figured I might as well share this since I got the help and our very own Tpcool decided to do it first, rather than Bomberman:
Thanks a lot Andwhy, I really am thankful for the help here.
Edit: Alright, now I got a fixed version up. Hopefully there aren't any more bugs with this thing... https://www.dropbox.com/s/0j97tomypstj3sx/Jenn%20April%20Demo%20Fixed.zip
Apr 16, 2014 at 12:46 AM
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Ok, well, I was planning on recording my gameplay, but I ran out of patience trying to get the framerate to look nice. Perhaps it's just Open Broadcaster Software, but it was too difficult to watch. Certain tweaks got it improved, but not enough. I can record other games just fine with OBS, but it's real picky with Cave Story. It could very well be my lack of knowledge on how to handle a 50 FPS game though. The original Cave Story is not a very smooth looking game, that's for sure, so it doesn't take much to make it really choppy. If anyone can help me find that sweet spot in FPS or to educate me on some way of blending between frames for smoothness (?), I'd love to make an LP of Jenn's Journey, and it'd be nice to figure this out in case I wanted to do an LP of other CS mods. If I can't get it nice enough, I guess I'll just have to play through it without recording and give my feedback. Not nearly as fun though.
Apr 16, 2014 at 2:38 AM
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FrozenFire said:
Ok, well, I was planning on recording my gameplay, but I ran out of patience trying to get the framerate to look nice. Perhaps it's just Open Broadcaster Software, but it was too difficult to watch. Certain tweaks got it improved, but not enough. I can record other games just fine with OBS, but it's real picky with Cave Story. It could very well be my lack of knowledge on how to handle a 50 FPS game though. The original Cave Story is not a very smooth looking game, that's for sure, so it doesn't take much to make it really choppy. If anyone can help me find that sweet spot in FPS or to educate me on some way of blending between frames for smoothness (?), I'd love to make an LP of Jenn's Journey, and it'd be nice to figure this out in case I wanted to do an LP of other CS mods. If I can't get it nice enough, I guess I'll just have to play through it without recording and give my feedback. Not nearly as fun though.
I tried running a mod with OBS capturing it, and the video came out flawlessly (at max quality, no less). Do you want to compare settings, perhaps something you have is off? I didn't have to make any adjustments to what I normally have my settings to get a good recording, so I'm not sure what it'd be.
Apr 18, 2014 at 12:12 AM
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Well, got it working for the most part, so I made a crappy LP video of Jenn's Journey. Enjoy... or not.

I expect I went the wrong route for the frozen areas?
Apr 18, 2014 at 4:20 AM
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FrozenFire said:
Well, got it working for the most part, so I made a crappy LP video of Jenn's Journey. Enjoy... or not.
- Insert YouTube Video -

I expect I went the wrong route for the frozen areas?
Ah, man, you know how much I'm loving this right now? It's hard to describe the feeling. Already put the gratitude on the video's page though, so there's that.

The Frozen Areas are going to be in the next update of the game, whenever that comes out. Maybe in the Summer? Let's cross our fingers for that.

Meanwhile, I made yet another update that fixed some typos, more portrait stuff, nerfing the HP of the two Bosses (Some folks hated the HP they had), and more cosmetic crap. Now I gotta work on Frozen Melons and more facial expressions.
Apr 18, 2014 at 6:52 AM
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Well, I'll plan on trying to make a better LP when you get that demo out with the frozen stuff, because I really like stuff that's frozen, and of course I also like stuff that's on fire, :p but that's neither here nor there.