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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Jan 18, 2011 at 2:50 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
Well, no. It kinda is the blade. If I knew how to make a new weapon, I would make the sky blade freaking awesome looking,


Random question: Is there going to be a final boss, and if so was any work done on it by Shmitz?

Don't spoil me as to what it is, though.
Jan 18, 2011 at 4:55 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Yep! There will be. And shmitz made no contribution to it at all.
Jan 18, 2011 at 6:33 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Did he give permission?
Jan 18, 2011 at 6:56 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

WoodenRat said:
Did he give permission?

It's probably pretty hard to get permission from someone who is dead someone who hasn't been online for over 3 years.

As far as I know, Lunar Soul hasn't gotten shmitz's permission.

Also anyone notice how this is going to be a "fan ending" to the mod, so it will basically be a fanmade mod of a fanmade mod?
Jan 18, 2011 at 6:57 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Who? Shmitz? Who cares, he's dead. I keep crediting him anyway.
EDIT: meh. Cheezer beat me to the post. But yeah, tis true what he says.
And nope, I have no permission.
Jan 18, 2011 at 7:35 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Also anyone notice how this is going to be a "fan ending" to the mod, so it will basically be a fanmade mod of a fanmade mod?
Jan 18, 2011 at 7:43 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Malpercio said:
Anyway, I made a noob mistake on balcony. Put about 450 H/V entities on the map. Every time I tested it, the game crashed. The sad thing is that it took me, like, 4 test runs before I realized my mistake. Took me about an hour to get those buggers off.

EDIT: man, look at all the pressure. I can not afford to mess up or slack on this project, cause it's such a big deal. Oh well, I can do it =3
Jan 19, 2011 at 6:20 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived


Well, I got to the Controller, and I have at least a theoretical understanding of how to get back up, as I found the two safe spots. However, I am having severe difficulties, largely due to the complete lack of visibility and the incomplete lack of downward-pointing spikes. Is the Controller necessary or helpful to completing the game? Because if it is, I suggest increasing the Machinegun level 3's buffer by a bit, so that one unnecessary spike hit isn't doom.

Also, the chest at the top of the Chimney, if you open it a second time, freezes the game. I presume the door that it's sitting in front of was the door to Oblivion?

I also managed to level up the Sky Blade, which took a while. Did you take into account that increasing the range would drastically lower the rate of fire?

And wait, it's possible to get to the Balcony? Does it require using the Booster 2.0? Because that still doesn't work for me.

Oh, also, opening the chest containing the Explosive being the key to opening the door to Oblivion: Erosion creates problems, as it's possible to go back and save - upon reloading, the chest will already be opened, but the door will be shut. I'd suggest (though I have very little knowledge of CS's code) making the door opening contingent on having the Explosive, rather than getting it.

Also, I noticed a bunch of spelling errors in the text. Do you want me to proofread it?
Jan 19, 2011 at 8:48 AM
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magic9mushroom said:
I'd suggest (though I have very little knowledge of CS's code) making the door opening contingent on having the Explosive, rather than getting it.
Jan 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM
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Malpercio said:

What does this mean?

What I was saying with regards to the Controller is that if it's entirely optional, it's fine as a bonus challenge from hell, but if it's actually necessary or near-necessary, it shouldn't be as hard, since you essentially have to memorise the entire thing.

I've managed to do it, but I consider myself pretty good at platformers.
Jan 19, 2011 at 12:15 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Nah, the controller's not necessary. Actually, it doesn't do anything. I didn't actually find it too hard to get up though... You know, that'd actually be a good place to put the
remote control
As for the genesis: sky glitch, I'll fix it. For now just try to enter where the door would've been.
There is a balcony, but not for a while going to be in a demo.
Huh, I thought I fixed the spelling.
The chest freezes? Hmm. The door's not even there.
And ITJ stands for item jump; if you have the item x, jump to event y
Jan 19, 2011 at 1:02 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
Nah, the controller's not necessary. Actually, it doesn't do anything. I didn't actually find it too hard to get up though... You know, that'd actually be a good place to put the
remote control

Wait, I thought you needed the Controller to get the
Super Missiles?

Also, the Autocharger comes up as VOID in the item screen, will this cause problems if I copypaste a save file later, or have you just not written the description yet?

As for the genesis: sky glitch, I'll fix it. For now just try to enter where the door would've been.

I tried. It doesn't work.

There is a balcony, but not for a while going to be in a demo.

I see.

Huh, I thought I fixed the spelling.

There's quite a few. I'm happy to go through it if you want.

The chest freezes? Hmm. The door's not even there.

There's a door with a chest in front of it at the top of Chimney. Opening the chest gives a Fuel Cell (is a second one any use, anyway?) the first time. Upon checking the chest again the game makes a lot of text noises (though no text appears) and just keeps doing that until you reset or exit.

Oh, something I forgot to mention: Sue doesn't accept the Address Chip from Darkened Room in Genesis: Water even if you've already given her the Address Chip from the Labyrinth.

Genesis: Water is beatable without the Air Tank, in case you didn't know.

Oh, also, there's a door next to one of the eggs (think it's 13) in Egg Corridor. It doesn't open or display a message upon looking at it.

Have you worked out the problem with the Booster 2.0 yet?

Also, does the Turbocharger exist in Jenka's Nightmare as it currently is?
Jan 19, 2011 at 1:24 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

...Wow. You are my test bunny. Let's see...

Well, I didn't know you need the controller for that. In fact I didn't even know you could get the
super missiles.
You still don't need to get it to beat the game, though.

The autocharger says void? That's a mistake, I'll fix that.
Your save won't die because of it, though.

The egg corridor door is gone.

I still need to fix the booster.

The turbocharge doesn't exist, but the autocharger does.

And it would be helpful to know the spelling errors.

Also, the address chip is an easy fix; I must've deleted a flag by accident.
Jan 19, 2011 at 2:39 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Also anyone notice how this is going to be a "fan ending" to the mod, so it will basically be a fanmade mod of a fanmade mod?

This sounds like a lame X-zibit joke.
Jan 19, 2011 at 2:48 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Yo dawg we heard you like mods so we put a mod in yo mod so you can have nightmares while you have nightmares
Jan 19, 2011 at 2:56 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Don't be such a random.
Jan 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
...Wow. You are my test bunny. Let's see...

Heh, well, the game engine looks good, the story is good, all it needs now is to be finished to be epic awesome.

And testing is fun.

Well, I didn't know you need the controller for that. In fact I didn't even know you could get the
super missiles.
You still don't need to get it to beat the game, though.

Well, I don't either. I read some spoilered bits in the old thread which said that that was how to do it.

Obviously, I can't test it right now (because of the polish replacing Tetsuzuo Kamadani (sp?)).

The autocharger says void? That's a mistake, I'll fix that.
Your save won't die because of it, though.


The egg corridor door is gone.


The turbocharge doesn't exist, but the autocharger does.

I know about the autocharger, as evidenced by the fact that I know what its description says. :eek:

And it would be helpful to know the spelling errors.

Okay. You'll have them fairly soon (likely next couple of days). Right now I need sleep (I live in Australia, where it's currently 2 am).

Any significant plot branches I should know about to test separately?

Also, the address chip is an easy fix; I must've deleted a flag by accident.


Oh, I got back to First Cave without the Snake - the chest that contains it simply isn't there. Wasn't sure whether you knew.
Jan 19, 2011 at 4:26 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Was there a problem with where the remote control was in the first place?
Jan 19, 2011 at 5:37 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Hmm? I didn't know it was even there. I just thought he didn't put it in. Nevermind, then.
Well, actually, I might need to do some editing because of that. Whatever.

magic9mushroom said:
Obviously, I can't test it right now (because of the polish replacing Tetsuzuo Kamadani (sp?)).
Tetsuzuo? You talking bout the hermit?

magic9mushroom said:
Any significant plot branches I should know about to test separately?
Well, no, but take the route to Genesis: Water through the graveyard. That's the only route with any conversation in between it.
Jan 20, 2011 at 1:19 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
Hmm? I didn't know it was even there. I just thought he didn't put it in. Nevermind, then.
Well, actually, I might need to do some editing because of that. Whatever.

The Remote Control is obtained by
giving Malco the Map System in Dead End

It makes an awful lot of sense that way, so you should probably leave it like that.

Tetsuzuo? You talking bout the hermit?

Yup (oops, I did misspell it, it's Tetsuzou Kamadani). I'm aware that you've fixed it in the meantime.

Well, no, but take the route to Genesis: Water through the graveyard. That's the only route with any conversation in between it.

Yeah, that's the only route that can actually currently be used anyway.

Incidentally, I've gotten through Genesis: Spirit twice now, but I still don't understand the FwooooOOOOOooo bit. Could you explain how to do it? Because while I've beaten it, I have no idea how I did it. (Spoilered, of course.)

I understand that it's a direct LOS to the fire that warps you back, and I understand that usually it moves one step closer to you every time you move between squares, but occasionally it seems to not follow this pattern, and I don't understand why.
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