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Hell Mod Contest! (The list is up!)

Jan 24, 2010 at 12:20 PM
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Well fine then. No squeaky shoes for yous! ;) I was going to add it in for some entertainment value but it's too small of a thing to fuss over any longer. So, without further ado, I give you... THotS!
Aka the "Yes DT Can Actually" Mod
You'll find out what it stands for once you're near the end :(

More ambiguous screenies:


Features the standard 3 Hell levels, each of decreasing length and difficulty as I ran out of time/ideas! Talk to the bookshelf at the start for some tips, you should be able to figure out what does what as the mod goes along. No, you don't get a Machine Gun, because it would screw up any concept of platforming >_> Like I said earlier, it's kind of IWBTG-ish in design, so once you figure out how to get past each part it gets a lot more straightforward. I'm somewhat generous with the heals too, and you can adjust your starting health, so it shouldn't be too hard to at least beat.

I'm pretty happy with this, and I'm fairly certain I've gotten rid of all bugs, although there might still be a couple of 'exploits' in there. I didn't include everything I could think of though, I want to save some cool ideas for later mods <_<

Now, maybe I can finally try out some of these other Hell mods like I'm meant to be doing...
Jan 24, 2010 at 12:28 PM
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Im Gunna Try it Soon DT

And Im leaving My MOD in the demo stage
i just cant get myself to work on it ;)
Jan 24, 2010 at 4:44 PM
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HARD AS #$$%^

I can't get past this jump in B3 though...so that's where I gave up.

Also, is THIS sign in B2 supposed to say something? Because it <PRIs the game for a sec and then just ends.

Also, I forgot to take a screeny, but in B1 there's this part with a bunch of 127 damage spikes, a bow and arrow angel on a block attacked to a chain, and a
press that you don't destroy, but you use to jump up to this platform above you. I saw no way to pass the jump, and since I was in sandbox mode, I just took the 127 and ran through. It's right before the AWESOME Megaman-esque block jump patterns.

AMAZING JOB, though.

EDIT: BALLOS IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to the save dog, went through the door, and then it immediately it said I beat the game...

Maybe this script in the room with the save dog is your problem, DT:


It sends you to the map that says you beat the game, BEFORE trying to send you to the map with the boss, so the game is flawed. Sorry. I fixed it for myself, but you may want to fix it and provide a new link ;)

Jan 25, 2010 at 3:30 AM
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igotsthepower9000 said:
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT that was because I ran one last test on that area before finishing FFFFFFFFFixing now.


igotsthepower9000 said:
Also, I forgot to take a screeny, but in B1 there's this part with a bunch of 127 damage spikes, a bow and arrow angel on a block attacked to a chain, and a
press that you don't destroy, but you use to jump up to this platform above you. I saw no way to pass the jump, and since I was in sandbox mode, I just took the 127 and ran through. It's right before the AWESOME Megaman-esque block jump patterns.
There's another Press right nearby, and a red block.

igotsthepower9000 said:
I can't get past this jump in B3 though...so that's where I gave up.
Same deal here, but it looks like you've figured that one out now.

igotsthepower9000 said:
Also, is THIS sign in B2 supposed to say something? Because it <PRIs the game for a sec and then just ends.
It should do the same thing all the other signs do.

Did sandbox mode work properly in terms of not-giving the counter anywhere? Otherwise I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Jan 25, 2010 at 3:37 AM
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DoubleThink said:
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT that was because I ran one last test on that area before finishing FFFFFFFFFixing now.


There's another Press right nearby, and a red block.

Same deal here, but it looks like you've figured that one out now.

It should do the same thing all the other signs do.

Did sandbox mode work properly in terms of not-giving the counter anywhere? Otherwise I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Ok. I was frustrated at the jump in B3 so I haxxed my health back to 232 and let the press hit me and jumped through it so I had another platform. sandbox mode worked perfectly, and I need to see what you mean at the slot before the megaman jumps. Great mod, though. So, now we're waiting on Ralren? Then for updates of demos? Hm. Funny how a noob like myself finished a pathetic mod really quickly...before a good one came out with a demo...so we'll see.

It'd be nice to know that you're still in this contest, Ralren...we haven't heard anything from u for a WHILE...
Jan 25, 2010 at 5:09 AM
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lessee, rals last visit was january 25th.
he could have DIED since then!
Jan 31, 2010 at 9:04 PM
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I like your mod so much, even though I haven`t finished it wholly yet. I played it until
you say "You know Megaman 2 was my fave"
, but I can tell the gameplay`s feeling was the BEST in it! :D According to my mind it is the best Hell mod so far! The red blocks were "deliciously evil" - I REALLY liked them - but in the same way REALLY feared what will happen when I jumped on one...:D.
Nice touch also: inserting a press that you are NOT suppose to destroy to advance further and some certain traps; which all MOTIVATED me on THINKING how to get the best of certain situations.

I worked 12h today, so I postpone playing it through now, but when I succeed you`ll get a full review!

Best wishes, trickybilly
Feb 1, 2010 at 3:34 AM
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Hey thanks.

Well it's now FOOBROOARY 1th, looks like I'd better catch up on people's progress and see whether or not anybody else is gonna finish.
Feb 1, 2010 at 3:45 AM
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DoubleThink said:
Hey thanks.

Well it's now January 1th, looks like I'd better catch up on people's progress and see whether or not anybody else is gonna finish.

No it's not.

Besides, it isn't february where I live (not for another 3 hours or so).
Feb 1, 2010 at 4:02 AM
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DoubleThink said:
I need more sleep D:

Lol, I was just about to comment on January 1th, but GIR beat me to it. But yes, status updates are indeed in order.

(Didnt Whyme start this contest? Shouldn't SHE be doing this?)
Feb 1, 2010 at 5:41 PM
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igotsthepower9000 said:
Lol, I was just about to comment on January 1th, but GIR beat me to it. But yes, status updates are indeed in order.

(Didnt Whyme start this contest? Shouldn't HE be doing this?)

I think whyme's a she lol :o

@ontopic: is there going to be a formal deadline? and if so when?
Feb 1, 2010 at 8:23 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
I think whyme's a she lol :o

@ontopic: is there going to be a formal deadline? and if so when?

Yes, Whyme is a she. Sorry about that, Whyme! :/

I mean, this contest was started mid/late-December. Maybe February 22nd (If the contest was actually started the 22nd of December...) so that everyone will have had 2 months...Sound good?
Feb 1, 2010 at 10:11 PM
graters gonna grate
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Sounds good to me.
Feb 3, 2010 at 10:18 AM
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@Doublethink. I promised you a review days ago, but had a little prob. with the trickjumping. I tried to look at the script to "help myself" a little + wanted to learn from it anyway. What did you make this mod with?

CE (0.98d) and SW (from the Deluxe package) don`t work. I tried to get other versions of SW, but the tribute site won`t let them download: "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request.".
Feb 3, 2010 at 10:19 AM
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lol Cheese, love your sig.
Feb 3, 2010 at 2:55 PM
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trickybilly said:
@Doublethink. I promised you a review days ago, but had a little prob. with the trickjumping. I tried to look at the script to "help myself" a little + wanted to learn from it anyway. What did you make this mod with?

CE (0.98d) and SW (from the Deluxe package) don`t work. I tried to get other versions of SW, but the tribute site won`t let them download: "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request.".
I use Sue's Workshop v0.3c, which SP updated a bit and made to work with BMP's for easy editing. Luckily I have it uploaded here.

Are you stuck on the red blocks or the presses? There's no extra script for the presses, and the 'mega man' red blocks should give a puff to show where they'll appear next. There are a couple other red blocks around, but the idea for them is generally "keep moving". I hope it's not too hard even on sandbox with the Life Pot D: If you're still stuck then just PM me.

As for my script, I wouldn't copy too much from it, my v-triggers are done the 'lazy' way (i.e. for the most part they're all set to go at once rather than setting each other in order, it doesn't make much difference in normal play but in sandbox you can just run past some sections and set all the blocks off) and using <WAI like that means you actually get brief invulnerability periods whenever a script is running. The timing for the dialogue is also really patchy >_>

EDIT: Actually my stuff for the statue room might be useful, figuring out how to make them work properly took a bit of work. Same deal with Heavy Press.

As for the progress of others: Lowell, wedge and JetHawk all say they can probably get theirs done, it'll just take some weeks. Safusaka hasn't responded, and Ralren reckons his isn't getting done. Feb 22 sounds okay, but even if that gets extended again I think pushing it into March is just silly.
Feb 3, 2010 at 3:12 PM
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trickybilly said:
@Doublethink. I promised you a review days ago, but had a little prob. with the trickjumping. I tried to look at the script to "help myself" a little + wanted to learn from it anyway. What did you make this mod with?

CE (0.98d) and SW (from the Deluxe package) don`t work. I tried to get other versions of SW, but the tribute site won`t let them download: "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request.".

It's done in the bmp version of sue's workshop

DT's link

[edit] oh boo
Feb 3, 2010 at 8:26 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Feb 22 sounds okay, but even if that gets extended again I think pushing it into March is just silly.

Agreed. February 28th should be the FINAL FINAL deadline. Talent also exists in being able to complete a task in an allotted amount of time. That's my take, at least.

[offtopic] Why did Ralren close his threads? Has he given up? [/endofftopic]