Alright, I played it as well as I could. it's looking much nicer than before, what you've done with the spikes especially makes things look much more tidy. However, I think I found out what Orangedawg was talking about with the HP; Since you just use skipflags, if you get the capsule, close and reload, it will reappear. You could use regular flags AND skipflags if
you wanted. On another note, I was foolish enough to try and open the chest before saving the first time through D:
You might want to try just using some sort of autosave type thing in the tsc somewhere, and have the hermit give you both the upgraded gun and the health. Then it saves after his speech, and when you reload he's
there to tell you to grab yon key and skeedaddle. Just use <FL+0431<SVP right before <END.The new map with the blue stuff was fun with the sliding block (I reached it with 9 hp >.>) and I'm glad I didn't give up after that one room repeated. However, after that, the... boss. I think you mightwant to consider lowering the HP on them or something, because it takes WAY too long, and after 5 minutes of fighting they add some sort of Dire Tactic to their bag of tricks in an attempt to kill off the player. I just couldn't beat it..
Overall it kept me entertained for about an hour, counting all the dying and raeg. Oh, and there's a problem with the Key room. I took a screen but forgot to save it, anyway, in the upper right one of the tiles is set to the wrong kind of slope or something and if you jump up there you can get trapped.