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Favorite Weapon

What is your favorite gun/weapon in Cave Story?

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Oct 21, 2008 at 9:45 AM
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As much as I'd like to tie things up (Or vote for more than one weapon), I'm going to have to choose the Blade over the Spur. It saved my hide so many times in that 3 Life run of mine, even before the hidden area...

(I still don't attempt that place without the Spur, though...)
Oct 21, 2008 at 1:39 PM
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I opted for Fireball.
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Oct 22, 2008 at 7:03 AM
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My favourite weapons:

My new favourite weapon is machine gun as long as it is controlled by an analog stick and has the turbocharge. Infinite hover in any direction and the ability to drop fire from above? Count me in! :D

The bubbler lvl.3 is my next choice of weapon, which despite being hard to level and somewhat weak, it makes up for it by acting as both a shield and weapon at the same time as storing firepower spur style. Plus it is just plain fun to use.

Third place is the all-in-one ultimate spam fire and splash damage weapon, the blade!

Bubbler and blade occasionally switch places.
Oct 27, 2008 at 7:18 PM
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Polar Star for the god damned win
Oct 27, 2008 at 8:55 PM
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1st: Spur. Mmmm, that laser. :p I like chargable weapons, because you can charge them when going to next "sector".
2nd: Bubbler. I love bubble shield! :D But I like only 3 lvl one.
3rd: Blade. Yay! Powerful spammer! xD
4th: Nemesis. Of course, lvl 3. Oups. I mean lvl 1. ^^'
5th: Machine Gun. Alternate Booster. :D
6th: Polar Star. Let's smash them!
7th: Super Missile Launcher. Doesn't work on some enemies. >:-(
8th: Fireball. Suprise from up! :D But it's weak weapon.
9th: Missile Launcher. N/C.
10th: Snake. I don't like this one, I don't know why.
Oct 28, 2008 at 3:49 AM
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Hmm, let's see here.

1. Snake. It goes through walls, it has decent attack strength, and it's superfast. 'Nuff said.
2. Blade. Awesome spalsh ability and its extreme power make it my second favorite.
3. Spur. No need for weapons energy. And extremely powerful too.
4. Machine Gun. It lets you float AND it has auto-fire. :p
5. Super Missile Launcher. A great boss weapon and great acceleration rate.
6. Missile Launcher. The next best thing to the super one. :D
7. Nemesis. It might only be practical in places like the final cave and Hell, but man, is it powerful.
8. Bubbler. I really don't use this except when I need a shield or I run into an area with tons of enemies.
9. Fireball. Great weapon until after the Sand Zone. Its damage just isn't that great. :D
10. Polar Star. I can't think of why this is last other than I just like the other weapons better.

Well there you go. I don't really "hate" any of the weapons, they're all useful in their own way.
Oct 29, 2008 at 5:38 PM
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Personally, I have some difficulty rating these weapons, since their usefulness changes throughout the game, That said, if I were to choose, my three most favourite weapons would be...

1st Weapon: Missile/Super Missile Launcher
Some people might be put off by its limited ammunition or the fact that it's blocked by some enemies, but this weapon has a huge damage to time ratio, it has a long range, and in a pinch its lethal (especially against bosses). Despite what others say, THIS is the ultimate spamming weapon! (And also, Missiles are cool! :D )

2nd Weapon: Spur
What can I say? It's does alot of damage, it can be used in most situations, and it can't be de-leveled. Only problems with it is that you get it so late in the game, and you have to hold out for it, foregoing more powerful weapons earlier in the game.

3rd Weapon: Bubbler
It may be comparatively weaker than other weapons, and only shows its true usefulness at level 3, but its shielding ability is invaluable.

The Blade for me languishes at the bottom of the pile. Yes, it is powerful, but you have to get uncomfortably close to your enemy to actually spam the weapon. Plus, its leveling system leaves something to be desired (2nd worst to the Nemesis IMO).
Oct 29, 2008 at 7:27 PM
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I like the Blade's leveling system. Quite a good buffer for level 2 (60 xp) so you can generally keep it there. It goes through up to 3 enemies which makes it nice for projectiles or weak enemies, it's fast, high-damage, and great for spamming. Yes you have to be closer to what you're hitting, but I think I'm kinda where I don't mind getting right next to enemies to kill them. Less chance of missing, more control, often a lot faster than going for range.
Nov 23, 2008 at 11:21 PM
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I would have to say spur since it has the damage and range of Polar Star LV. 3 but with no limit of shots, so I find it useful just like that. Then I use the charge shots and it becomes even better.

I like the bubbles just because of how easy it is to kill some enemies by just releasing all the bubbles around you.

The blade is a lifesaver agianst Monster X, but I still got the Nemesis and I like it better because of it high range and power, despite the leveling.

Polar Star got the job done for me at level 3 until I got the spur, it's a good weapon for being the most basic one.

Fireball is useful for attacking something without getting in their range, only problem, there are times when it just won't work for you.

Missiles are good for spamming bosses but that all I use them for.

The machine gun was my best friend on my first playthrough, Misery was easy and the second form of the doctor is easy if you hover above him.

I haven't tried the snake yet because I thought the spur would be better, but I'm my next playthrough I will.

Shoot, I just noticed that I bumped this, sorry.
Nov 24, 2008 at 12:23 AM
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rust45 said:
Shoot, I just noticed that I bumped this, sorry.
You contributed to this thread's original discussion, so there was nothing wrong with you reviving this thread.

I always thought blade lvl.3 was best against the eyes and projectiles, while blade lvl.2 was best after the eyes where gone with the bubbler being best for taking out projectiles when you are with the lvl.2 blade.

But if you infinite hover (press the fire button repeatedly instead of holding down) with the lvl.3 machine gun into one of the 2-block-wide gaps in the ceiling during the mutated doctor fight then he cannot hit you, not even when he teleports. Basically as soon as you are in that gap then you will easily finish the rest on the fight with absolutely no damage. I love my machine gun.

*notes post above* Oh! You already knew that...
Nov 26, 2008 at 2:30 AM
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Nemesis because at level 3 it shoots ducks also at level one it looks the best best level 1 bullet EVER ^.^
Dec 1, 2008 at 3:37 AM
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In no particular order:

Spur is obviously, from a practical standpoint, the best gun. It doesn't have the same damage per second as the level 2 blade, but it kills all the others in that category and it is THE safest weapon to use in the game, since you only have to line up for a shot once every few seconds and can dodge the rest of the time, while the blade requires you to stand still two inches in front of your opponent (or on top of them). But after you've played with it some, the spur becomes kinda boring, since if you have it you always use it for everything.

Blade's kinda cool. I usually leave it at level three just out of laziness--screw DPS, I don't wanna be worrying about crystals in the heat of battle and destroying projectiles is kinda handy. Still does decent damage against most bosses, and kills most enemies in one shot. Also, I don't feel comfortable with the "take a hit, stand on top of them and cut away" strategy, which simultaneously feels like cheating and is hard.

Machinegun's a LOT of fun, and one of my favorite weapons. Shame getting it makes the late-game so much harder by blocking off the spur.

Fireballs are fun. Aside from the already-mentioned sniping, they have the best non-missile DPS until the end of sand zone if you skip the machinegun, as long as you stand close to the boss. Oh, and since it was being argued about earlier: 3 damage and two balls at level 1, 6 and three balls at level 2, and level 3 doesn't raise damage at all but gives you a fourth fireball.

I despise the snake. It sucks. Both the alternatives have much better DPS and are more accurate due to shooting faster shots, first of all. The snake won't stop projectiles like the machinegun (or if it does you'll wish it didn't since you lose more than you gain) or charged spur, and requires constant offense unlike BOTH alternatives (machinegun needs to let up to recharge sometimes too). Given its other features it feels like it ought to be super-accurate, but instead the shots wave around and move slowly, making it near-impossible to shoot, say, Misery or Ballos 2's eyes. Shooting through walls is useless outside hell, due to level design that does not provide any uses for it ever, and unless you're speedrunning having something good against the bosses is more important than having something to make the easiest quarter of the level easier. Mostly, though, it's slow as hell without the power or accuracy to make up for it.

Missiles are odd. There's a small subset of bosses against whom the missiles are quite valuable--Pooh Black, Monster X, the Core (especially if he decides to be a jackass and hide behind the wall the entire fight where nothing else can hit him (/fume)), both Doctors and Ballos. Perhaps they could be nice in certain levels where you know you don't gotta save them (it does have excellent range and decent damage output), but I don't use them for that and on most bosses they're duds.

The bubbler is nifty in a gimmicky sort of way. It's great in Sand Zone if you're skipping the machinegun, and can be handy against the core depending on your arsenal or Monster X on a 3HP run, and it is effective against the flying Gaudis, but otherwise it's useless against bosses and unnecessary against normal enemies.

Until recently I sort of didn't think much of the nemesis. Recently being when I tried the boss rush mod (specifically nonstop mode). That's when I noticed just how much damage it lets you do per second without getting in your enemy's face.
Dec 2, 2008 at 1:33 PM
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Brickman said:
(especially if he decides to be a jackass and hide behind the wall the entire fight where nothing else can hit him (/fume))
Methinks you need to consider moving more to the left when fighting the Core?

From what I recall, it does move back and forth to some extent, but in a way it also follows you.
Dec 2, 2008 at 1:43 PM
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Yeah, I kinda figured that out, although it's really annoying anyways. Good rule of thumb is, when he uses the wind and lightning ball attack, you might as well just let him push you back. The missiles are still really useful in that fight, though, as they do a great job of pushing the smaller core-thingies back and do pretty good damage against such a big target.
Jun 29, 2010 at 1:04 AM
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Favorite Weapon Set

Because I can

This is just me being curious and seeing what everyone likes to use

Mine would have to be:
Snake (long rage, big area weapon)
Super Missile Launcher (Oblinerates bosses)
Blade (Again, oblinerates bosses.)

Sometimes I'll take the Nemesis over the Blade in the "All weapons dropped to level 1!" scenario. My issue with the Nemesis is when it goes through an enemy, seeing as I like to spam X, and when no bullets come out because a shot is still on screen I rage :/

You can also list the weapons from usefull to useless in your opinion.

1. Super Missile Launcher/Missile Launcher (basically same weapon)
2. Snake
3. Blade
4. Nemesis
5. Spur
6. Bubbler
7. Machine Gun
8. Fireball
9. Polarstar
Jun 29, 2010 at 1:21 AM
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Re: Favorite Weapon Set

Blade(Primary weapon, I try to keep it below level 3)
Machine Gun(Secondary weapon, used to fly higher at times)
Bubbler(I use it in areas that have tons of enemies so I can protect myself)
Fireball(I throw them out then switch to a different weapon and use it till they dissapear, then repeat)

1.Machine Gun
7.Polar Star
9.Super Missile Launcher
10.Missile Launcher
Jun 29, 2010 at 1:25 AM
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Re: Favorite Weapon Set

Shadow the Past said:
1. Super Missile Launcher/Missile Launcher (basically same weapon)
2. Snake
3. Blade
4. Nemesis
5. Spur
6. Bubbler
7. Machine Gun
8. Fireball
9. Polarstar

I agree with this list pretty much, except that the bubbler needs to be #9, and that the blade and the nemesis should come before the snake.

1. Super Missile Launcher/Missile Launcher (basically same weapon)
2. Blade
3. Nemesis
4. Snake
5. Spur
6. Machine Gun
7. Fireball
8. Polarstar
9. Bubbler
Jun 29, 2010 at 2:04 AM
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Re: Favorite Weapon Set

Super Missiles, Snake, and Nemesis, because they are perfect for Sacred Grounds speedrunning. For regular gameplay, the blade would be my favorite weapon to use, though the nemesis is a close second.

1. Super Missile Launcher
2. Blade
3. Nemesis
4. Spur
5. Snake
6. Machine Gun
7. Polar Star
8. Fireball
9. Bubbler

I dislike the bubbler since it's nearly useless in boss fights and quite inaccurate when it comes to hitting regular enemies properly.
Jun 29, 2010 at 4:43 PM
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Re: Favorite Weapon Set

carrotlord said:
I dislike the bubbler since it's nearly useless in boss fights and quite inaccurate when it comes to hitting regular enemies properly.

I actually like using only the Bubbler to beat Omega. It's fun, you should try it sometime.

My weapon set is:

Super Missile

1. Spur
2. Snake
3: Blade
4. Bubbler
5. Machine Gun
6. Fireball
7. Super Missile
8: Regular Missile
9: Nemesis
Jun 29, 2010 at 6:08 PM
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Re: Favorite Weapon Set

sixtyseconds said:
I actually like using only the Bubbler to beat Omega. It's fun, you should try it sometime.

I've used it on Omega-remakes in mods (lack of weapon alternatives usually), but in the original it just makes the fight take forever.