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Excitment and disappointment...

Jul 13, 2008 at 7:20 PM
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About how Curly got to B1:
andwhyisit said:
She went though Sacred Grounds from the throne room to reach Balcony. She wouldn't be able to get through the gauntlet and she won't be able to borrow the rocket from Itoh and Moromin since they don't know her (would you lend your rocket to a stranger), so Sacred Grounds was her only option for getting to Balcony.
Jul 13, 2008 at 7:41 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
About how Curly got to B1:
That just doesn't make any sense to me... ;)

Ballos' throne room? Or the place Misery is?
If you are describing that she went the general direction from Ballos' throne room towards hell's opening at the house... ... ... Well even assuming there are no enemies waiting in Hell, how in the world does she climb up that long drop, and punch through solid wall that HEAVY PRESS breaks for you when Quote shoots it.
And isn't Curly lying on the ground facing the way into Hell? rather than facing left, the way out.

If you mean from Misery's throne room.. well that can't be what you meant since you said to get to balcony.

It makes much more sense if there are other ways to get there that Quote never sees. Or if Curly had help getting there, as she was still bedridden. Perhaps Ctuhlhu knows something?

I think even using the rocket after Momorin and Itoh use it seems more likely...
... who is Ctuhlhu...

@Haithm - I'm a sucker for hearing things like this ... AHHHHHHHH!!!!
Jul 13, 2008 at 7:51 PM
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It was andwhy's theory not mine ;)

He means she entered from the plantation (passage), although I have no idea how she might have gotten to hell without the Heavy Press's opening. She was reversing back to the trone room, but she couldn't climb the long drop in B1, and also might have been injured by some butes and thus was unconsious.
Jul 13, 2008 at 7:59 PM
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X-Calibar said:
If you mean from Misery's throne room.. well that can't be what you meant since you said to get to balcony.
Even though it's Misery you fight there, I think it's the Doctor's throne room. After all, Misery is ever actually sitting in the throne...

X-Calibar said:
I think even using the rocket after Momorin and Itoh use it seems more likely...
I agree... if you jump off the rocket before it goes through the presses, it will fall back down and you can reuse it. So Curly probably:
  • goes up the same way
  • makes her way through the hidden cave (perhaps the shaking island clears an easier way through that avoids most of the hazards?)
  • reaches the balcony (the helicopter is gone)
  • enters the house (perhaps attracted by a scent or something coming up from hell?)
  • goes down the hole, and drags herself through all the spikes.
It would be mostly the spikes that injured her, though hazards in the Hidden Cave may have had something to do with it too.
Jul 13, 2008 at 9:00 PM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
Even though it's Misery you fight there, I think it's the Doctor's throne room. After all, Misery is ever actually sitting in the throne...
Ah I was just describing the throne room how I thought it would be easily recognized. But, you're right, you could say it's the Demon Crown bearer's throne. Even before the doctor, it seems that room was the same place where the previous crown bearer ended up.

Something interesting to think about :
Where's the rest of Miakid's [the last crown bearer] body? All we see is a skull. Does that mean the previous Crown was never destroyed? Curly and Quote were unsuccessful in their original mission? Or was it destroyed and over a period of time regenerated, warping the crown and the bearer's head back to the throne room, to await the next crown bearer?
Jul 13, 2008 at 9:00 PM
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JacobX891 said:
Curly Brace tries to fulfill her programming by destroying the demon crown completely, and so she enters through B1 but her legs are severely hurt, which is why she cannot move by herself.
How did she get past the press gaunlet in the Plantation?
Jul 13, 2008 at 11:05 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
How did she get past the press gaunlet in the Plantation?
She finds an abandoned rocket and uses it to get up there?

(The abandoned rocket of course being the same one that Quote used to get up there.)
Jul 14, 2008 at 8:13 AM
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This discussion has already occurred before. I said that because Curly didn't have a rocket the only way she could join Quote on the balcony for the fight against the doctor was to go though the only remaining available route.. Sacred Grounds! Curly wasn't going down towards Ballos since she could easily have done that from plantation. She was heading upwards, but hit the dead end of death-inducing spikes at B1 and was eventually overwhelmed by butes. At least that is my theory, and a damn good one at that.

She didn't know about the rocket, nor the password, and didn't know any of the Sakamoto family nor Booster, Itoh, etc. She can't fly up there with just a machine gun at her disposal and she is not quick enough to get through the gauntlet alive. She also had no idea who Ballos is.

X-Calibar said:
Ah I was just describing the throne room how I thought it would be easily recognized. But, you're right, you could say it's the Demon Crown bearer's throne. Even before the doctor, it seems that room was the same place where the previous crown bearer ended up.

Something interesting to think about :
Where's the rest of Miakid's [the last crown bearer] body? All we see is a skull. Does that mean the previous Crown was never destroyed? Curly and Quote were unsuccessful in their original mission? Or was it destroyed and over a period of time regenerated, warping the crown and the bearer's head back to the throne room, to await the next crown bearer?
There is only one demon crown.
Jul 14, 2008 at 9:41 AM
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Wait. The Sakamoto's helicopter, where did it take off from?
Jul 14, 2008 at 11:52 AM
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freezit4 said:
Wait. The Sakamoto's helicopter, where did it take off from?
The place it was ever since it first landed, the Balcony. You even walk past it on your way to the prefab building after exiting last cave.
Jul 14, 2008 at 6:55 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
And who helped her operate it?
Wasn't there just a button that says "On?" No? Hmmmm

andwhyisit said:
This discussion has already occurred before. I said that because Curly didn't have a rocket the only way she could join Quote on the balcony for the fight against the doctor was to go though the only remaining available route.. Sacred Grounds! Curly wasn't going down towards Ballos since she could easily have done that from plantation. She was heading upwards, but hit the dead end of death-inducing spikes at B1 and was eventually overwhelmed by butes. At least that is my theory, and a damn good one at that.

She didn't know about the rocket, nor the password, and didn't know any of the Sakamoto family nor Booster, Itoh, etc. She can't fly up there with just a machine gun at her disposal and she is not quick enough to get through the gauntlet alive. She also had no idea who Ballos is.
No, No, No!! ... well I mean I don't agree at least :D Let's just say that after lying on the bed all that time suddenly her ability to move is 100% again.
She has the machinegun or polar star, but no booster. But she doesn't Use the machinegun to fly because... Well you can choose to take the machinegun leaving her with the Polar Star. And as a matter of fact we don't know if she even has any of those weapons anymore after drifiting away underwater...

She can't go to Ballos, even if she wanted to be cause of SOLID WALL! She can't go up towards heavy press because of another solid wall! We haven't seen the machinegun or polar star demolish any walls in the game either...

And fighting through hell but getting overwhelmed by butes??? What about all of those timer bomb barriers? They are still blocking the way when quote arrives...
Even though Curly is an amazing robot. Missile defense/Shield Barrier, super jumps, had an air tank... Making it through Hell but not leaving a path back? I can't believe that she could get to Ballos or to hell without leaving a path. How would she know to go that way anyways?

I'd accept a Jenka teleported her theory long before she traveled through sacred grounds... at least the way Quote goes.

Here's some food for thought... Where does Curly Brace get her Nemesis weapon? Why does Hell only open if Curly lives? Maybe she DOES go through hell, but I simply cannot believe she went the heavy press/timer bomb path. Or maybe there's another area entirely, a place you have to go to in order to unseal hell, and the path to Ballos.

She doesn't know about Ballos? Booster? Flashback to where Curly lives, close to Jenka. And recall the credits about how Booster doesn't try to leave the island but instead goes and visits Jenka in the Sand Zone... No these facts don't prove anything, but... They throw the wrench of doubt into the gears of simplicity ;p Er I mean if Booster knows about Jenka ahead of time, there IS a chance he knows about Curly. His strange recognition of Quote still seems exceptionally odd, even if he says it's because he recognized him as a scout robot...

Ballos? Well Celtic Minstrel brought up an interesting idea. What if that was part of their mission briefing?
That's the post where I explore that kind of idea.

There is more going on than just Curly trying to escape...
10 years ago they were sent to destroy the demon's crown they probably sacrificed everything to destroy the Demon Crown. But even with its destruction, they failed to completely achieve victory. As long as Ballos lived the Demon Crown would rise again...

Their mission incomplete, it would be another 10 years before the chance to finish what they started. Who gave them the additional information? How did they survive the 10 years ago or what happened to them to make them forget everything?[/endstorymode]

Anyways, Curly and Quote's mission remains incomplete until Ballos is defeated. It makes sense that Curly and Quote would go out of their way to go into Hell, when the island is about to fall apart, even if they knew nothing of Ballos consciously. I think they were drawn there to complete their mission...

*Balrog says he and Misery will not have to take orders from anyone anymore*
"So what are you going to do now? I can take you anywhere you like."
"Hmm, you're right... Our mission is over, and now I just want to live out my days somewhere where I can relax and enjoy a beautiful view..."
- From the ending

Curly admits her mission is finally over for real this time. She must have understood what defeating Ballos meant.
It makes sense, without any huge leaps of imagination...

There is only one demon crown.
huh ...
What? I know there is only one crown, but if the crown is destroyed as the game says, it will rise again as long as Ballos lives.

I was suggesting was the crown ever destroyed when Quote and Curly attacked Miakid? We can clearly see Miakid(probably him) died, but was the demon crown destroyed and then later upon regeneration it warped the head back to the throne?
Example of the Crown being destroyed : The Doctor turns into Red Mist. ... And then even the Red Mist Core is defeated... Eventually the Crown would have reappeared on the throne with Misery and Balrog stuck there as well...
IF Ballos hadn't been defeated.

JacobX891 said:
Yes, the island has a helipad, since Jenka is all about modern efficiency and Mimiga slave labor.


Well actually.. there could be helipads and stuff ;p
Jul 15, 2008 at 1:37 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
And who helped her operate it?
Um... she operated it by herself? Just like Quote did?

andwhyisit said:
I said that because Curly didn't have a rocket the only way she could join Quote on the balcony for the fight against the doctor was to go though the only remaining available route.. Sacred Grounds! Curly wasn't going down towards Ballos since she could easily have done that from plantation. She was heading upwards, but hit the dead end of death-inducing spikes at B1 and was eventually overwhelmed by butes. At least that is my theory, and a damn good one at that.
Two problems. First, she couldn't have gone to Ballos, because there was a wall through which the Heavy Press must break first. Second, how did she get past the Heavy Press itself? It would be a very long climb up near-vertical walls to get to the Heavy Press, and even if she got there she would find another wall which the Heavy Press must break through first.

So Sacred Grounds is not an option, unless there's another entrance.

andwhyisit said:
She didn't know about the rocket, nor the password, and didn't know any of the Sakamoto family nor Booster, Itoh, etc. She can't fly up there with just a machine gun at her disposal and she is not quick enough to get through the gauntlet alive. She also had no idea who Ballos is.
She can fly with her machine-gun, actually. But does she still have it? I think she lost her weapon (whether it be the machine-gun or the polar star) and later found or was given the Nemesis.

And it doesn't matter that she doesn't know the Sakamotos or Itoh or Booster. She climbs up from the place where Cthulhu found her and discovers an abandoned rocket (because everyone else has already gone up), which she then uses to get up past the gauntlet. Then she navigates the Last Cave (easier because Quote has cleared it out), and reaches the balcony.

But speaking of Booster, was he in the helicopter when it took off?
Jul 15, 2008 at 3:15 PM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
But speaking of Booster, was he in the helicopter when it took off?
No, he wasn't. We can see him enter Jenka's place during the credits.
Jul 15, 2008 at 10:15 PM
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So in the middle ending he probably escapes with Jenka?
Jul 16, 2008 at 2:22 PM
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JacobX891 said:
No, in the middle ending they don't show it. only on the best ending, and he arrives some while after the island stops falling, because we see Jenka's dogs bred some more demon puppies.
If they don't show it, then we can assume that it happens... if Booster lives, that is. (Yes, it's possible for Booster to live in the middle ending.)
Jul 16, 2008 at 4:42 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Nope, the island crashes. That assumption is an epic fail.
To be fair, that guarantees nothing. Maybe Booster had a jetpack mk3. Maybe he survived the impact somehow (lots of water on that island... and people have been known to survive insane falls, though not unharmed.)

Though that's unlikely, and he probably just did die, it wouldn't make bringing him back at some point impossible to work out, if it ever came up.
Jul 16, 2008 at 5:21 PM
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RuneLancer said:
To be fair, that guarantees nothing. Maybe Booster had a jetpack mk3. Maybe he survived the impact somehow (lots of water on that island... and people have been known to survive insane falls, though not unharmed.)

Though that's unlikely, and he probably just did die, it wouldn't make bringing him back at some point impossible to work out, if it ever came up.
I meant him going to Jenka's place. That isn't possible if the island crashes.
Jul 16, 2008 at 11:16 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
I meant him going to Jenka's place. That isn't possible if the island crashes.
It's a forking gag reel.