Epic Adventure

Jun 20, 2009 at 9:36 AM
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"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
This is sorta like a cross between 1 sentence story and Q&A.
So basically I'm gonna start off with a scenario. You are hiking alone in the woods. Suddenly, you are ambushed by some killer drop bears.

Then I'm gonna make some options.

1: Curl up in a ball
2: Run away
3: Use a gun

So the next person chooses an option.
3: Use a gun.

Then the same person will then make another scenario based on the choice they just made. Always make the situation worse!

You shoot the drop bears, but unfortunately the drop bears were coated in bullet-proof metal. You spot one up in the tree above you! It descends to kill you!

Then they will make more options for the next person to choose from

1: Dodge the bear
2: Spit venom in it's eyes
3: Shoop da Whoop

And this will repeat forever. You cannot die. The situation must continue to become worse but never be resolved. You can make anything happen and you can make as many options as you like. You could dodge the bear and fall down a pitfall trap that leads to another dimension where you must fight giant robots to protect humanity. So let's begin!

You are on a flight to Norway. There is an annoying 5 year old kid next to you crying and pelting bits of chocolate at you. What do you do?

1: Punch the little bitch.
2: Reason with it
3: Lock him in the bathroom cubicle
4: Throw him out the window
Jun 20, 2009 at 8:23 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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2: Reason with it

You are on a flight to Norway. There is an annoying 5 year old kid next to you crying and pelting bits of chocolate at you. You say something nasty! The 5 year old kid begins to cry, and now everyone including its mother is looking at you. What do you do?

1: Punch the little bitch.
2: Lock it in the bathroom cubicle
3: Throw it out the window
Jun 20, 2009 at 11:57 PM
Hax on....Hax off....
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
(You can make brand new options by the way)

2: Lock it in the bathroom

Yes! Your problem is solved! You return to your seat comfortably. You notice a lit fuse inside the childs bag. It's got a bomb in it! The kid wanted you to lock him in the cubicle all along for it is safer in there. What do you do?

1: Get the bag in the cubicle with the child
2: Try and put out the fire on the fuse
3: Jump out the plane
4: Jump out the plane with the child's bag to save everyone else in the plane
5: Get in the cubicle, break the kid's spine, chuck it out and lock the door.
Jun 21, 2009 at 5:24 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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4: Jump out the plane with the child's bag to save everyone else in the plane

Your mission was successful! You throw the bomb literally to another planet. You end up in a cave because of your carelessness of landing, however. You see a gauntlet of some sort. What do you do?

1: Sneak out with the gauntlet
2: Get the gauntlet and find out something
Jun 25, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Hax on....Hax off....
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
2: Get the gauntlet and find out something.

!!! That gauntlet lifts a finger and points north. Towards the north you can see an ominous red light.

1: Follow the gauntlet's diretction
2: Go in the opposite direction
3: Stay there
4: Break the pointing finger off the gauntlet.
Jul 1, 2009 at 3:18 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Location: Somewhere in the middle of Rufufia
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3: Stay there.

Turns out the gauntlet didn't want anything.

1: Take it.
2: Go north.
3: Go south.
4: Go Dennis.
5: Go Quote.
Jul 2, 2009 at 10:38 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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1: Go North.

The glowing red light appears to be the words EXIT illumanting the ground.

1: /thread
2: /thread
3: /thread
4: Piss on EXIT
5: Keep on moving
Jul 3, 2009 at 1:39 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jun 15, 2009
Location: Somewhere in the middle of Rufufia
Posts: 99
5: Keep on moving.

Turns out Quote was past the exit. He wants you to help him.

1: Yes
2: No
Jul 3, 2009 at 3:01 AM
Hax on....Hax off....
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
1: Yes

You say yes to quote. Suddenly, you feel dizzy, your head spins and the world fades out. You wake up hand cuffed to a giant parrot of which is asleep.

1: Pull on the chain connecting you and the parrot at the risk of waking it up.
2: Breath fire
3: Wake up the giant parrot thinking it might not kill you
4: Try to burn it with a magnifiying glass under the sun
Jul 3, 2009 at 5:43 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jun 15, 2009
Location: Somewhere in the middle of Rufufia
Posts: 99
2: Breathe fire.

The parrot burns to a crisp. Suddenly, someone appears from out of nowhere.

It's Quote again! He has recently bailed you out!

1: Go with him to the adventure of a lifetime.
2: Betray him only to be attacked by rabid Chris McClones.
Jul 3, 2009 at 9:39 AM
Hax on....Hax off....
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
2: Kick him like a bitch-ass pussy

Nice! You succesfully enter heaven! But an alarm has been sounded! Trucks full of riot police arive.

1: Quietly leave heaven
2: Hang Yourself and die again
3: Scream and try and fight the riot police by shooting lasers out of your eyes
4: Put your hands up and sit down
Jul 3, 2009 at 3:25 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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3: Scream and try and fight the riot police by shooting lasers out of your eyes.

Sweet! The riot police were all re-incarnated, leaving you alone in heaven! Unfortunately, the lasers have started melting your brain.

1: Claw your eyes out.
2: Claw your brain out.
3: Go find the devil and ask him to fix your brain
4: Go find god and ask him to fix your brain.
5: Sit down and calmly wait for your brain to melt.
6: Cast rampant growth.
7: Hang yourself.
Jul 3, 2009 at 5:52 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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6: Cast Rampant Growth.
Lush forest spring up around you, providing nourishing fruits and herbs, many of which aid in the healing of your meltybrain. Out of the jungle canopy, a Canopy Dragon appears, running down the trunk of a massive tree. Do you:

1: Hide, in hopes that it can't find you.
2: Run, hoping it doesn't catch up and trample you.
3: Cast Jump, and hope it doesn't follow you into the sky.
4: Cast Pongify, turning it into a large monkey.
5: Cast Unsummon, whisking it away.
6: Attempt to communicate with it.
7: Cast Cryptic Command on it, whisking it away and learning a new spell. Not enough mana.
8: Summon Prodigial Sorcerer (AKA Tim) to aid you!
Jul 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
4: Cast Pongify, turning it into a large monkey.

Oh noez! the spell backfired and now you are a giant monkey! Behind you, the canopy dragon approaches. Do you:

1: Hide, in hopes that it can't find you.
2: Run, hoping it doesn't catch up and trample you.
3: Attempt to communicate with it.
4: Fight it with your very slow ninjaness.
5: Pretend it's a large banana, and eat it. (warning: indigestion)
Jul 3, 2009 at 6:07 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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5: Pretend it's a large banana, and eat it.

After munching thoughtfully on the Bana- Canopy Dragon, the radiant energies of the forest swirl in your belly and cause massive indegestion... But... The forest's magic ripples through your flesh as well, causing Giant Growth! Do you:

1: Uproot trees and hurl them like spears.
2: Find a Wurm and wrestle it.
3: Run though the forest, trampling trees and critters in your wake.
4: Wonder about how your clothing managed to stay on though you grew so huge...
5: Ask Tim what to do!
6: Go drink a drop of Moonglove, thinking size will make you immune. (IT'S A TRAP!)
Jul 4, 2009 at 12:47 AM
Hax on....Hax off....
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
3: Run through the forest, trampling trees and critters in your wake!

You've never had so much fun! But it's all spoiled when you step on the world's largest pitfall trap ever! And it's too big to climb out of! What can you do?

1: Use ninja powers to run up the wall
2: Build a rocket
3: Sit in a corner and cut yourself
Jul 4, 2009 at 12:56 AM
Level 73 Procrastinator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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3: Sit in the corner and cut yourself.

Amazingly, that cured you of your Monkey-ism!
Unfortunately, you're now a regular human stuck in a giant pitfall.
Now what?

1. Attempt to climb out
2. Type in "Power Overwhelming"
3. Sit in the corner and cut yourself some more
4. Dig your way out
5. Call for help
Jul 4, 2009 at 1:10 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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2: Type in "Power Overwhelming".

Turns out you're alive! You are at a hospital. Your visitor: Quote again!

1: Go with him once you're done recovering.
2: Fight him once you're done recovering.
3: Fight him with the Mimiga Monsters on your side once you're done recovering.
4: All of the above.
5: ????
Jul 4, 2009 at 2:19 AM
Hax on....Hax off....
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: Jan 5, 2009
Location: Easter Island
Posts: 474
2: Fight him once you're finished

He was the most boring company ever for he never spoke. You chuck him out the window. Quote was no more.

1: Stamp on his face to make sure he's dead
2: Jump out the window so you can join him in the after life (Cause you love him)
3: Screw Quote I'm off
4: Fix him up
Jul 4, 2009 at 2:34 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jun 15, 2009
Location: Somewhere in the middle of Rufufia
Posts: 99
5: Rebuild him to your own desired image.

Rebuilt Quote seems to talk now. And... he has his own arm cannon. He almost makes some sort of a reference to Megaman.

1: Make sure he doesn't make a full reference to said video game series.
2: Finish rebuilding him.
3: Both of the above.