Feb 6, 2008 at 4:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 1, 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 285
Age: 36
andwhyisit said:Because we would have noticed a giant floating island in the sky by now and the presence of magic if it was somewhere in our timeline, I consider that to be proof enough. Also the fact that when someone creates a fictional world involving magic they stay away from the idea of earth. Was any of the final fantasy worlds Earth? What about Midkemia? What about the majority of fantasy books/games/manga/anime? They take Earth out of the equation too. Seriously the idea of adding earth to everything is foolish, why do you so cling to the idea of Earth so much that you lose all reason?
In the star ocean series Earth is mentioned.. killed in 3.. but I think in 1 you even get to walk around on earth i havent gotten that far.. Also Earth was mentioned in phantasy star 3. I think the exact wording was "London Spaceport"