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Cave Story+

Sep 20, 2011 at 1:14 AM
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X-Calibar said:
Heya Skye! "He who introduced me to Cave Story :D"
If you do have to fight hell to unlock the new areas... I know you can rise to the challenge :o It's always easier after you've done it at least once... [instead of a hundred attempts! Only fifty!]

I'm also really curious to see new content and see how well it meshes with the original... :D (New story content perhaps?!)
It's awesome that they are updating the original game to match the new 3DS remake...

My only concern is.. I've never used Steam before, so I hope it isn't invasive, eating resources in the background, staying in memory etc....
Hey X-Calibar. Looks like you were right. All I had to do was "man-up" and keep trying and sure enough I was able to tackle hell again. : ) Though there was this one really frustrating situation in which I literally got Ballos to 1 HP left before getting knocked off by flying mesa...

And sure enough that unlocked the Wind Fortress last night. I just finished it when I got home today and it was a nice addition. I hope to see more new content from Amaya-san too!

I'll be looking for the Steam version when it comes out so I can get it for that as well. Gotta collect them all after all. : )

MetaSeraphim said:
Hi Thomas, how have you been?

Been doing well. Not too much has changed. Still busy with projects, still collecting rare and hard to find import games, still married, and (thank goodness) still employed in this economy! and working on several projects when I can find the time. Right now I'm working with a small Falcom-fan team for the Zwei II and Zwei II plus English Translation patch replacing the original Japanese graphics with English versions... which can be quite tedious, but fun all the same.

Sep 20, 2011 at 2:00 AM
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Hey Thomas! Drop me an e-mail, I'd like you to check out Cave Story+!

Sep 20, 2011 at 3:16 AM
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tyrone said:
Hey Thomas! Drop me an e-mail, I'd like you to check out Cave Story+!

If you read his post it sounds like he already has :D
Sep 20, 2011 at 3:20 AM
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From what I could understand ("And sure enough that unlocked the Wind Fortress last night") he has it for Mac.
Sep 20, 2011 at 3:42 AM
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Probably gonna get this on Steam when it arrives, will be the first game I buy, how appropiate. So this makes me 1 step closer of getting every port of Cave Story I can get. I vote that this game has an acheivement to get you Quote's Hat in Hat Fortress 2, does anyone else agree?
Sep 20, 2011 at 4:07 AM
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I think it would fit well on Scout (Quote's hat) and it would help "spreading" the game among people since a lot of people play TF, but I think it would be kinda hard for Nicalis/Pixel to make Valve accept it...
Sep 20, 2011 at 4:11 AM
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Byakuran1195 said:
I think it would fit well on Scout (Quote's hat) and it would help "spreading" the game among people since a lot of people play TF, but I think it would be kinda hard for Nicalis/Pixel to make Valve accept it...

The word "hard" and the phrase "practically impossible if not completely impossible" aren't interchangeable.
Sep 20, 2011 at 4:45 AM
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Shimmyzmizz said:
The word "hard" and the phrase "practically impossible if not completely impossible" aren't interchangeable.
Yep, my bad. :momo:
Sep 20, 2011 at 12:20 PM
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JonSpider said:
I vote that this game has an acheivement to get you Quote's Hat in Hat Fortress 2, does anyone else agree?

Definitely since i got more than 1k hours in tf2 :momo:
Sep 25, 2011 at 7:34 PM
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is it availabel for android?
Sep 25, 2011 at 7:35 PM
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does it *say* it's available for android?

Did you just make an entire thread to ask this exact same question and got the answer "No" there as well?
Sep 28, 2011 at 4:48 AM
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Okay, I've got it. I'm liking the new graphics. I'm getting the feeling that it's slightly faster than the old ones, but eh, it could just be placebo. The music is 50/50 for me. Some of the tracks are better, such as the new Graveyard, which is amazing, but others are... less so (e.g. Moonsong).

My biggest irritation so far is that there's no old-graphics option for the new modes. Yeah, they're new modes, but it would have been fairly easy to make an old-graphics option available, for those of us that feel nostalgic. This is particularly noticeable in the case of the Sacred Grounds speedrun, where, despite being almost entirely 'old', is forced into the new graphics.

My other peeve is that the Wind Fortress has no remixed track, so the entire BGM is forced to be the original set. Even the Game Over music is the old one. I'd have liked to hear what could have been done with this track.

I've also noticed that it uses up more of my computer's CPU than the original, but that's probably less a reflection of the game, and more a reflection of my half-dead computer.

As a fact I find most strange, the translation annoys me. It's not just the 'Huzzah' thing, either. It seems to be that despite being more accurate to the original Japanese, I prefer Aeon Genesis' translation, which is odd, as I am a staunch Sub>Dub fan, and heavily criticise deviations from the original work. AG's translation makes the game more enjoyable to play, and gives more personality to the characters. (Or maybe I'm just a hatin' on Nicalis for being different.)

Also, the new font is just plain atrocious. Not gonna tiptoe around that one.

Despite these gripes, I think this was well worth my $15, and I'd happily pay again. Furthermore, once this comes out on Steam, I will be sure to coerce as many friends as possible into playing it.
Oct 20, 2011 at 5:29 AM
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Pika_power said:
Some of the tracks are better, such as the new Graveyard, which is amazing, but others are... less so (e.g. Moonsong).

Would you (or anyone else who has the game) be kind enough to upload some of the new soundtrack?
Oct 24, 2011 at 2:32 PM
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Looking good.
I played normal Cave Story on Mac and I had a new Hell record!!!
(Is it good English???)
Oct 26, 2011 at 9:27 PM
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Oh god, a tf2 hat would be the best shit ever :D

By the way, that's why i've been inactive as all hell
Oct 27, 2011 at 6:00 PM
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sixtyseconds said:
Oh god, a tf2 hat would be the best shit ever :momo:

as horrible as all their cross-promotion crap is i'd buy 100 copies of this to have a cave story reference in my tf2

too bad quote's had would be scout-only and i rarely play scout

oh god, what if they added the Mimiga Mask
Oct 27, 2011 at 11:27 PM
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sixtyseconds said:
Oh god, a tf2 hat would be the best shit ever :heart:

By the way, that's why i've been inactive as all hell
I would wear it over the tosslecap everyday oh and it would be a huge money maker.
Oct 28, 2011 at 12:21 AM
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gdfsgdfg said:
I would wear it over the Troublemaker's Tosslecap any day, and it would be a huge money maker [for Cave Story].

Oct 28, 2011 at 1:59 AM
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The Wind Fortress, huh. I heard and read about it being harder than the sacturary, and that it could add to the cavestory debate.

Words of the winds say that they'll include this in cave story 3d, along with
a prinny as a playable after you beat the game.