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Cave Story+

Sep 9, 2011 at 1:18 PM
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Why don't I have a mac?
Sep 9, 2011 at 1:32 PM
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Macs, like everything Apple, don't give the user enough control. You (and I) are better off without one.
Sep 9, 2011 at 1:41 PM
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NeatNit said:
Macs, like everything Apple, don't give the user enough control. You (and I) are better off without one.

Indeed, it's like comparing a Wii to a PC. The wii has a fair amount of power to it, but you can go to hell if you think your using it any other way than nintendo says so.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:26 PM
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Guess the PC version would forward piracy.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:34 PM
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trickybilly said:
Guess the PC version would forward piracy.


Re-releasing Cave Story for the PC will make it easier for people to pirate the game, yes, but it will also make it much easier for people to buy it. If they publish it and a bunch of people pirate the game (shame on you all for not supporting indie developers), Nicalis will still make more money than if they didn't port it at all.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:34 PM
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Our plethora of hackers could presumably fight off the buccaneers.
Unless the pirates could mar our beautiful hacks.

Captain Fabulous said:
Nicalis will still make more money than if they didn't port it at all.
@Tyrone: Is this a Nicalis/Pixel endeavor (as I assume) or just a Nicalis one? Will he get some of the moneys?
Sep 10, 2011 at 1:36 AM
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I bought Cave Story+ today.
The translation is updated, and sounds better overall.
Sep 11, 2011 at 4:35 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Noxid said:
As of today you can now buy Cave Story+ on the mac app store


And eventually on Steam

This is so unexpected that I don't even know what to say in my post.
What do you think this will mean? Does anybody have a mac and ten bucks to spare to try it?

....I dont know what to make of this... i'd probably end up buying it if it went on steam so i can atleast give some money to pixel and get a newer look on cavestory.
Sep 11, 2011 at 4:34 PM
inside is yello
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Anyway, someone gave it a "review", if you will.

I saw cave story on the mac app store and bought it immediately since Pixel deserves some compensation for his awesome work. I went and beat it, and lo a behold wind fortress - along with boss time attack and 'sanctuary' time attack.

I managed to beat it after a few hours, and I thought it was loads harder than the sanctuary stage. Anyone else tried it out yet?
Sep 11, 2011 at 10:32 PM
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I wrote that on gamefaqs, shimmy, and I just randomly saw this forum and thread when searching for more wind fortress info. I just made an account to discuss.

I can discuss the wind fortress if you guys want - like enemies, extra story, etc. (I beat it a second time today to see if there was any award for beating it a second time - sadly not)

Anyone know what the second option with the '????' is for? I assume curly mode, but idk. I just played the main story on easy mode just so I could play wind fortess (I beat the game on original previously).

The graphics are loads better than before, especially since you can compare as there are options to switch (not for wind fortress sadly).

Anyone else get this far?
Sep 11, 2011 at 10:36 PM
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Well to my knowledge, only cult (of us) even has a mac, so no.
Glad to see you here.
Sep 11, 2011 at 10:37 PM
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Wow. *looks-behind-back-to-see-if-anyone-else-is-stalking-me*

Yeah, your post spoiled it for me.

(Here it is for any who care to see.)

So you go through the bottom of the island, into the wind fortress (killing blond robots), into a Laboratory with defective robots, and into a room with a computer.

This computer has curly in this pod, which you check to initiate the fight. A bunch of blond robots come down as you try to destroy the computer. Curly then comes out and says something like "What are you doing here. / Were you having a party?"

and then The End

It was totally unsatisfying
Sep 11, 2011 at 10:49 PM
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deathofasheep said:
Anyone else get this far?

Cultr1 is the only one of us who has a Mac, and I don't know how far he is. Is there any new music besides the unused song Wind Fortress?

Also, how is the level implemented into the plot? (I recommend you put your answer in spoilers.)
Sep 11, 2011 at 11:03 PM
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I'm only to the Sand Zone, I've only played like 40 minutes, trying to make it last :3
Wind Fortress would probably be under the new "challenges" menu option, but those are all locked up until... Something happens I dunno
Sep 11, 2011 at 11:04 PM
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After you beat the game, you unlock the challenges on the main menu. The menu item was filled with ????? before. It contains the Sanctuary Time attack, Boss Rush, and Wind Fortress. Wind Fortress was basically completely separate from the plot and I don't think it was really canon. You go through the bottom of the island and then into the aforementioned Wind Fortress. There you fight a bunch of the blond robots you see in the screenshots. These things are super annoying. Then you enter a broken down laboratory with some defective looking blond robots. I used them for heart farming. (where most of my time went) Then you go into the boss room and there's curly inside this machine with a computer screen. You fight the computer, and a bunch of the blond robots come through the room. I mean A LOT. If you're decent at dodging, you can beat the computer before to many robots appear. Curly wakes up and says something akin to "What is this place" and ends with "Were you having a party?" and "The End"

The boss was more annoying than hard.
The boss's name was G-Clone or something, so I guess all those robots were curly clones. Which is weird since Curly is a robot, but w/e.

Through the whole level you only get to use blade and spur, and the booster.

The music is updated, not so much 'new'. All the music is basically just updated forms of Pixel's original score. I don't think there was anything really new, but I didn't pay a lot of attention. You can switch between original and new graphics and music, so you can compare.

Let me know if you guys have any other questions. I can also make a mini walkthrough if you so desire. I spent significantly longer on Wind Fortress than on the original Sanctuary level. Mainly due to slight mistakes that are super easy to make. I beat it last night. I played it again today and beat it pretty easily (3 tries lol).

I tried hard, decided I wanted to have fun and went to original. I messed up the route to get the true ending and accidentally saved (after the core).

Forgot to pick up Curly after draining the water. Stupidest mistake ever

So I went on easy mode and blew through the game in like 2-3 hours. Sanctuary was easier with easy mode's only take half damage, so I could be a bit more lenient. I did beat the original sanctuary last year though. Maybe it was because I knew what was waiting for me in sanctuary, but wind fortress was much harder. It took me far more tries to beat it than the first time I beat sanctuary.
Sep 12, 2011 at 12:16 AM
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Shimmyzmizz said:
Wow. *looks-behind-back-to-see-if-anyone-else-is-stalking-me*

Yeah, your post spoiled it for me.

(Here it is for any who care to see.)

So you go through the bottom of the island, into the wind fortress (killing blond robots), into a Laboratory with defective robots, and into a room with a computer.

This computer has curly in this pod, which you check to initiate the fight. A bunch of blond robots come down as you try to destroy the computer. Curly then comes out and says something like "What are you doing here. / Were you having a party?"

and then The End

It was totally unsatisfying

Groan, Pixel does it again it appears as far as endings go :(

It's the journey, not the destination I suppose.
Sep 12, 2011 at 2:39 AM
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What really annoyed me about the ending was not the ending itself. It was the fact that the whole thing built up my expectations. It seemed like this huge plot changer throughout the whole level basically. It was especially trollish for him to make the ending like that. Then again curly being in a machine to be cloned didn't make much sense either.

^Why I hated the ending.

I beat it for a third time today. No extras so far :(

My best time currently (on 3rd run) is around 9 minutes, but a few minutes were spent searching around for some hidden stuff. Didn't find anything. I'll try again later tonight.
Sep 12, 2011 at 4:04 AM
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Now I really want many new things in CS3D!
And I myself really wish I had time (by time, I mean I wish to stop procrastinating) to play this :(
Sep 12, 2011 at 9:11 PM
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For the people that have this on Mac, what's Balrog's catch phrase?
Sep 12, 2011 at 9:44 PM
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Oh Yeah!

like the kool aid man, which I found highly amusing.

Also, anyone know how to make a video of playing the game on a mac? My latest fast time is 4'81'1

Wind Fortress, after playing both sanctuary and it for awhile - I found that wind fortress is actually easier. It is just a bit more annoying with the platforming.