Sep 9, 2011 at 1:18 PM
Join Date: Jul 15, 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 6241
Age: 39
Pronouns: he/him
Why don't I have a mac?
Why don't I have a mac?
NeatNit said:Macs, like everything Apple, don't give the user enough control. You (and I) are better off without one.
trickybilly said:Guess the PC version would forward piracy.
Oh!Captain Fabulous said:Nicalis will still make more money than if they didn't port it at all.
Noxid said:As of today you can now buy Cave Story+ on the mac app store
And eventually on Steam
This is so unexpected that I don't even know what to say in my post.
What do you think this will mean? Does anybody have a mac and ten bucks to spare to try it?
I saw cave story on the mac app store and bought it immediately since Pixel deserves some compensation for his awesome work. I went and beat it, and lo a behold wind fortress - along with boss time attack and 'sanctuary' time attack.
I managed to beat it after a few hours, and I thought it was loads harder than the sanctuary stage. Anyone else tried it out yet?
deathofasheep said:Anyone else get this far?
Shimmyzmizz said:Wow. *looks-behind-back-to-see-if-anyone-else-is-stalking-me*
Yeah, your post spoiled it for me.
(Here it is for any who care to see.)
So you go through the bottom of the island, into the wind fortress (killing blond robots), into a Laboratory with defective robots, and into a room with a computer.
This computer has curly in this pod, which you check to initiate the fight. A bunch of blond robots come down as you try to destroy the computer. Curly then comes out and says something like "What are you doing here. / Were you having a party?"
and then The End
It was totally unsatisfying