Cave Story with a fourth ending

May 30, 2012 at 10:11 PM
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You're really good in modding (and in april fools jokes). you should make a Cave Story 2 mod(NO APRIL FOOL JOKES!)
May 30, 2012 at 10:25 PM
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May 31, 2012 at 1:07 AM
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Jun 4, 2012 at 12:37 AM
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Hello, not sure if you still mess with this mod but I encountered something kooky while playing it to achieve the fourth ending.

(Note I am playing the Mac version, in case that is important.)

It goes like this. In the room where Booster teleports into thin air and falls into the pit, I ignored him and jumped over the gap to fight Balrog and get the missiles. Up to this point I had done everything else right to get the fourth ending. I didn't turn back though. I kept going with Curly until reaching the room with the core. I left curly standing at the door of the Core boss and went to get Booster. I was able to give him the pill and heal him and he gave me the booster v0.8 to go retrieve Curly. I went all the way to the Core room to get her but could not. I accepted that I screwed up and kept pushing forward, fighting the core, getting the tow rope, bringing her along, fixing her, and then losing her in the waterway after the fish boss.

I then woke in Mimiga village as normal, all the mimiga were missing. I went to Arthur's house and Booster stopped me. He was not in the room but the game seemed to play out as if he was teleporting into the room as far as timing was concerned. He never actually appeared though. He took the booster v0.8 from me and told me that he would wait for Curly while I went on ahead. I then walked toward the teleporter and then another scene started and Booster teleported into the room. He spoke about Curly telling him to go first and that she seemed to distrust him. He then went on about the Sandzone and rushing the escape but Sue got captured and he got thrown into the Labyrinth. When speaking to him he tells me to take sue and escape the island. I thought that maybe the game had glitched in a way where I could still get the fourth ending. I went to go find the mimiga farmer but no one was in the village.

I went back to Arthur's house and another scene started up. It was the same one that played just a moment ago when Booster takes the booster v0.8 from you. When I talk to him this time he tells me to make sure the mimiga are not further harmed. When I walk forward guess what, Booster's twin comes out the teleporter. Curly apparently told him to go on ahead as she does not trust him. Well with the second Booster here and telling me to check on the mimiga I figured why not, so I went to check again. Nothing. So I came back to Arthur's and the scene where he takes the booster started up again. Instead of going toward the teleporter I left the house and came back in. This stopped the scene where Booster comes out the teleporter and waits for Curly. I went out to check for Mimiga just in case, still no farmer. With this I just moved on.

I decided to go to the sand zone, pick up a life pot, and then go back to the Labyrinth and see if I could make this all work out by taking the teleported Booster uses to get back to the house. It turns out that I can't go to the Labyrinth so I just went to the Egg Corridor? I finished it and my only options are to leave with Hazama or jump off the island as I can't go any further without a booster. ;__;

Anyway I hope this helps you out and it was rather interesting to run across.
Jun 4, 2012 at 1:26 AM
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If it exists, there is a way to break it.
Jun 4, 2012 at 2:45 AM
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Oh man, you just broke the game. I just tried it, an you're right. Excellent find.

So, if you just fight Balrog and go back down to booster, even if you feed the cure-all to him, then he won't be able to recover, and will tell you you're too late, and die regardless of whether or not you had the cure-all. That is, if a certain flag is set after you fight Balrog. Apparently, this flag gets unset if you continue on through Labyrinth M, allowing Booster to recover. I commend you for discovering such a massive glitch, but I'm afraid that the final version is out, and that I'm done working on this mod. Any glitches in this version will stay there no matter how game-breaking. I'm afraid it's too much work as well as too late to fix this glitch, make a new release, and then have andwhy re port the new version, and have everyone replace their games with the new version. I salute you for the bug report, but I'm afraid it's too late to fix it now.
Jun 4, 2012 at 8:03 AM
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That is definitely NOT what you're supposed to do, Hayden.

Game-breaking bugs are supposed to be fixed, and that one's easily fixable.

Good god

I can send you a fixed copy if you want, Sue_Obsessed. I'd offer it to Hayden too but apparently when you release a "final version" bug fixes cease to exist.

Microsoft will cut off all product support usually...15-18 years after release? Hmmm....
Jun 4, 2012 at 12:18 PM
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Why are you guys pestering him? This mod is complete. If he doesn't want to work on it that's his business, not yours. It's his mod, he's free to do whatever he wants with it.

It does seem a bit lazy to just say it's too late, but hayden doesn't want to burden others either. If it was a very major glitch that wrecked the game then maybe, but come on, it's just sequence breaking.
Jun 4, 2012 at 2:54 PM
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Doors is correct, but if someone wants to make a fix I don't see a problem with that either
Jun 4, 2012 at 3:27 PM
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I dunno what your definition of pestering is, but apparently it's different than mine D:
If he says "no I won't fix it," and someone else says "that's silly you should fix it," that's not pestering, that's just disagreeing.
I completely agree with MagicDoors that it's Hayden's business whether or not he fixes a bug, I just don't like seeing people get chewed out for something they didn't actually do.
Jun 4, 2012 at 3:42 PM
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Hey guys try not to bother him about it, I was just bringing it to his attention. It's his business whether or not he wants to fix it. If anything just knowing about a glitch like this will help him keep an eye out for funny business in any future mods he may create.
Jun 17, 2012 at 12:06 AM
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YOU ARE MY GOD NOW. :pignon2:
Aug 23, 2012 at 6:00 PM
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Hey, I found a bug in Cave Story with 4 endings which I downloaded from the link in the first post of this thread.
I entered Sand Zone Residence before Curly (in order to get 4th ending). I didn't change my Polar Star to Curly's Machine gun, and in this case I can't take the puppy in Small Room. There is no such option. But if I have Machine Gun, everything is ok, I can take the puppy.
Aug 23, 2012 at 6:12 PM
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Hey, I found a bug in Cave Story with 4 endings which I downloaded from the link in the first post of this thread.
I entered Sand Zone Residence before Curly (in order to get 4th ending). I didn't change my Polar Star to Curly's Machine gun, and in this case I can't take the puppy in Small Room. There is no such option. But if I have Machine Gun, everything is ok, I can take the puppy.

Well, obviously the Machinegun is the best weapon.
Aug 23, 2012 at 8:05 PM
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I'm not sure why you felt you needed to send me a PM on my youtube account telling me to reply to this, as I would have obviously seen a notification here that my topic has been replied to. Anyway, Carrotlord's pulling your leg.

See this post.
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Aug 24, 2012 at 2:20 AM
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This. Is. Amazing. I love it.

In fact, I was inspired to try to do a mod myself. 3(Or 4 if I mod your mod!)NEW endings! It involves only a small amount of map editing, and some text editing. So basically what you dealt with.

How did you get the maps directly from the original CS? And what editor would you recommend?
Aug 24, 2012 at 3:05 AM
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This. Is. Amazing. I love it.

In fact, I was inspired to try to do a mod myself. 3(Or 4 if I mod your mod!)NEW endings! It involves only a small amount of map editing, and some text editing. So basically what you dealt with.

How did you get the maps directly from the original CS?
Uh... I opened the game up with an editor. Simple as that.

And what editor would you recommend?
I recommend Cave Editor. That is... Until Booster's lab is (nearly) completed. But yeah, for now, Cave Editor.
Dec 29, 2012 at 2:47 AM
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Hayden, I beg of you, make this a mod for Cave Story plus! Please!