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Cave Story: The Legacy

Nov 4, 2007 at 3:23 PM
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Nov 4, 2007 at 3:30 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
I think he meant you didn't need to worry about the title, since Nator's was lacy STORY while yours is CAVE STORY: the legacy

No, I just meant it feels like, it's stolen :/
And Nator's mod was called Cave Story: Legacy before b.t.w. ;)
Nov 4, 2007 at 3:45 PM
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No, I just meant it feels like, it's stolen :/

Yeah... *sigh*
My version will still likely be much different than that one, though. At least I hopes so.

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 3:47 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
No, I just meant it feels like, it's stolen :/
And Nator's mod was called Cave Story: Legacy before b.t.w. ;)
O. I didn't know that. However, I think this mod requires a name less relating to Pixel's masterpiece (I do think the unattractiveness of the english name of CS is an important reason why people don't give it a chance). You can name yours something more independant, since your aim is to make it more like a game than a mod (in quality). It'll all depend on your storyline, so you don't have to pick right away (As long as no one minds you using CS: L, i don't see why you should change it though).
Nov 4, 2007 at 4:14 PM
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How about Cave Story: Curse of Ballos or something similar? Not sure what to do... It's going to go into Ballos' time and what happened then, and will then skip forward a bit to when robots are attacking the island and Quote and Curly get dispatched to destroy the crown.

EDIT: Namelist:

Cave Story: Curse of the Crown
Cave Story: Curse of Ballos
Cave Story: Misery's Greed
Cave Story: Jenka's disappointment
Cave Story: Fall of the Human King
Cave Story: The Regrets of Misery

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 4:21 PM
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keantoken said:
How about Cave Story: Curse of Ballos or something similar? Not sure what to do... It's going to go into Ballos' time and what happened then, and will then skip forward a bit to when robots are attacking the island and Quote and Curly get dispatched to destroy the crown.

- keantoken
Sounds good. So, will the Ballos thing be fully a cutscene or would we be able to control a char? Anyways, I'd love to see a story of legacy in ANY form. Sadly, there aren't even any fanfics on it.
Nov 4, 2007 at 4:30 PM
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Well, I have though of making the Ballos thing a full cutscene, but I think it would be absolutely awesome if there was a character you could control... Like Jenka! You could control Jenka and have her seal up Ballos... Of course, it may require more sprites than the game can allow... The whole Ballos thing is sufficient for a game of its own. I think it would be best suited for this project if you played as a bystander character... At any rate, I added a possible namelist to my previous post - please feel free to pick your favorite or suggest another.

Also, for a completely off-topic clarification, I purposefully made the weapon look dull. It's a standard weapon you get at the beginning of the game. This may change, however...

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 4:59 PM
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keantoken said:
Well, I have though of making the Ballos thing a full cutscene, but I think it would be absolutely awesome if there was a character you could control... Like Jenka! You could control Jenka and have her seal up Ballos... Of course, it may require more sprites than the game can allow... The whole Ballos thing is sufficient for a game of its own. I think it would be best suited for this project if you played as a bystander character... At any rate, I added a possible namelist to my previous post - please feel free to pick your favorite or suggest another.

Also, for a completely off-topic clarification, I purposefully made the weapon look dull. It's a standard weapon you get at the beginning of the game. This may change, however...

- keantoken

Curse of the crown and Curse of Ballos seem to be in the era of the King who imprisoned Ballos. Since Q's gonna be the main char, I don't see how Ballos's curse is gonna work, since we only find out about ballos in the next part of your series (ie, Cave Story). However, if you can explain how Quote comes to know about Ballos's story in CS, you can add stuff that MAKE the crown an object of curse, as much as power (You know, we never really find out how Quote gets all those pieces of text in Hell. Maybe it's a power he has.).

I also say you need to keep the "Cave Story:" thing out of the title since legacy takes place BEFORE CS. Remember, the game is called Doukutsu Monogatari AKA CS, not Cave Story:Doukutsu Monogatari, which after translating reads: Cave Story:Cave Story.
Nov 4, 2007 at 5:56 PM
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For the sake of clarification, Misery made Ballos create the Demon Crown (after, of course, he blew up the entire place). However, the creation of the crown required that Misery and Balrog become the servants of its owner. Therefore, the crown is a curse for Misery, a blessing for its owner (therefore a curse to all serving its owner).

The creation of the Demon Crown caused Humans to become interested in the island, which is why they sent robot armies there which resulted in the death of countless mimigas. In this way, the entire struggle throughout the game will be because of the creation of the Demon Crown (though more ultimately - the king who imprisoned Ballos). So in that way, Curse of the Demon Crown works. I see your point, though. I was thinking the title should be more specific to the main aspects of the game because I don't think there will be anything during gameplay that will work for naming the game after...

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 6:04 PM
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It's not named "Cave Story: Doukutsu Monogatari" it's named "<Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari>" yes.
But actually if it's called "Cave Story: The Legacy" then its a different thing.
Nov 4, 2007 at 6:42 PM
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I wanted to have some obvious connection between the original and the legacy, which is why I was including Cave Story: in the title. And I knew that the Japanese translation of Doukutsu Monogatari was Cave Story. I KNOW!!! ;)

EDIT: HAHA. I got the starting script working halfway. It's pretty darn buggy, but it's hilarious the way it goofs. So much so that I think it's worth uploading!


This is on RapidShare... For lack of anything more convenient (curse the internet!).

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 8:05 PM
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I really hate RapidShare... Or better, it hates me. Doesn't let me download nothing at every time. Oh well, good luck with the mod.
Nov 4, 2007 at 9:06 PM
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Okay, sorry for the RapdiShare...

Here's a newer version, with much less bugs and whatnot:

http://www.mediamax.com/keantoken/Hosted/Cave Story.zip

Enjoy what pitifully little there is of it! Also, the save in there is in the prefab building before you go to Hell, so if you want to check out my handiwork on the balcony talk to the bookcase.

About the dialogs, it's a bit kinky because I haven't figured out how to put the helicopter in yet.

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 9:36 PM
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o.o" It's cheap that you just used the original maps without editing them at all, why not bother making more modifications? ;)
Nov 4, 2007 at 9:58 PM
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Well, you see, I've been concentrating all my effort on the scripting right now. Besides, I wouldn't know how to edit the maps. This is only 10 years before the original Cave Story... And first of all I would like to get the helicopter working. Maps don't mean a thing if nothing else in the game works ;)

Now I will start doing some heavy modification when I get to the Plantation and Egg Corridor parts and the others... However, right now there's not terribly much for me to do.

- keantoken
Nov 4, 2007 at 11:30 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Awesomeness (TM)
Hoping this is one mod that's gonna be completed.
Hey that's my TM! ;)
Nov 5, 2007 at 12:11 AM
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Okay, I've noticed that there seem to be 'universal' sprite numbers for certain objects such as desks and doors... Does anyone have a list of these numbers and their corresponding sprites or is there an easy way to find out?

- keantoken
Nov 5, 2007 at 12:28 AM
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Just read the FAQ it says: You need to have the npc.ini in the same folder like Doukutsu Monogatari.
Nov 5, 2007 at 12:29 AM
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Aha! You are right on that one, and just to make things easier...

With Sue's Workshop, there's a file called "npc.ini". Now, at first it doesn't seem to do anything, but what you need to do is add it to the same directory the game executable (doukutsu.exe by default) is located. This way, the ugly sprite numbers will be replaced with useful words such as "Door" and "King" and stuff. :p