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Cave Story: The Legacy

Nov 14, 2007 at 4:19 AM
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Nah. Try going for a more unique hairstyle, or try making Quote look more like a robot, but someone he met revamped him into a more humanoid look. Give him a dumb hairstyle, Quote has feelings too, thats why he wears a cap to cover it.
Nov 14, 2007 at 10:45 PM
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Nah. Try going for a more unique hairstyle, or try making Quote look more like a robot, but someone he met revamped him into a more humanoid look. Give him a dumb hairstyle, Quote has feelings too, thats why he wears a cap to cover it.

Sorry, I've already got an idea for the cap. And for his humanoid look as well. Not to mention he has to be much higher quality workmanship than those measly drone robots in order to do his work... As for the hair, I've yet to figure out what to do. Speaking of which, I think I know what I'll do...

Well, I've decided I'll set up all the extra stages before I try to put the storyline in, firstly because it's easier, and secondly because I have to have stages before I can put storyline in them XD.

EDIT: As of now I'm trying to figure out how to make Doukutsu.exe play PxTone files... This is proving to be quite stimulating on the mental level...

- keantoken
Nov 15, 2007 at 5:06 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Hey I've just got an idea! Why not transform the Mimiga mask into Quote's cap! Then, in the middle of the story, he finds his cap and... yay? o.o
Nov 15, 2007 at 5:24 AM
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Hey I've just got an idea! Why not transform the Mimiga mask into Quote's cap! Then, in the middle of the story, he finds his cap and... yay? o.o

Hehe. That's what I did. Though it's not exactly how you say...

Jeesh... If any of you understand x86 Assembly, 'twould be nice if you could point me to a tutorial on how to use DLLs from the same folder as the EXE... Otherwise, this may take a bit...

- keantoken
Nov 15, 2007 at 7:24 AM
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That's not so much a good idea, all of the sound effects are based on the ORG system. You'd basically be gutting the entire sound system of Cave Story.
Nov 16, 2007 at 11:52 PM
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That's not so much a good idea, all of the sound effects are based on the ORG system. You'd basically be gutting the entire sound system of Cave Story.

I won't be gutting it, I'll be leaving it in - all the sound effects and stage music will still be there, I'll just be adding the PxTone engine to the Cave Story engine.

At any rate, I'm doing this because there's just so much awesome PxTone music! :D
If you want to know what I mean, the PxTone collage archives is the place for you. I don't really know what the copyright stuff for all the files is, though. I would like to think that it's open-source, since most of the files there are .ptcop, and not .pttune.

- keantoken
Mar 21, 2008 at 7:00 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Forum assassins are closing in on killing keano.

Mar 21, 2008 at 8:52 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Forum assassins are closing in on killing keano.

AAH! *cowers*

Sorry ppl, I lost internet somewhere in November because our paycheck was like $61... O_o -_-

But I'm back now, I'll probably lose internet again next winter but at least I'll have it while I can...

At any rate what new has come out in the line of editors and stuff? I remember the latest one before I lost internet was pretty nice...

Oh, and I've just created my own official fanart. I guess I'll post it in the fanart forum later.


- keantoken
Mar 22, 2008 at 7:03 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Mar 22, 2008 at 7:21 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Mar 23, 2008 at 3:35 PM
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Sorry ppl, I haven't really done anything more that I am willing to put up with the shame of putting up for everyone to see and shriek in terror.

It's amazing how much someone can learn in just half a year... I think I'll leave nearly everything so far alone, but as for my intended storyline... That is going to change. yes, it will still be the legacy, don't worry.

At any rate, as proof that I am at least doing SOMETHING on this mod, I'll post what may be the future title music. I know, not all that Cave-story'ish, but if I manage to spill something out that's more apppropriate, I'll use it. It's in .org format, so you'll need Pixel's .org editor which I'm sure you can find if not on this very forum, in some obscure corner of the net lurking in secret whilst awaiting new downloads...


So have a listen and tell me what you think.

And yes, this does mean that I'm scrapping my original plan of replacing the sound infrastructure in CS with that of PxTone. It's actually quite an amazing undertaking when you've just began to learn Assembly programming. o_O

- keantoken
Mar 24, 2008 at 6:26 AM
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*Has a listen*
*Tells what he thinks*
I'm really not an expert at this or anything but imho the melody is very hard to make out as it is obscured by the drums and the beepy-loopy-bit, and thus it does not carry through well. And the piece as a whole seems kind of awkward. I listened to the melody by itself though and it's not too bad, but at the moment it's not really doing anything.

Sorry if that came off as harsh, I know composing music is a bitch, but just saying 'lol its good' or 'lol its bad' isn't really constructive, methinx.
Mar 24, 2008 at 9:38 PM
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*remembers the good old other-forum days*

No, you were not harsh at all. The important thing is that you were not mean when you said it. The only time there are problems is when you say 'this is carp' and then don't suggest a way to fix it. Considering that, any amount of criticism without meanness should be fine. If I had reacted in hostility, it would have been my problem.

Yes, I do know of the problem with the melody being obscured, I can't find an instrument that's different enough and if I raise or lower the harmony an octave it's not as good as it was. I haven't tried changing the instrument to the harmony, however.

I know this is quite a cliche announcement but I'm afraid the actual development of the mod itself will have to wait, for a bit, when I have more time on my hands. I can compose music, but I think that's about all for now. Don't worry, I do plan on working on this when I have the time, but I'm a heavy multitasker... Behold, my desktop.

If all else fails, you can entertain yourselves with trying to guess what is held within all my files while I try to throw together some music!

- keantoken
Mar 25, 2008 at 6:01 AM
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Woah, that's a lot of desktop icons... More than I have on mine, even.

Yes, I know I might've gone overboard with all those sprites from many different games (As well as some of my own creations, such as the simplistic looking Krauthilians [Pronounced Crawl-thill-ee-ens]), but I felt like posting it... It was supposed to remain on my computer because it uses waaay too many sources and potentially breaks copyright restrictions because of such... Oh well, I guess the assassins will take me away soon!

And for some odd reason, when I right-clicked and 'Save target as...' the .org file, the file type was altered into a .htm one. It still allowed me to play it in OrgMaker, but I had to use the all files option to open it.

The tune definitely has great potential, in my opinion. It may not be perfect, but it's not terrible, either. It might be a little repetitive to some people, but I'm not one of them.

I appologize if this wasn't that constructive in the slightest.
Mar 25, 2008 at 2:05 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Bad Beholder said:
Woah, that's a lot of desktop icons... More than I have on mine, even.

And for some odd reason, when I right-clicked and 'Save target as...' the .org file, the file type was altered into a .htm one. It still allowed me to play it in OrgMaker, but I had to use the all files option to open it.

The tune definitely has great potential, in my opinion. It may not be perfect, but it's not terrible, either. It might be a little repetitive to some people, but I'm not one of them.

I appologize if this wasn't that constructive in the slightest.

Same here. ;)


Same comments here too =/

Sorry >< not bad for a first try. Would you like to hear mine?
JUST KIDDING. If you heard mine, your ears would probably cease to exist and would be replaced with red blob of bodily liquid with some dangling red ribbons and some yellow cream (EAR WAX).

Sounds horrible? xD
Mar 25, 2008 at 2:17 PM
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Thats one shitty wallpaper you have.