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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Mar 17, 2007 at 1:01 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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It's werid to read back through stuff, and then it all stops, then people start posting again and its a whole new generation of people, lol. At least we got a response here.
Mar 17, 2007 at 3:49 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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its because people were wondering what happened
Mar 17, 2007 at 10:34 AM
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jacfalcon said:
It's werid to read back through stuff, and then it all stops, then people start posting again and its a whole new generation of people, lol. At least we got a response here.

I'm in a old one, I was one of the first joined the forums here ;P
And look at me, I'm active and a moderator...
And why? I love the game and love the modding ;)
Jun 27, 2007 at 7:24 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Updated! See first post for details. It's only half the installment I really wanted to have as the next version, but I figure you guys have been waiting long enough. =P
Jun 27, 2007 at 8:51 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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i cant find my old save, do you have a save that was up to the bit before it was updated?
Jun 27, 2007 at 9:43 AM
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Wow I can't believe you updated o_o

I'll play this soon as I get home from work tomorrow haha.
Jun 27, 2007 at 10:35 AM
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Spoilers again!

I'm just passed where it ended last time, and I've been on the lookout for glitches and so on. Hopefully I won't mention anything somebody else has already x.x

The Shovel Brigade fellow will walk around while you're talking to him; I'm not sure if this happens at the start, I noticed it after I saved Sue.

Chaco is facing 'away' from the doorway in her house; not that it matters, I guess, except she turns around the moment you move, which looks a little odd. Hence why I noticed it.

After you activate the power terminal in the Power Room it lights up, but the light are gone if you exit and go back in, and they stay that way.

In Genesis: Sky, having the heart flying towards you and then having a heart terminal only a short while later seems a little unnecessary. I like the effect, though >.>

I think this was mention before, but it's still possible to pick up the 5 missiles in Grasstown and then lose them later; and it only says 'Max Missiles increased by 5', whereas when you pick it up later in the Sand Zone you get the whole 'Ammo is limited' spiel regardless of whether you picked them up or not.

The "A good puppy wags its tail" line is a bit off-putting... The first time I played, I thought you were only meant to feed them when they weren't barking. x.x Not a glitch, per se, but eh.

If you jump into the corner of the pillar where the Cthulu stands in the first area of the Sand Zone, it looks like Quote is getting dragged through for a second and then bouncing back. He doesn't get stuck, so no harm done, but it does look funny :rolleyes:

During the scene with Misery, where she is says "Don't underestimate what a witch can control, even unconsciously. Still..." The <NOD function flashy square appears halfway outside the text box after the word Still...

At some point, I noticed that the lights on the 'Red Flower' teleporter had stopped flashing; not sure when but it happened. x.X

The door at the very end of the Sand Zone doesn't 'open' before the follwing scene, leaving Quote staring at a closed door.

The fanfare message that plays when you find the Access Chip is skippable (i.e., if you're mashing Z, it stops halfway through.)

The flying Gaudi in the Revolutionarium still fires at you while he's giving his speech.

One of the blue things that shoots at you in the Revolutionarium (I forget the name of them) is partially sticking out over the edge of the block it's attached to; it's hanging off the bottom of the "eye" block to the right of the big pool of water.

The second two Gauska-Teers only have half as much health, and the four of them as a whole are very susceptible to Blade spamming :p Also the save point right before them makes thing a bit too easy... maybe it was left there for testing? I don't know x.x

The fanfare for the life capsule found in the new Genesis: Spirit is also skippable.

The lights don't start working on the lower teleporter in the Labyrinth Shop, even after Sue connects you there.

Curly tells you "You can get to the Waterway from the Reservoire." Im all for French, but...

And finally, the Basils in the Egg Corridor disappear if you die and re-load inside it. You have tor re-enter for them to re-appear.

And now for me to re-continue my playthrough. That's as far as I've gotten so far, so hopefully all that jargon will help fix something, and next time I can actually comment on what I like about the new areas.

Off I go~!
Jun 27, 2007 at 12:47 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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DoubleThink said:
The second two Gauska-Teers only have half as much health, and the four of them as a whole are very susceptible to Blade spamming :p
i bet them by staying on the top platforms with the flamer....
cos i had like 3 health when i did it :rolleyes:
Jun 27, 2007 at 4:26 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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xristosx said:
i cant find my old save, do you have a save that was up to the bit before it was updated?

Any save files from 0.2 would probably lead to glitches because they wouldn't have certain flags set. Also, because I did add some events that happen during second-time-around visits to certain areas, I want to make sure I didn't break anything for the first time through, so I would like it if people played it from the beginning.

DoubleThink said:
Also the save point right before them makes thing a bit too easy... maybe it was left there for testing?

Don't have time to respond to the whole list right now, but yes, that was leftover from testing. I tended to litter the place with save points if I was going to be loading up a certain event over and over until I got it right. I know I probably missed a few when I went back to delete them, so I do want feedback on save point placement.

After a second look I can list a couple that shouldn't be there: Revolutionarium (before Gaudskateers), Egg Corridor (above door to Mimiga Village), Genesis: Spirit (after the flame room)
Jun 27, 2007 at 10:49 PM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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Shmitz, welcome back to modding work :rolleyes: !. Your new avatar means that you are coming strongly and hardly to complete modding Jenka's Nightmare mod.
Your mod is the only mod which has the "Cave Story" feelings and taste (Did I say "taste"?.. :p ) ....The player gets very longing to see what will happened next.
How many years did you spent on your college mate?
Jun 27, 2007 at 11:24 PM
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Shmitz said:
Don't have time to respond to the whole list right now, but yes, that was leftover from testing. I tended to litter the place with save points if I was going to be loading up a certain event over and over until I got it right. I know I probably missed a few when I went back to delete them, so I do want feedback on save point placement.

After a second look I can list a couple that shouldn't be there: Revolutionarium (before Gaudskateers), Egg Corridor (above door to Mimiga Village), Genesis: Spirit (after the flame room)

I still haven't had time to play this yet : (

But there's supposidly some way to make savestates of Cave Story, it was a feature I think Pixel used to test parts when he was creating the game, you could try that next time instead of adding a lot of save points heh. If you can figure it out...I think remember reading about it on the LJ fansite.
Jun 28, 2007 at 1:24 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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never mind i found my saves :rolleyes:
Jun 28, 2007 at 5:31 AM
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Haha, go figure. I downloaded and played this like 2 days ago (major awesome, by the way!), and now I'm a version behind. :rolleyes: Still, the true spirit of Cave Story is strong in this one, I say! I'll be sure to give the new version a go soon enough.

Now here's a quick question though... *is* there a map system in the game, or was it in that one chest I just couldn't bloody reach in the Mimiga village? I hate it when stuff like that happens. :p
Jun 28, 2007 at 6:10 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Yes, there is a map system. In fact, with this update I've hopefully made it a little bit more apparent where it is.
Jun 28, 2007 at 7:21 AM
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I feel like I have amazing timing. I downloaded the demo for this mod maybe around a year ago, played through it, and loved it. Just last night, I thought "I should play through Cave Story again!" Instead, I decided to check out the mod scene again, and lo and behold, just a couple hours before I came here, you updated your game.

*some spoilers ahead... mostly old info*

I feel like the Monster X segment is quite a bit easier, though that might just be me... I don't remember it that well. Anyway, I made it back to Mimiga Village, then remembered the chest in Grasstown I couldn't get. It's the one right after the "Balrog" boss fight, when you're falling and a fan normally pushes you away. Well, booster in hand, I decided to go after it and teleport back once I got to the Sand Zone. I got the explosives inside the chest, then saved. I continued forward, but now when I enter the Sand Zone, I get stuck inside a wall (the one that appears when you first get there). And now I'm stuck, since I saved at the Outer Wall and can't get back up to Grasstown. Looks like I'm going to have to start over, which sucks, especially since I just got to the new stuff. I'd suggest fixing this bug before most of the others, since it's game ending and all. :rolleyes:

My current list of items:

Missile Launcher (20 missiles)
Life Pot
Booster v0.8
Map System
Fuel Cell
Air Tank

Can't think of any other bugs in the game that weren't already listed by others... except... I think I remember you misspelling "weird" somewhere as "wierd." Might be wrong, though, and with a description as vague as mine, I wouldn't worry about it. =)
Jun 28, 2007 at 9:03 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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i cant find the map and i need the blade for genisis :rolleyes:
Jun 28, 2007 at 9:48 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Holy crap I mangled Waterway exits and entrances. Fixed those bugs and one or two others that have been reported. New file has been uploaded:

This bug fix update should work fine with any save files you have from 03.00


Well, booster in hand, I decided to go after it and teleport back once I got to the Sand Zone. I got the explosives inside the chest, then saved. I continued forward, but now when I enter the Sand Zone, I get stuck inside a wall

Oh, you weren't even supposed to be able to trigger that earthquake event again. That'll need to get fixed. I am going to make it so you can get back there after you go through the labyrinth, I just hadn't implemented it yet (or thought I hadn't, silly me =P).
Jun 28, 2007 at 10:29 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Shmitz said:
Oh, you weren't even supposed to be able to trigger that earthquake event again. That'll need to get fixed. I am going to make it so you can get back there after you go through the labyrinth, I just hadn't implemented it yet (or thought I hadn't, silly me =P).
Well, I DID find it odd that I had to trigger the earthquake again by entering and exiting the empty boss room. Guess I missed that clue. :rolleyes:
Jun 28, 2007 at 5:40 PM
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I beat it. I think/hope. Egg corridor doesnt seem to lead anywhere, and the chimney's end-location is... sloppy. Very well made, tho.

=Major Spoilers! Walkthrough, even!='
(After the laberenth)

=Mimiga village=
Well, Dejavu. So sayeth the old guy. I fell down, grabbed the missiles, fell some more, grabbed some life, made my way over to the tower, saved, up to the town hall, and grabbed that other capsule. Went inside.

=Town Hall=
Got welcomed by Curly, gave sue the address chip. Whoo. Teleported to sand zone, got Booster 2.0. came back, teleported to grass town. Found the misiles, the explosive, and the 'old' Genisis: Earth. ah well. I reset, redo, and headed out. Headed to the resevour.

=Genisis: Water=
1st thing I noticed, is upon entering, the blue robot says his message before you teleport, even though you don't talk with him. I think you fixed this in your above download. I was then greeted by being unable to return whence I came, so I reset the game, and came back, to take the long way. Whee.
Well, anyway, huzzah! Anti-grav water! This place was fun, and posed a nice little challenge. Made my way through, down to B, through there, up to A, ran in the save room. Saved. Grabbed an adress chip, and headed out.
I headed over to the right, fought Alpha (yay greek letters), and jumped down.

=Genisis: Light=
Okay, this place won the best map ever made award. The only thing wrong with it, is you can't return after you get through ;-;. I headed through, in bliss and awe, until it ended oh too soon.

=Genisis: Creation (Or whatever, forget the name)=
Nice use of iron head. The battle went by quickly, and I won the 1st time. Not sure if you can get the alien medal, though, as I did get hit a few times. I find myself whisked away to Genisis: Water again.

=Genisis: Water=
Well, I found myself in the save point, so I saved. Tried to head back to genisis:light, but Alpha was dead, and the hole was never to open again. D:!
So, I headed left of the save room, grabed the chest, and fell down. I looked about for an exit, and headed back up to the save room to try the teleporter.
*POOF*! I'm back in the village.

=Mimiga Village=
Well, I headed back to sue, handed her the chip, and went on my way. To the egg corridor!

=Egg Corridor=
Ew. Stupid things. I made my way through, and to the 1st door, and went in. I found myself a few tiles -UNDER- the door, in the water. I hoped out, headed up, saved, and coninued. After making it to the end of the hall, I find a busted window, in which I can't enter. And the save room's blocked. Damn. So, I headed back.

Tried to get up w/out the machine gun, to no avail. It seems posible, using quick invincibility from the small spikes, tho.

=Genisis: Spirit=
I made my way to the graveyard, and through to the genisis. I find a sign, follow it, and get to the next room. Congradulations, you win the best cavestory puzzle award, too. I'm not sure how, exactly, but I made it through. I look about for a save point, but can't find one. (Get one in there) So, I head on, and am greated by an old friend. oh noes, he's still angry. After winning the fight (The magical teleporting spikes that hovered above me didn't seem to do much), I find myself with the nemisis, and I use the door.

=Genisis: Earth=
Well now, this time around, I find Balrog. Or at least "A big metal box with its legs waving around in the air". I pull him out, and he smashes through the wall... and a slow pace. Huh. Anyway, I head out, and find myself back at G:W.

=Genisis: Water=
Well, Balrog has the bad tendicy to get seperated. Anyway, I made my way back to the save room, and Balrog floated back. He then generously handed me Curly's machine gun, in which I guess he got ahold of =before= the game begins. I head right to the teleporter, and... ... Wait, what? the adress chip again? oookay... I use the teleporter again, and am magically whisked away to the middle of the mimiga village.

=Mimiga Village=
I talk to curly, she says the same old message. I talk to sue, she connects to G:W again. I try going back and forth in the teleport, only to find ANOTHER Address chip. Obviously you forgot something, or fliped on the wrong switch. With nowhere else to go, I head over to the chimney again.

Well, that was... an annoying climb. After getting to the mid-way save point, I drop down the other side for the life capsule, and the chest. I make it down unharmed, grab the stuff, and head back up. Bad descision. a few butes ambush me, and my machine gun levels down. Great. I reset, try a few more times, and make it. Yay. I then head up to the top, and through the door.

=Genisis: Erosion=
Interesting. I'd hate to see the map data, with all these bust blocks.
I wander around the farmilier map, and try a few doors. Hm. They all teleport me back to other genisi. One door even teleports me to the storeroom to find... Itoh!? Even the Outer wall, Kasuma, and the "Egg Corridor?". hm. I also find a messed up SISTERS map. I reset, get back to G:Er, and head up the broken tube of death-Crushers. hm. Nothing up here, but a big empty space, and... the sky. Hm.


Well, that's about it. It's fun, but I'd like it if Genisis: Light was more emphisised, and re-visitable. Oh, and an 'END-OF-DEMO' message.
Jun 29, 2007 at 1:49 AM
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Moar debugging! And moar spoilers! And man these forums have some sweet colour options :D

Please remember some of these may not matter due to my bad memory/general incompetence x.x Also I might have mentioned some of these already, if so, I'm re-mentioning them.

If you enter the Assembly Hall facing to the left after finishing the Labyrinth, the scene will roll with Curly talking to your back.

The teleporter in Booster's house doesn't 'ask' if you want to use it.

If you still have the Address Chip from the labyrinth when you get to the teleporter in the Darkened Pool, it won't give you the one from there. Instead it will just teleport you back to Mimiga Village and you'll have to go back through to get it again.

If you don't follow Balrog when he busts open the wall (I went back into the power-room-type-room) the wall closes and you're stuck.

Balrog wonders if the teleporter is 'save' to use. :p
EDIT: He also says the lights on the teleporter came on 'just a minute ago', even if you've already worked through the waterway and been back to the village.

I've seen a few other bugs regarding doors opening/closing/missing <PRI/making a sound, but I didn't make a list of them. -.-

I'll save my more detailed opinions for now, but suffice it to say that this mod is (still) awesome :D I await the finished product!