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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Jun 4, 2006 at 8:51 PM
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Those teleporters had me dashing all around the Sand Zone feeding dogs to no end. The clues about Mimigia and Gaudi "eating each other" and wagging tails weren't quite clear enough (though I don't see how they could be less vague without giving it all away).

Without the Blade, I was forced to use the Bubbler to snipe at the Deconstructer from between the lower three sunstones. Long and tedious. The Blade should definitely be a bit more obvious to get to.

Currently I'm "running in the wrong circles" around the Labyrinth with no idea how to get to the Revolutionarium. The problem now is finding out where everything is.

It's nearly impossible to ride Monster X across the spikes. It actually tilts you onto them and pushes you into them.
Jun 5, 2006 at 12:56 AM
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Did anyone point out yet that you can get stuck on the last part of sand zone going to the labyrinth door? Shooting down thru breakable blocks when you MIGHT only have bubbler (or bubbler and fireball) while being able to get hit by enemys. Dosn't it only take 3 dmg to go from max lvl 3 bubbler to lvl 2?

I don't think its a big deal, but I don't think it was mentioned yet... I also want want to keep intrest in this thread because this mod is really really good. Can't wait to play more!
Jun 5, 2006 at 2:03 AM
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SeriousFace said:
Did anyone point out yet that you can get stuck on the last part of sand zone going to the labyrinth door? Shooting down thru breakable blocks when you MIGHT only have bubbler (or bubbler and fireball) while being able to get hit by enemys. Dosn't it only take 3 dmg to go from max lvl 3 bubbler to lvl 2?

I don't think its a big deal, but I don't think it was mentioned yet... I also want want to keep intrest in this thread because this mod is really really good. Can't wait to play more!

Yeah, that's been mentioned.

I'm still working on the next chunk, which, because the gameplay becomes less linear after the Labyrinth, covers the rest of the content of the mod.

Current guestimate of progress: 40% on current installment, 70-75% on overall content.
Jun 5, 2006 at 4:14 AM
Been here way too long...
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It has ahh sorry my mistake! Hey tho, if you ever need help play testing in anyway, I'd be glad to help you out.
Jun 9, 2006 at 9:33 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Please help!

I'm stuck with the dog puzzle. It's too hard, and even looking at the script doesn't help! Please give me the COMPLETE solution to the dog puzzle!
Jun 9, 2006 at 10:07 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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jeffreymaher9@hotmail.com said:
I'm stuck with the dog puzzle. It's too hard, and even looking at the script doesn't help! Please give me the COMPLETE solution to the dog puzzle!
I figured it out from looking at the script.

It's simple.
Feed the dogs until two of the teleporters go back and forth to each other, then walk to the third one and use it.

Done correctly, it only takes one feeding.
Jun 10, 2006 at 12:04 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Waht to do in the Workshop? How do i read the diary? How do i connect the teleporter?
Jun 10, 2006 at 7:51 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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I, too, must compliment you, shmitz on an AMAZING puzzle. Puzzles should be hard.
Jun 10, 2006 at 11:03 PM
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Finally finished the mod with everything but the Remote Control, whatever that is. One of the life capsules is hidden in the wall of the Sand Zone - there isn't any clue about its existence. It should also be more obvious that there is actually a way to get the capsule at the top of Grasstown.

If you leave through a door after enabling Monster X, the boss fight never initiates, even though the driver is inside. The blocker should really appear right after you give the driver what he needs.

Also, I don't know if this has been mentioned, but it is possible to take the Fuel Cell multiple times. It doesn't appear in your inventory multiple times, but the scene with the Gaudi-teers can happen over and over. A boss health bar appears, but if you leave and go to the First Cave, the bar drains to zero.

Booster also misspells "ultimately" as "Ultimatley"..
Jun 11, 2006 at 12:46 PM
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I thought that you had handled the entire project so far with magnificence.

Then I learned that the blade was hidden with little to no explanation of where to go to get it.

So I'm annoyed by that, but I'm still in awe of your awesome. What worries me is that players seem to be spending a comparably very short time in each area, and so in the end the game might seem too short. Of course, given the level of expertise with which you have blown my mind, if it lasted forever it would probably feel too short. But the point remains, regardless.

On the other hand, I thought I was supposed to booster over the deathtraps in the Labyrinth, so I skipped, apparently, a lot of stuff. This was because I didn't really even notice that there was a way down before the place where you talk with the Monster X driver until I had examined the game in the editor. I would suggest making that more obvious, and perhaps using blocks and the <CMP command to make a wall blocking the way of skipping everything until you start the Monster X battle. No, it wouldn't make much sense, except in the way that the passage to Omega's room in the original game had to be blocked off.

Just some ideas. Really, what you've done so far is very interesting, but I greatly dislike the balance issues caused by making almost every weapon skippable. Keep up the good work!
Jun 12, 2006 at 8:13 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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jeffreymaher9@hotmail.com said:
Waht to do in the Workshop? How do i read the diary? How do i connect the teleporter?

The diary is behind the... I believe it's the right wall in the workshop. It's like =Curly's Underwear=-- you can't see it but it's there. Well, no, =Curly's Underwear= is more of a hassle to get--but you don't have the map system here... Just get behind the wall and start pressing "down"... As for the teleporter, e-mail shmitz.
Jun 14, 2006 at 4:12 AM
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There is an issue with some cutscenes: Quote is capable of jumping/boosting upwards; when the cutscene initiates based on reaching a distance, he will fall forward in the same direction he was facing. This allows him to be present in a different place, which changes the cutscenes' feeling from what was intended.

Quote entirely supports eating Mimiga flesh.

Misery also seems directionally challenged when talking to Quote in her house.

Isn't there some kind of barrier that prevents people from doing that? There was something near the final bosses (all five of them) that stops Quote from moving forward. It doesn't really affect things much, however.
Jun 14, 2006 at 5:47 AM
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Deinarts said:
There is an issue with some cutscenes: Quote is capable of jumping/boosting upwards; when the cutscene initiates based on reaching a distance, he will fall forward in the same direction he was facing. This allows him to be present in a different place, which changes the cutscenes' feeling from what was intended.

Quote entirely supports eating Mimiga flesh.

Misery also seems directionally challenged when talking to Quote in her house.

Isn't there some kind of barrier that prevents people from doing that? There was something near the final bosses (all five of them) that stops Quote from moving forward. It doesn't really affect things much, however.

That bug actually shows up in the original, too. In the Egg Corridor the first time, if you time it right you can get Quote to ride on the flying Beetle while the scene with Sue and Igor starts, making their entire dialogue take place off screen while Quote is flown far over to the left. There's a video of someone doing that around somewhere, though I don't have the download link offhand.
Jun 14, 2006 at 7:07 AM
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That's completely different than when Deinarts is explaining.
Jun 14, 2006 at 8:21 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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It's not done the same way, no, but the error is the same - Quote's movement isn't restricted during (some) cutscenes if he's not on the ground when they start.
Jun 14, 2006 at 8:33 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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There is a TSC command (<MM0) to halt Quote's forward movement that can be used. I can probably use it during the Misery scene and the Gaudi scene, as it shouldn't be too noticeable. However, some scenes a forceful stop like that would seem less natural than the potential for a booster-happy player to be facing the wrong direction, so I typically don't add it in automatically :D
Jun 27, 2006 at 7:27 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Progress has hit a road block of late. I'm working on a particular boss fight where the "boss" that you're actually supposed to damage is rather stationary, and the challenge comes from avoiding other independant elements of the fight.

There are a lot of entities I could potentially use for this. The problem I'm having, however, is that I think I've just run out of entities that will work with the 0x0200 flag and execute a script on death, rather than poofing and giving me energy/health/missiles.

I've tested and cross checked a lot of things with npc.tbl, and I'm pretty sure that this behavior is not set in there anywhere.

So... it might be a while before I can get past this stumper. =(
Jun 27, 2006 at 10:52 PM
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If you want to I can help as Shining hasn't been contacting me too much so I can help with other projects. As for the sprites you want as dangerous, you should have those Press Eyeball thingys go around the arena making it so you have to jump occasionally. Alo why not make your own sprites that fit the purpose you want.
Jun 27, 2006 at 11:44 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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The design isn't the problem, and the sprites (that is, the graphics) aren't the problem either. The problem is that the majority of entities, even if you give them the 0x0200 flag, will still just drop power-ups upon death, and will NOT execute an event. Thus if you use the <BSL flag with them, when they die you will end up with a boss health bar with a small red sliver, and the boss fight won't actually end.

In short, unless I can find a way to change this behavior in entities, I may have run out of "bosses".
Jun 28, 2006 at 8:56 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Shmitz said:
Progress has hit a road block of late. I'm working on a particular boss fight where the "boss" that you're actually supposed to damage is rather stationary, and the challenge comes from avoiding other independant elements of the fight.

There are a lot of entities I could potentially use for this. The problem I'm having, however, is that I think I've just run out of entities that will work with the 0x0200 flag and execute a script on death, rather than poofing and giving me energy/health/missiles.

I've tested and cross checked a lot of things with npc.tbl, and I'm pretty sure that this behavior is not set in there anywhere.

So... it might be a while before I can get past this stumper. =(

Um. If you set the 0x200 flag, enemies don't poof. Not sandcrocs, not flies, not cave bats.