Hi, first off I would like to say I love this mod so far, and I'm really looking forwards to the final version.
Some suggestions I have are:
* Make it so the player
has to pick up the snake in Start Point. I found it quite easy after a couple of tries to leave it where it was and get through First Cave to the polar star without taking much damage, so I could pick it up later. Perhaps put 2 birds in the Gunsmith's home, or make the bird that's already there impossible to jump over?
* Make it more obvious how to get the life capsule near the top of Mimiga Village. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get to it.
* Please don't hide things in walls where you can't see them. If I could see what I was trying to get at, then I was happy to spend a bit of time figuring out how to get to it (for example the map system, or the life capsule near the bottom of Sand Zone).
* Don't make it too obvious how to get to the Blade, but make it more obvious than it is. It took me a long time to realise that I was meant to make the blocks towards the non-Blade door appear before I tried to jump to the platform that led to the Blade.
* I'm in two minds about the teleporters puzzle in Sand Zone. It took me quite a while to figure out what I was supposed to do, and I tried several approaches before accidentally hitting the right one (but I then figured out what I had done to make it work), but maybe that's my fault for trying to over-complicate it - I am a MYST player, after all.
* Make it more obvious how the doors in the Labyrinth work - I found Dead End by accident, and then got the hint about circles, and kind of figured out what to do with that, But I still had no idea how I got to dead end.
* I think your best bet for stopping the player skipping the monster X fight is to put spikes
here. I found that, with some very precise Booster-ing I could get over those deathtraps and land on that block. I doubt very much that I'd be able to get over it and onto the little step next to it (where I'm standing in the picture).
Sorry if it sounds like I'm bossing you around or ripping into the mod, I really did enjoy it and I'm just trying to give some constructive criticism to make the experience more enjoyable.

I also have some questions:
* How am I supposed to get the explosive after the fight in Grasstown? Those fans just before it always seem to be on when I fall. The Cthulhu said to turn the fans off, but I can't see a way of turning them off and getting back to where I was.
* Where was the super missile upgrade?
Again thanks for a really fun mod, I am really looking forwards to the next update.
EDIT: I also found that it's possible (and quite easy) to get back through the corridor in the labyrinth once you've got to the Revolutionarium, except when you get to the other end (where Monster X was before) the boss fight gets triggered again, although Monster X isn't there. After a few seconds, those homing missiles seem to fly in from above the roof, but there's no sign of the actual boss itself. I don't know if this would have happened if I had killed Monster X at the end of the Labyrinth. You might want to put something in that corridor to stop the player getting back, or to stop the boss fight from starting again if they do.