Feb 11, 2008 at 1:28 PM
Join Date: Oct 6, 2007
Location: I dunnos
Posts: 1584
Roonil Wazlib said:But we've wasted tetrabytes of these forums by killing so many catgirls.
Better not waste more

Roonil Wazlib said:But we've wasted tetrabytes of these forums by killing so many catgirls.
You're right, we're trespassing in the thread of a to-be-copyrighted game.Metalogz said:Better not waste more![]()
You have quite possibly lost an affiliation with us, which is quite important, as we are about to carry over 40,000 people for suggestions and support.
Cool eh?1 comments
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Oh and everybody here who hates you is going to enjoy looking at your faces of disappointment when that FAILS to happen.You have quite possibly lost an affiliation with us, which is quite important, as we are about to carry over 40,000 people for suggestions and support.
Even if it were onsite, I wouldn't bet on it.jcys810 said:We can't ban him for something he does offsite. :/
Except for the snagging bit.
I freaking agree. I mean, why the hell does he want SP's .pbm's when he was going to edit them such that they don't look like any other's in the first place!?!
Then delete that MyChar.pbm, and do your own one instead of "saving time" by snagging stuff here and there.
Time constraints? Enough time to argue and make a long blog entry but not enough time to just copy and paste sprites from NpcGuest.pbm into MyChar.pbm and arrange them, then proceed to recoloring them?
In the time you take to write that post, you could have done that, what time constraints were there?
The Caret.pbm too, seriously, get off your lazy butt and stop giving lame excuses like "Oh no, I can make a mistake time and again without fixing the error regardless whether the person involved wants me to.
Oh, and I also have this really good excuse called TIME CONSTRAINTS. It may sound awesome and all, but really, its just a hidden excuse for allowing me to do whatever I want and gain pity plus sympathy.
Try again. Believe it or not, you won't be making the majority of the modifications around here. Mainly because you aren't active here, and there are several mods already completed, even though its numbers are few.
After we asked you quite politely to remove it? But your excuse came up again.
Insignificant? Hm, maybe you failed to notice but... Caret.pbm plays a HUGE AND MAJOR role in the mod, any mod, including the original Cave Story. Hell, its insignificant? Then delete it. When you get a "level up", your mod will crash.
Shi wasn't being a possesive dick, she just wanted you to.. Hmm.. ASK. JUST ASK. CAN'T YOU BLOODY ASK EVEN ONCE?
Hey, next time you go to work in business or some bullcrap, you can just go around the internet and find materials for your bloody research and plagerise it. At the most you will only be infringing copyright which is only punishable by law.
Seriously, grow some balls/brains and think this through. Stop being a center-minded jerk.
You want a break? Break your hands, you won't be able to use the computer anymore, THAT, will be a break. Hell, better yet, get paralysed.
We show respect to those who deserve it. Taking things without permission isn't very nice.
Would you like it if I took your things without permission? I yank a strand of pubic hair off you without asking, snatch your money, ID, ATM cards, credit cards, etc. without asking, you like that?
Yeah, I'm exaggerating, but seriously, it isn't that hard to ask. Get some basic courtesy, and we will show you respect.
The insulting bit, I ain't too sure. Depends on what you consider insults, if you are that big of a sissy, then sure, take everything to heart.
Erm, please fuck off, because you're wasting our time with your freaking copied "great-mod".
Wait, you are making this game for sale? Or so Metalogz says.. On MSN... Well, you can't, because the engine was made by Pixel AND copyrighted by him, by selling it, you are infringing copyright.
Hell, all you really want is a place in Wikipedia, don't you?
But seriously, the main character in my mod was also edited off Garde's MyChar.pbm, WITH PERMISSION.
And it looks nothing much like the one Garde has.
Seriously, you can't sell it. Maybe you can, but you'd have to ask Pixel first, at his BBS, want a link? Well, I can't give you one, I forgot the link myself.
Actually I don't get why some member's are complaining
I saw those sprite and wanted to use it, so I tried... I was a noob at pixeling and it was a real pain in the ass, to add the missing frames. Also to choose colours for Caret, recolouring was kinda easy, but I needed colours who fit my mod >_<
So after all those hours, just one member comes and takes it away, he shows absolutely no respect, but want respect himself, in other words, he's acting like a hypocrite.
He gives a shit on the time I spend for this. (Allthough it wasn't much, it STILL is that way.) So he uses it without even crediting and asking and when I'm going to tell him, that it isn't okay, he just acts like it's his privilege/right to use it, uses lame excuses, asking nooby questions, calling his mod a "game", he gives a shit about the time spend on the FAQ's, he's just taking and taking and taking without asking and crediting.
His effrontery, just pisses me off a bit, which is understandable to a degree I guess. So I just post here and tell him and he is telling me I'm acting like a kid. After the secound post he just writes a offensive, hyper exaggerated entry in his journal.
Oh and about your... ..."Game", it isn't called a mod because you totally created the engine yourself, totally written in all the script by yourself, and totally compiled the exe by yourself, and its totally your very own original creation with nothing related to this game called Cave Story even though your title has the words Cave Story in it. Yeah... Totally. And you can also totally sell it because you totally did create the game all by yourself.
Oh, and totally ditch the idea about selling the mod,
You're right, we're trespassing in the thread of a to-be-copyrighted game.
But honestly, Mr. M, do you guys seriously think you can hit it big in the markets with a MOD?
Oh yeah, my favourite part of this blog:
You have quite possibly lost an affiliation with us, which is quite important, as we are about to carry over 40,000 people for suggestions and support.
EDIT: Earliest blog:
Cool eh?
Upon further investigation:
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Makes me wonder why I wasted five whole minutes thinking of and putting together the text for my previous post. Eh, but this provocation seems worse than the Kageryushin thing.ZTaimat said:Funny, you didn't mention me. And why would anyone even consider mentioning you? Youtube groups or not. Put simply, flaming aside, this mod is absolute utter dog vomit. Said and done.
You called?ZTaimat said:Funny, you didn't mention me. And why would anyone even consider mentioning you? Youtube groups or not. Put simply, flaming aside, this mod is absolute utter dog vomit. Said and done.
I would like to apologise for everyone's behavior, sorry about all the crap you had to go through.Mr Montmorency said:This is over. I apologised to Gardebiter, and i'm changing the sprite. Now PLEASE. Give me some constructive critisicm.
You said:Oh, and I also have this really good excuse called TIME CONSTRAINTS. It may sound awesome and all, but really, its just a hidden excuse for allowing me to do whatever I want and gain pity plus sympathy.
ME said:I'm exaggerating,
Your Reply to Metalogz said:my illiterate friend.
andwhyisit said:I would like to apologise for everyone's behavior, sorry about all the crap you had to go through.