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Cave Story: Ashes to Ashes

Feb 12, 2008 at 12:47 PM
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Metalogz said:
You can't apologise on MY behalf. I'm not ready to forgive him just yet.
I was apoligising for the situation, not on your behalf. Now not a word from you because I prefer a mod thread over a flaming thread.
Feb 12, 2008 at 12:57 PM
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andwhyisit said:
I would like to apologise for everyone's behavior, sorry about all the crap you had to go through.

Why can't you accept that I want credit and want to be asked?
Feb 12, 2008 at 7:58 PM
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andwhyisit said:
I was apoligising for the situation, not on your behalf. Now not a word from you because I prefer a mod thread over a flaming thread.
Remind me to contact Archie...
I have a few suggestion...
Feb 12, 2008 at 11:16 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Why can't you accept that I want credit and want to be asked?
That is true but as he said, if they built it from pixel's original you still would have accused them. They were originally going to credit you and edit the sprite in a later release. They didn't need to credit you for a mychar extension of an original Pixel sprite but were going to anyway. The only issue I am seeing in this is that they didn't ask permission which hasn't stirred a flaming war from you before so I don't see how now is any different.
Feb 13, 2008 at 4:53 AM
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andwhyisit said:
That is true but as he said, if they built it from pixel's original you still would have accused them. They were originally going to credit you and edit the sprite in a later release. They didn't need to credit you for a mychar extension of an original Pixel sprite but were going to anyway. The only issue I am seeing in this is that they didn't ask permission which hasn't stirred a flaming war from you before so I don't see how now is any different.
You didn't read that blog, did you?
Feb 13, 2008 at 5:22 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
You didn't read that blog, did you?
Yes I did read the blog. Do you understand the concept of past tense? They were originally going to credit sp despite not needing to considering that they were planning to edit it to not look like SP's and despite the fact that sp did the... you know what, read this post:
it explains everything for those who take the time to actually READ and not just skim over text.
Feb 13, 2008 at 5:29 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Yes I did read the blog. Do you understand the concept of past tense? They were originally going to credit sp despite not needing to considering that they were planning to edit it to not look like SP's and despite the fact that sp did the... you know what, read this post:
it explains everything for those who take the time to actually read and not just skim over text.
I understood the issue, mate. But what they were going to do is pretty different from what they did. I think Metalogz had a really good point. They had the time to steal the sprite, but not to credit SP for it. Besides, wouldn't it be more sense for them to credit SP in the version they used it and take it off in the version they didn't, rather than planning to do it the other way round? When you borrow, you're into an official contract to credit, and they didn't live upto that contract.
Feb 13, 2008 at 5:34 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
I understood the issue, mate. But what they were going to do is pretty different from what they did. I think Metalogz had a really good point. They had the time to steal the sprite, but not to credit SP for it. Besides, wouldn't it be more sense for them to credit SP in the version they used it and take it off in the version they didn't, rather than planning to do it the other way round? When you borrow, you're into an official contract to credit, and they didn't live upto that contract.
They should credit Pixel then because it is his sprite, not sp's. Besides what I was saying was that this flaming war shouldn't have ever started, then they would have credited sp.
Feb 13, 2008 at 5:45 AM
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andwhyisit said:
They should credit Pixel then because it is his sprite, not sp's. Besides what I was saying was that this flaming war shouldn't have ever started, then they would have credited sp.
If they credited SP, the flaming war would never have started. :p
But it was the blog that made me feel the need to get into this (not that I agree with you on the sprite hing).
Feb 13, 2008 at 6:06 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
If they credited SP, the flaming war would never have started. :cool:
But it was the blog that made me feel the need to get into this (not that I agree with you on the sprite hing).
We always seem to be on opposing ends don't we. :D
Feb 13, 2008 at 12:24 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
That's coz we're the only ones who post. And since there's only two of us, we're always split as 1 v 1.

Not now.

I still can't accept that he actually exxagerated all that crap in his blog.
Feb 13, 2008 at 4:17 PM
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Alrighty, I'll give some actual critisizm to the mod now.


The title screen looks good. >_>;


1) 'Textbox.pbm'

Health Bar - White, with some red as shading. This burns the eyes, and doesn't fit AT ALL. if you attempted to make it look better, try doing so using a full-colour bitmap, rather than the colours Pixel used. If you don't know how to do so, look around the forum. Also, as brought up before, when you get hurt, nothing happens to it. White =/= Life. Unless you're considering reproduction, in which... ew.

EXP Bar - Same as HP bar, only with a bit of blue. This makes things even takier, and leaves the player focusing more on the game than how he's doing. Which isn't saying much. Again, use more than the default colour sceme.

Windows - A red line around the outside? It isn't much, but it's definatly a putrid colour combination. Again, use more than the default colour sceme.

2) Gameplay

Story - There... isn't one. Okay, I'm some soilder Mimiga... and... that's about it. There's no background story, no opening... Nothing to keep you interested.

'Training' - This is a nono too. It's very possible to pull this off effectivly, but you didn't. The 1st sign tells you how to move, and examine signs; In which you have to know how to do so to learn how to do so. A complete noob picking up your game before cavestory wouldn't enjoy this. Also, Dragon Zombies? The 1st enemy? Spur? The 1st weapon? Whaaaa...? No. Just no. The Dragon Zombies can insta-kill you if you're a dork, and the Spur is meant to be a complete secret; I'm sure NOBODY knew it existed, the 1st few years cavestory was out. Sure, you know about it; but simply telling the player what's in store before they can learn about it is just cruel. It's like picking up cavestory after reading the whole Wikipedia article on it.

Maps - Bland, repetitive, and... ick. Houses are like misshapen blobs, a few maps are incomplete, and there are a few spikes randomly floating in the air for no apperant reason. If this is the best you can do, which I suspect it IS, as it's your first impression, then stop trying, or LEARN how to map. Creating a map is like any art, There's a huge difference between Stick-people, and... Zeshiro. Atm, you're 'stick people with clothes on'. This excludes 'Order of the stick' as a form of art.

Missions...? - This doesn't fit at all, and when I saw the message 'Mission Complete', I said to myself "Oh god no", and facepalmed. IRL. If I facepalm IRL, that's baaaaaaad.

3) Impressions

- You have a team of three, and none of you can map creativly, think up a storyline, or know when it's a good idea to advertize. IOW, you failed miserably in introducing your mod.

- You have a website. This brings the expectation of the mod to a height greater than runelancers... OHWAIT! No screenshots, no information, no storyline... another fail.

- You didn't look into anything before you started the mod, by the looks of it. You didn't know you could use a full colour set, edit weapons, or anything in particular. I'm sure you havn't played anyone elses mods either to get an idea as to what mods entail. You just joined the forum without looking anywhere to hand out samples of what you made, simply because you were proud you made it. I could do that too with my own fecal matter, but I'd probably end up in an insane asylum. Or jail. Probably Jail.

I sugest you type out a post saying this is nothing at all what you're going to eventually release to the public. Take down your website. Mods are for fun, free time... And did we mention it isn't exactly legal to do them?
Feb 13, 2008 at 6:09 PM
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Right. Thanks... I guess.

I mean, don't get me wrong (yet again) but you've just told us things you don't like, you haven't suggested much we could improve...

I'm not really surprised, since our mod is 'utter dog vomit' despite the fact that we are still working on it.

Shit, you're all going to flame again, right? Typical. Ugh.
Feb 13, 2008 at 6:18 PM
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Which is your own fault I think, you just can't excuse and all will be good.
Feb 13, 2008 at 6:21 PM
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Right. Thanks... I guess. You seem to like parrying our mod, right?
That is what Mr Montmorency said before editing his post above.
What the heck? Are you repining because he was helping you?
It is like you're asking to praise your mod.
Feb 13, 2008 at 6:22 PM
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But thats why I edited it! What are you trying to prove?!
Feb 13, 2008 at 6:27 PM
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I wasn't pointing out what I don't like, I was pointing out what was wrong with it. Not by my own thought towards it, but OVERALL. If you want to turn the blind eye, and think you're mod's perfect the way it is, then you're neglecting the critisism. Which is incredibly stupid of you.

In my above post, I pointed out what was horribly wrong with your nod, and why. If you're unwilling to listen to reason, then simply leave the forum NOW.

What the heck? Are you repining because he was helping you?
It is like you're asking to praise your mod.
But thats why I edited it! What are you trying to prove?!

Feb 13, 2008 at 6:33 PM
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well, fine. i worded the post incorrectly. You all don't have to jump all of the sudden whenever i post something back. just make sure we're clear.

these 'fail' and posts like that are uncalled for, stop it. i've removed the offending article. i expect you guys not to keep dragging these things on when they're over. lets just talk about the mod, not about my crappy journal post.