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Aside from the obvious fact that entity editing doesn't work yet, this editor is already better then CE and SE, and it doesn't crash when you open certain ASM hacked mods.
Hey dudes and dudes-in-denial, I've updated the editor to
At this point I feel the only thing holding it back from being a fully-functional editor is not having a working entity editor, so hopefully that should be functional by the next update. But in the meantime, it's getting better at working with CS+ mods and not-crashing in general so I encourage you to try it out once more and let me know about any issues I've undoubtedly overlooked.
Hey dudes and dudes-in-denial, I've updated the editor to
At this point I feel the only thing holding it back from being a fully-functional editor is not having a working entity editor, so hopefully that should be functional by the next update. But in the meantime, it's getting better at working with CS+ mods and not-crashing in general so I encourage you to try it out once more and let me know about any issues I've undoubtedly overlooked.
Of course, I just had to use a non-Windows operating system to make extra sure that the editor wouldn't work. The good news is that I can load the map data from the executable. But I can't seem to make the maps show up by clicking on them. Is there a fix for this on Linux?
I'm going to assume the issue is that I used the '/' as the path separator in a number of places. At least it sounds plausible.
I'll check it out when I get home from work.
I'm going to assume the issue is that I used the '/' as the path separator in a number of places. At least it sounds plausible.
I'll check it out when I get home from work.
yeah, it was "the wrong one", but at 7 AM with less than four hours of sleep last night I was having trouble remembering which one that was. I definitely have some .. + "\\Stage\\" + ... bits lurking about. Silly windows and your lenient filepaths tripping me up all the time.
I know making an editor is hard, but once you finish making all the stuff it NEEDS, a weapon editor would be a good idea, basically the same as the one in CE, but also allowing you to edit bullet speeds, directions, movement, and auto ammo refill on/off, I know that this is a pretty REALLY steep request, and I don't think that you should even think about doing it without finishing the entity editing, aw hell, I don't even expect it to happen at all, so I'm saying that right now in stead of having to clarify later.
I've tried the editor. It's pretty good, contains HALP (!) and cats :3
I'll probably use this editor for future modding, when it'll have more functions.
I know making an editor is hard, but once you finish making all the stuff it NEEDS, a weapon editor would be a good idea, basically the same as the one in CE, but also allowing you to edit bullet speeds, directions, movement, and auto ammo refill on/off, I know that this is a pretty REALLY steep request, and I don't think that you should even think about doing it without finishing the entity editing, aw hell, I don't even expect it to happen at all, so I'm saying that right now in stead of having to clarify later.
10 dollars or a steam game of equal or lesser value to whomever fixes and finishes entityInfo.txt to my satisfaction
p.s. I am not releasing another update until it gets done
(rects in the list are from CS+ btw so if you use regular CS image files just double the values)
[02:33] <Bobbyis> what do I do to fix it
[02:34] <Noxid> download the file
[02:34] <Noxid> add rects and categories to every entity past 180
[02:34] <Bobbyis> categories?
[02:35] <Noxid> the first 180 have already been done and you can use those as an example
[02:38] <Bobbyis> how do I find framrects
[02:38] <Noxid> look at the name of the NPC
[02:38] <Noxid> open
[02:39] <Noxid> find a frame
[02:39] <Noxid> note the pixels to form a rect
(note that rects are typically multiples of 16 or possibly 8)
also these are entities that will have the wrong name and rects in the file:
would you be able to fix that? :s
Also I don't know if it's pastebin's fault but the oh-so-finnicky tab-delimited formatting was turned into spaces so I had to fix that up by hand. I have the result of that here. It would be nice to not have to fix it again :/
but oh, do I have more images?
There's entity values! They get populated when you click an entity! The list scrolls to your selection!
You can change entities!
You can change lots of entities! Also the list pops out!
You're a lifesaver man. With this, I'm going to push out V0.1.0.0 and officially call it the "beta" phase of development, because most of the core functionality is now complete and I just have to get it to work and add nice things.
Obv the entity editor is somewhat functional now, but I should note that the category picker (way up top) isn't implemented, it just always uses the "All->All" category which is loosely sorted by entity ID
Also changing the entity attributes in the editor thing doesn't actually do anything at the moment, it's "read-only", shall we say. It's a high-priority addition obviously.
Still, give it a run for me would ya? Let me know what you think of the design of the entity interface in particular. I'm thinking of adding some radios/checks up top to modify what the mouse buttons do.
Omg, dude, I have been waiting so long for a better CS editor that wont destroy all my dang levels and corrupt my data....
This editor is AMAZING! Much simpler to use and understand.
I noticed that correct entity display only happens when an entity is in the appropriate tileset. With maps using PrtWeed, the Behemoth displays as a Power Critter, but with maps using PrtEggs1, it displays as a Behemoth. But I think this can be concidered a feature and not a bug at current, since it might give newbies the idea to steer clear of entities they can't use with a certain tileset anyway.
I attempted to change an NPC set and it said "Error loading image C:\[......]\data\Npc\Weed.pbm". I renamed the NpcWeed set to what it wanted and it worked, but that's still an oversight. Prt tilesets also neglect the prefix, but Bk backgrounds work just fine. But, if I change these using Map Right-click -> Modify, then I can change them just fine (although Bk0 is preselected so I have to reselect the proper background, and also this dialog is incorrectly labeled Resize Map).
Other than that, everything appears to be working fine.
Some questions:
-Can you make the script window so that it docks when toggled?
-When will you implement game settings such as start location setting (although that's not an absolutely vital priority)?
-What is "Draw Order"? (Although I can guess)
By the way, I formatted the complete TSC to be used in BL. Just replace everything below the line [CE_TSC] with the spoilered text below.
<AE+ 0 ---- Arms Energy + Refills Ammo
<AM+ 2 aA-- ArMs + Gives weapon X, adds Y ammo
<AM- 1 a--- ArMs - Takes weapon X
<AMJ 2 ae-- ArMs Jump Jumps to event Y if you have weapon X
<ANP 3 N#d- Animate NPc Animates entity X with method Y and direction Z
<BOA 1 #--- BOss Animation Animates boss X
<BSL 1 N--- Boss Script Load Starts boss fight with entity X
<CAT 0 ---- (C?) All Text Instant text display - Place before a <MSG/2/3; Works until <END
<CIL 0 ---- Clear ILlustration Clears illustration during credits
<CLO 0 ---- CLOse Closes message box
<CLR 0 ---- CLeaR Clears message box
<CMP 3 xyt- Change MaP tile Changes the tile at coordinates X:Y to type Z (with smoke)
<CMU 1 u--- Change MUsic Changes music to song X
<CNP 3 Nnd- Change NPc Changes entity X to type Y with direction Z
<CPS 0 ---- Clear Prop. Sound Stops the propeller sound
<CRE 0 ---- CREdits Rolls credits
<CSS 0 ---- Clear Stream Sound Stops the stream sound
<DNA 1 n--- Delete Npc All Deletes all entities of type X
<DNP 1 N--- Delete NPc Removes all entities tagged with event X
<ECJ 2 #e-- Event Check Jump Jumps to event Y if any entity tagged with event X is found
<END 0 ---- END Ends the current scripted event
<EQ+ 1 #--- EQuip + Equip item X
<EQ- 1 #--- EQuip - Unequip item X
<ESC 0 ---- ESCape Quits to title screen
<EVE 1 e--- EVEnt Go to event X
<FAC 1 f--- FACe Shows face X in the text box
<FAI 1 d--- FAde In Fade in with direction X
<FAO 1 d--- FAde Out Fade out with direction X
<FL+ 1 F--- FLag + Sets flag X
<FL- 1 F--- FLag - Clears flag X
<FLA 0 ---- FLAsh Flashes the screen
<FLJ 2 Fe-- FLag Jump Jump to event Y if flag X is set
<FMU 0 ---- Fade MUsic Fades the music out
<FOB 2 N.-- Focus On Boss Focus on boss X in Y ticks [Y > 0]
<FOM 1 .--- Focus On Me Focus on me in X ticks
<FON 2 N.-- Focus On Npc Focus on entity tagged with event X in Y ticks
<FRE 0 ---- FREe Frees game action and character
<GIT 1 g--- Graphic ITem Displays an item or weapon icon above the text box (add 1000 to X for items - GIT0000 to remove)
<HMC 0 ---- Hide My Character Hides your character
<INI 0 ---- INItialize Resets memory and starts game from beginning
<INP 3 Nnd- (Initialize?) NPc Changes entity tagged with event X to type Y with direction Z and sets entity flag 100 (0x8000)
<IT+ 1 i--- ITem + Give item X
<IT- 1 i--- ITem - Take item X
<ITJ 2 ie-- ITem Jump Jump to event Y if you have item X
<KEY 0 ---- KEY lock Locks out player controls and hides status bars until END
<LDP 0 ---- LoaD Profile Loads a saved game from Profile.dat
<LI+ 1 #--- LIfe + Recovers X health
<ML+ 1 #--- Max Life + Add X to maximum health
<MLP 0 ---- Map (LP?) Displays a map of the current area
<MM0 0 ---- My Motion 0 Halts characters forward motion
<MNA 0 ---- Map NAme Displays the name of the current area
<MNP 4 Nxyd Move NPc Move entity tagged with event X to coordinates Y:Z with direction A
<MOV 2 xy-- MOVe Moves you to coordinates X:Y
<MPJ 1 e--- MaP Jump Jump to event X if map flag for current stage is set
<MP+ 1 #--- MaP + Set map flag X
<MS2 0 ---- MeSsage 2 Opens an invisible text box at the top of screen
<MS3 0 ---- MeSsage 3 Opens a text box at the top of screen
<MSG 0 ---- MeSsaGe Opens a text box
<MYB 1 d--- MY Bump Bumps you from (to?) direction X
<MYD 1 d--- MY Direction Makes you face direction X
<NCJ 2 ne-- Npc Check Jump Jump to event Y if any entity of type X is present
<NOD 0 ---- NOD Waits for player input before resuming the script
<NUM 1 #--- NUMber Outputs value Y/value from <AM+ as text; Values other than 0000 give varying numbers (Pattern?)
<PRI 0 ---- PRInt Locks out player controls and freezes game action
<PS+ 2 #m-- Portal Slot + Set teleporter slot X to event Y. Selecting slot X (via <SLP) will run event Y on the current map.
<QUA 1 .--- QUAke Shakes the screen for X ticks
<RMU 0 ---- Restore MUsic Resumes the song played before the current song
<SAT 0 ---- Speed-up All Text Speeds up text display
<SIL 1 l--- Show ILlustration Show illustration X during credits
<SK+ 1 F--- SKipflag + Set skipflag X
<SK- 1 F--- Skipflag - Clear skipflag X
<SKJ 2 Fe-- SKipflag Jump Jump to event Y is skipflag X is set
<SLP 0 ---- Show Location Portals Shows the teleporter menu
<SMC 0 ---- Show My Character Unhides your character
<SMP 2 xy-- Shift MaP tile Subtract 1 from the tile type at coordinates X:Y (Toggles a tile without smoke FX)
<SNP 4 nxyd Set NPc Creates an entity of type X at coordinates Y:Z with direction A
<SOU 1 s--- SOUnd Plays sound effect X
<SPS 0 ---- Start Propeller Sound Starts the propeller sound
<SSS 1 #--- Start Stream Sound Starts the stream sound at volume X
<STC 0 ---- Save Time Counter Saves current time to 290.rec
<SVP 0 ---- SaVe Profile Saves current game to Profile.dat
<TAM 3 aaA- Trade ArMs Trade weapon X for weapon Y and sets ammo to Z (max ammo 0000 = no change)
<TRA 4 mexy TRAnsport Travel to map X, run event Y, move character to coordinates Z:A
<TUR 0 ---- Text UnRead? Instant text display - Place inside a <MSG/2/3; Works until another <MSG/2/3 or <END
<UNI 1 #--- UNIverse? Sets character movement style (0000 - regular, 0001 - zero-G, 0002 - No movement allowed)
<UNJ 1 e--- UNdamaged Jump Jump to event X if no damage has been taken
<WAI 1 .--- WAIt Pauses script for X ticks
<WAS 0 ---- WAit until Standing Waits until character is standing
<XX1 1 l--- XX1 Shows distant view of the island [image X]
<YNJ 1 e--- Yes/No Jump Prompts Yes/No, jumps to event X if No
<ZAM 0 ---- Zero ArMs Zeros all weapon energy