M M metalsonic71 Sep 15, 2013 Could you tell me which mega man mod you were talking about? was it mine, *the terrible one* or tpcool's *which is still in development.*
Could you tell me which mega man mod you were talking about? was it mine, *the terrible one* or tpcool's *which is still in development.*
S S Slither Jun 13, 2011 I'm doing okay. But be careful, if you post like this on the forums, you'll be arrested for spam.
Ralren Jun 6, 2011 Sorry, but I can't.. I'm not the kind of person you would need help with.. trust me. Thanks for asking, though! O;
Sorry, but I can't.. I'm not the kind of person you would need help with.. trust me. Thanks for asking, though! O;
Noxid Jun 6, 2011 I haven't got the time to do much more than answer occasional questions in the Quick Hacking/Modding Answers thread.
I haven't got the time to do much more than answer occasional questions in the Quick Hacking/Modding Answers thread.
Captain Fabulous Jun 1, 2011 I don't even know where you got the idea that I can mod. We have an entire forum and an IRC channel to help beginners.
I don't even know where you got the idea that I can mod. We have an entire forum and an IRC channel to help beginners.