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Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

Jul 21, 2012 at 9:07 PM
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Jazz Jackalope said:
My thoughts on yao- I mean...

I noticed that correct entity display only happens when an entity is in the appropriate tileset. With maps using PrtWeed, the Behemoth displays as a Power Critter, but with maps using PrtEggs1, it displays as a Behemoth. But I think this can be concidered a feature and not a bug at current, since it might give newbies the idea to steer clear of entities they can't use with a certain tileset anyway.
Yeah, that is intentional. It was also easier on me to set up the data, although perhaps not to program... but it also saves memory use since all the npc sheets don't need to be loaded at once.

I attempted to change an NPC set and it said "Error loading image C:\[......]\data\Npc\Weed.pbm". I renamed the NpcWeed set to what it wanted and it worked, but that's still an oversight. Prt tilesets also neglect the prefix, but Bk backgrounds work just fine. But, if I change these using Map Right-click -> Modify, then I can change them just fine (although Bk0 is preselected so I have to reselect the proper background, and also this dialog is incorrectly labeled Resize Map).
That is a bug.. I'll get it fixed for the next release. I must've divorced some of that functionality between the inline version of the mapdata editor and the popup version.

Other than that, everything appears to be working fine.

Some questions:
-Can you make the script window so that it docks when toggled?
-When will you implement game settings such as start location setting (although that's not an absolutely vital priority)?
-What is "Draw Order"? (Although I can guess)
1) Yeah, that shouldn't be too hard, and it'll give something to go in that big empty space.
2) Eventually.. a lot of those are actually hacks, so when I get the hacking dialog up and running those will be included as default hack options.
3) It's the order in which the entities get drawn to the screen; higher draw order gets laid overtop of lower. (technically, it's also the order they occur in the file). Useful to change if you don't want things walking behind doors.

By the way, I formatted the complete TSC to be used in BL. Just replace everything below the line [CE_TSC] with the spoilered text below.

<AE+ 0 ---- Arms Energy + Refills Ammo
<AM+ 2 aA-- ArMs + Gives weapon X, adds Y ammo
<AM- 1 a--- ArMs - Takes weapon X
<AMJ 2 ae-- ArMs Jump Jumps to event Y if you have weapon X
<ANP 3 N#d- Animate NPc Animates entity X with method Y and direction Z
<BOA 1 #--- BOss Animation Animates boss X
<BSL 1 N--- Boss Script Load Starts boss fight with entity X
<CAT 0 ---- (C?) All Text Instant text display - Place before a <MSG/2/3; Works until <END
<CIL 0 ---- Clear ILlustration Clears illustration during credits
<CLO 0 ---- CLOse Closes message box
<CLR 0 ---- CLeaR Clears message box
<CMP 3 xyt- Change MaP tile Changes the tile at coordinates X:Y to type Z (with smoke)
<CMU 1 u--- Change MUsic Changes music to song X
<CNP 3 Nnd- Change NPc Changes entity X to type Y with direction Z
<CPS 0 ---- Clear Prop. Sound Stops the propeller sound
<CRE 0 ---- CREdits Rolls credits
<CSS 0 ---- Clear Stream Sound Stops the stream sound
<DNA 1 n--- Delete Npc All Deletes all entities of type X
<DNP 1 N--- Delete NPc Removes all entities tagged with event X
<ECJ 2 #e-- Event Check Jump Jumps to event Y if any entity tagged with event X is found
<END 0 ---- END Ends the current scripted event
<EQ+ 1 #--- EQuip + Equip item X
<EQ- 1 #--- EQuip - Unequip item X
<ESC 0 ---- ESCape Quits to title screen
<EVE 1 e--- EVEnt Go to event X
<FAC 1 f--- FACe Shows face X in the text box
<FAI 1 d--- FAde In Fade in with direction X
<FAO 1 d--- FAde Out Fade out with direction X
<FL+ 1 F--- FLag + Sets flag X
<FL- 1 F--- FLag - Clears flag X
<FLA 0 ---- FLAsh Flashes the screen
<FLJ 2 Fe-- FLag Jump Jump to event Y if flag X is set
<FMU 0 ---- Fade MUsic Fades the music out
<FOB 2 N.-- Focus On Boss Focus on boss X in Y ticks [Y > 0]
<FOM 1 .--- Focus On Me Focus on me in X ticks
<FON 2 N.-- Focus On Npc Focus on entity tagged with event X in Y ticks
<FRE 0 ---- FREe Frees game action and character
<GIT 1 g--- Graphic ITem Displays an item or weapon icon above the text box (add 1000 to X for items - GIT0000 to remove)
<HMC 0 ---- Hide My Character Hides your character
<INI 0 ---- INItialize Resets memory and starts game from beginning
<INP 3 Nnd- (Initialize?) NPc Changes entity tagged with event X to type Y with direction Z and sets entity flag 100 (0x8000)
<IT+ 1 i--- ITem + Give item X
<IT- 1 i--- ITem - Take item X
<ITJ 2 ie-- ITem Jump Jump to event Y if you have item X
<KEY 0 ---- KEY lock Locks out player controls and hides status bars until END
<LDP 0 ---- LoaD Profile Loads a saved game from Profile.dat
<LI+ 1 #--- LIfe + Recovers X health
<ML+ 1 #--- Max Life + Add X to maximum health
<MLP 0 ---- Map (LP?) Displays a map of the current area
<MM0 0 ---- My Motion 0 Halts characters forward motion
<MNA 0 ---- Map NAme Displays the name of the current area
<MNP 4 Nxyd Move NPc Move entity tagged with event X to coordinates Y:Z with direction A
<MOV 2 xy-- MOVe Moves you to coordinates X:Y
<MPJ 1 e--- MaP Jump Jump to event X if map flag for current stage is set
<MP+ 1 #--- MaP + Set map flag X
<MS2 0 ---- MeSsage 2 Opens an invisible text box at the top of screen
<MS3 0 ---- MeSsage 3 Opens a text box at the top of screen
<MSG 0 ---- MeSsaGe Opens a text box
<MYB 1 d--- MY Bump Bumps you from (to?) direction X
<MYD 1 d--- MY Direction Makes you face direction X
<NCJ 2 ne-- Npc Check Jump Jump to event Y if any entity of type X is present
<NOD 0 ---- NOD Waits for player input before resuming the script
<NUM 1 #--- NUMber Outputs value Y/value from <AM+ as text; Values other than 0000 give varying numbers (Pattern?)
<PRI 0 ---- PRInt Locks out player controls and freezes game action
<PS+ 2 #m-- Portal Slot + Set teleporter slot X to event Y. Selecting slot X (via <SLP) will run event Y on the current map.
<QUA 1 .--- QUAke Shakes the screen for X ticks
<RMU 0 ---- Restore MUsic Resumes the song played before the current song
<SAT 0 ---- Speed-up All Text Speeds up text display
<SIL 1 l--- Show ILlustration Show illustration X during credits
<SK+ 1 F--- SKipflag + Set skipflag X
<SK- 1 F--- Skipflag - Clear skipflag X
<SKJ 2 Fe-- SKipflag Jump Jump to event Y is skipflag X is set
<SLP 0 ---- Show Location Portals Shows the teleporter menu
<SMC 0 ---- Show My Character Unhides your character
<SMP 2 xy-- Shift MaP tile Subtract 1 from the tile type at coordinates X:Y (Toggles a tile without smoke FX)
<SNP 4 nxyd Set NPc Creates an entity of type X at coordinates Y:Z with direction A
<SOU 1 s--- SOUnd Plays sound effect X
<SPS 0 ---- Start Propeller Sound Starts the propeller sound
<SSS 1 #--- Start Stream Sound Starts the stream sound at volume X
<STC 0 ---- Save Time Counter Saves current time to 290.rec
<SVP 0 ---- SaVe Profile Saves current game to Profile.dat
<TAM 3 aaA- Trade ArMs Trade weapon X for weapon Y and sets ammo to Z (max ammo 0000 = no change)
<TRA 4 mexy TRAnsport Travel to map X, run event Y, move character to coordinates Z:A
<TUR 0 ---- Text UnRead? Instant text display - Place inside a <MSG/2/3; Works until another <MSG/2/3 or <END
<UNI 1 #--- UNIverse? Sets character movement style (0000 - regular, 0001 - zero-G, 0002 - No movement allowed)
<UNJ 1 e--- UNdamaged Jump Jump to event X if no damage has been taken
<WAI 1 .--- WAIt Pauses script for X ticks
<WAS 0 ---- WAit until Standing Waits until character is standing
<XX1 1 l--- XX1 Shows distant view of the island [image X]
<YNJ 1 e--- Yes/No Jump Prompts Yes/No, jumps to event X if No
<ZAM 0 ---- Zero ArMs Zeros all weapon energy
I'll put it in
Jul 21, 2012 at 10:21 PM
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<NUM 1 #--- NUMber Outputs value Y/value from <AM+ as text; Values other than 0000 give varying numbers (Pattern?)
The number printed is [4a5b34+argument*4], so theoretically it could be used to print most ram values.

Edit: Slightly modified version of Jackie's list.
Commands are of the form <CMDwwww:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz. Entity x refers to entities tagged x. Entity type x refers to entities of type x.
<AE+ 0 ---- Refill all weapon ammo.
<AM+ 2 aA-- Give weapon W with X ammo. Use 0000 for infinite ammo.
<AM- 1 a--- Remove weapon W.
<AMJ 2 ae-- Jump to event X if the PC has weapon W.
<ANP 3 N#d- Give all entities W scriptstate X and direction Y. Used for animation.
<BOA 1 #--- Give map-boss (eg Omega) scriptstate W
<BSL 1 N--- Start boss fight with entity W. Use 0000 to end the boss fight.
<CAT 0 ---- Instantly display text. Use before a <MSG/2/3; works until <END. Same command as <SAT.
<CIL 0 ---- Clear illustration (during credits).
<CLO 0 ---- Close message box.
<CLR 0 ---- Clear message box.
<CMP 3 xyt- Change the tile at coordinates W:X to type Y. Produces smoke.
<CMU 1 u--- Change music to song W.
<CNP 3 Nnd- Change all entities W to type X with direction Y.
<CPS 0 ---- Stops the propeller sound.
<CRE 0 ---- Rolls credits.
<CSS 0 ---- Stops the stream sound.
<DNA 1 n--- Remove all entities of type W.
<DNP 1 N--- Remove all entities W.
<ECJ 2 #e-- Jump to event X if any entities W exist.
<END 0 ---- End the current scripted event.
<EQ+ 1 #--- Equip item W.
<EQ- 1 #--- Dequip item W.
<ESC 0 ---- Quit to title screen.
<EVE 1 e--- Go to event W.
<FAC 1 f--- Show face W in the message box.
<FAI 1 d--- Fade in with direction W.
<FAO 1 d--- Fade out with direction W.
<FL+ 1 F--- Set flag W. Using flags over 8000 is inadvisable.
<FL- 1 F--- Clear flag W.
<FLA 0 ---- Flash the screen white.
<FLJ 2 Fe-- Jump to event X if flag W is set.
<FMU 0 ---- Fade the music out.
<FOB 2 N.-- Focus on boss W in X ticks. Use X > 0.
<FOM 1 .--- Focus on the PC in W ticks. Use W > 0.
<FON 2 N.-- Focus on entity W in X ticks. Use X > 0.
<FRE 0 ---- Free game action and the PC.
<GIT 1 g--- Display an item or weapon icon above the message box. Add 1000 to W for items. Use 0000 to remove.
<HMC 0 ---- Hide the PC.
<INI 0 ---- Reset memory and restart game.
<INP 3 Nnd- Change entity W to type X with direction Y and set entity flag 100 (0x8000).
<IT+ 1 i--- Give item W.
<IT- 1 i--- Remove item W.
<ITJ 2 ie-- Jump to event X if the PC has item W.
<KEY 0 ---- Lock player controls and hide status bars until <END.
<LDP 0 ---- Load the saved game.
<LI+ 1 #--- Recover W health.
<ML+ 1 #--- Increase the current and maximum health by W.
<MLP 0 ---- Display a map of the current area.
<MM0 0 ---- Halt the PC's forward motion.
<MNA 0 ---- Display the map name.
<MNP 4 Nxyd Move entity W to coordinates X:Y with direction Z.
<MOV 2 xy-- Move the PC to coordinates W:X.
<MPJ 1 e--- Jump to event W if the map flag for the current area is set.
<MP+ 1 #--- Set map flag W. Map flags cannot be unset. Highest usable flag is 127.
<MS2 0 ---- Open an invisible message box at the top of screen.
<MS3 0 ---- Open a message box at the top of screen.
<MSG 0 ---- Open a message box at the bottom of the screen.
<MYB 1 d--- Causes the PC to hop in the direction opposite of W. Using up or down causes the jump to be vertical.
<MYD 1 d--- Causes the PC to face direction W.
<NCJ 2 ne-- Jump to event X if any entity of type W exists.
<NOD 0 ---- Wait for player input before resuming script.
<NUM 1 #--- Prints the value [4a5b34+W*4] to the message box. Use 0000 to print the last used W from compatible commands (eg AM+).
<PRI 0 ---- Lock player controls and freeze game action.
<PS+ 2 #m-- Set teleporter slot W to event X. Selecting slot W while using the teleporter menu will jump to event X.
<QUA 1 .--- Shake the screen for W ticks.
<RMU 0 ---- Resume the song last played.
<SAT 0 ---- Instantly display text. Use before a <MSG/2/3; works until <END. Same command as <CAT.
<SIL 1 l--- Show illustration W (during credits).
<SK+ 1 F--- Set skipflag W.
<SK- 1 F--- Clear skipflag W.
<SKJ 2 Fe-- Jump to event X if skipflag W is set.
<SLP 0 ---- Show the teleporter menu.
<SMC 0 ---- Unhides the PC.
<SMP 2 xy-- Subtract 1 from the tile type at coordinates W:X. Does not create smoke.
<SNP 4 nxyd Create an entity of type W at coordinates X:Y with direction Z.
<SOU 1 s--- Play sound effect W.
<SPS 0 ---- Start the propeller sound.
<SSS 1 #--- Start the stream sound with volume W.
<STC 0 ---- Saves current time to 290.rec.
<SVP 0 ---- Saves current game.
<TAM 3 aaA- Trade weapon W for weapon X and set max ammo to Y. Use 0000 to keep the same amount of ammo.
<TRA 4 mexy Travel to map W, run event X, and move the PC to coordinates Y:Z.
<TUR 0 ---- Instantly display text. Use after a <MSG/2/3; works until another <MSG/2/3 or an <END.
<UNI 1 #--- Set character movement type. Use 0000 for normal, 0001 for zero-G and 0002 to disallow movement.
<UNJ 2 #e-- Jump to event X if movement is of type W (0000 for normal, 0001 for zero-G).
<WAI 1 .--- Pause script for W ticks.
<WAS 0 ---- Pause script until character is on ground.
<XX1 1 l--- Show the island falling in manner W. Use 0000 to have it crash and 0001 to have it stop midway.
<YNJ 1 e--- Prompt Yes/No; jump to event W if No is selected.
<ZAM 0 ---- Sets all weapon energy to zero.

e2: fixed info on myb and xx1
e3: num is a much odder beast than my past-self thought past self was right
e4: fixed info on unj
e5: added info on bsl, cat, and sat
e6: finalized all non-fob information.
Jul 22, 2012 at 1:30 AM
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Would it be possible to put an assembler into the editor? You can use the code from the Doukutsu Assembler, which is open source.

Doesn't have to be complicated. If you don't want the inline syntax highlighting editor, just put in a couple of buttons and checkboxes for assembling files. Everything else is just code in the background.
Jul 22, 2012 at 9:44 PM
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Edit: Slightly modified version of Jackie's list.

...No catchy names like ArMs +? Dude!

(I appreciate your fixes, though, since I thought some of these were kinda flaky.)
Jul 23, 2012 at 5:02 AM
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MYB 1 d--- Causes the PC to hop in direction W.
The direction defined with MYB is inverted.
Jul 23, 2012 at 12:49 PM
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Ah, thank you. I couldn't remember :[
(edited my previous post)

I'm also a bit confused about <UNJ and <FOB, if you guys could help there. For the first, I'm wondering what exactly is meant by "has taken damage"; like, taken damage since when? And if this command exists, why did pixel create a special entity during the ikachan fight which dies if you take damage? As for <FOB, I'm wondering why it has two args. I'm assuming it only works for map-bosses (because otherwise you could use <FON), but if that is indeed the case, there is only one map-boss so you wouldn't need to specify which one to focus on.

If any people who've used TSC recently could help, that'd be great.

Edit: could someone see if <NUM0M:0 prints out the current health? What I said earlier is from some of my notes from a long way back, and olly isn't working atm so I cannae double-check.
Jul 23, 2012 at 4:11 PM
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Lace said:
Ah, thank you. I couldn't remember :[
(edited my previous post),
Happy to help. It's confused me every time I've tried to use it.

Lace said:
I'm wondering what exactly is meant by "has taken damage"; like, taken damage since when? And if this command exists, why did pixel create a special entity during the ikachan fight which dies if you take damage?
I'm guessing it's damage taken between entering the map and using the <UNJ command, because of the event you just stated. Maybe in the code for the game, there's the equivalent of an <NCJ for the entity that is killed if you're hurt, and that's what causes Ikachan to spawn and you to get the medal. Just a guess, though.

Lace said:
Edit: could someone see if <NUM0M:0 prints out the current health? What I said earlier is from some of my notes from a long way back, and olly isn't working atm so I cannae double-check.
<NUM0M:0 writes "0" for me, no matter what I do.

Not sure about FOB, sorry.

EDIT: I've just tested <UNJ.


So if #9999 is performed, and damage has been taken, the event should switch to #9998. But whether I take damage or not, it always freezes the game (the music still plays and it runs fine, it's just it's as if <END is never performed).
Jul 24, 2012 at 12:30 AM
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Fixed the info on <UNJ. It takes two arguments, and does a jump if the movement type is equal to the first arg.
The reason it was acting like there was no <end in your script is because it was taking that as an argument.

Also CAT and SAT are literally the exact same command.
Jul 24, 2012 at 1:21 AM
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Odd that CE thought it only had one parameter.
So it checks what UNI is set as? I guess that makes sense.
Jul 24, 2012 at 2:02 AM
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So the first argument in <FOB goes off to points to the x and y values that are eventually focused on. By that, I'd guess that the number of the map-boss should be used as the argument, but everytime that <FOB is used ingame (that I can tell), a null argument of 0000 is used. Would someone care to test what happens when you plug in various numbers?

Other than that, it looks like num is the only remaining point of unclarity (the thing I previously said is very, very, very not true. also there's this funky thing with division by powers of ten and such). The body of that can be found at 0x421d10 if you feel like looking, but I'm tired of doing this now so Imma stop.

e: In retrospect, that weird thing with powers of ten is probably the number-drawing routine, and I may have actually been right in the past.

e2: Yeah I was right originally. This is pretty super cool because it means that any ram value between 494f74 and 4fa53c can be written as text. That means, like, your current health, max health, which face picture is currently showing (00/0), the width and height of the map, and quite a few other things. I'm sure SOMEONE can find a cool use for it.

If you have an offset in mind but don't know what argument to use for num, the argument equals (offset-0x4a5b34)/4. Use ascii chars to write negative or huge arguments.
Jul 29, 2012 at 2:43 AM
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Much thanks to Lace for his fixes. I've added in the necessary tabs, and the command names.

<AE+ 0 ---- Arms Energy + Refill all weapon ammo.
<AM+ 2 aA-- ArMs + Give weapon W with X ammo. Use 0000 for infinite ammo.
<AM- 1 a--- ArMs - Remove weapon W.
<AMJ 2 ae-- ArMs Jump Jump to event X if the PC has weapon W.
<ANP 3 N#d- Animate NPc Give all entities W scriptstate X and direction Y. Used for animation.
<BOA 1 #--- BOss Animation Give map-boss (eg Omega) scriptstate W
<BSL 1 N--- Boss Script Load Start boss fight with entity W. Use 0000 to end the boss fight.
<CAT 0 ---- (C?) All Text Instantly display text. Use before a <MSG/2/3; works until <END. Same command as <SAT.
<CIL 0 ---- Clear ILlustration Clear illustration (during credits).
<CLO 0 ---- CLOse Close message box.
<CLR 0 ---- CLeaR Clear message box.
<CMP 3 xyt- Change MaP tile Change the tile at coordinates W:X to type Y. Produces smoke.
<CMU 1 u--- Change MUsic Change music to song W.
<CNP 3 Nnd- Change NPc Change all entities W to type X with direction Y.
<CPS 0 ---- Clear Prop. Sound Stops the propeller sound.
<CRE 0 ---- CREdits Rolls credits.
<CSS 0 ---- Clear Stream Sound Stops the stream sound.
<DNA 1 n--- Delete Npc (All?) Remove all entities of type W.
<DNP 1 N--- Delete NPc Remove all entities W.
<ECJ 2 #e-- Event Check Jump Jump to event X if any entities W exist.
<END 0 ---- END End the current scripted event.
<EQ+ 1 #--- EQuip + Equip item W.
<EQ- 1 #--- EQuip - Dequip item W.
<ESC 0 ---- ESCape Quit to title screen.
<EVE 1 e--- EVEnt Go to event W.
<FAC 1 f--- FACe Show face W in the message box.
<FAI 1 d--- FAde In Fade in with direction W.
<FAO 1 d--- FAde Out Fade out with direction W.
<FL+ 1 F--- FLag + Set flag W. Using flags over 8000 is inadvisable.
<FL- 1 F--- FLag - Clear flag W.
<FLA 0 ---- FLAsh Flash the screen white.
<FLJ 2 Fe-- FLag Jump Jump to event X if flag W is set.
<FMU 0 ---- Fade MUsic Fade the music out.
<FOB 2 N.-- Focus On Boss Focus on boss W in X ticks. Use X > 0.
<FOM 1 .--- Focus On Me Focus on the PC in W ticks. Use W > 0.
<FON 2 N.-- Focus On Npc Focus on entity W in X ticks. Use X > 0.
<FRE 0 ---- FREe Free game action and the PC.
<GIT 1 g--- Graphic ITem Display an item or weapon icon above the message box. Add 1000 to W for items. Use 0000 to remove.
<HMC 0 ---- Hide My Character Hide the PC.
<INI 0 ---- INItialize Reset memory and restart game.
<INP 3 Nnd- (Initialize?) NPc Change entity W to type X with direction Y and set entity flag 100 (0x8000).
<IT+ 1 i--- ITem + Give item W.
<IT- 1 i--- ITem - Remove item W.
<ITJ 2 ie-- ITem Jump Jump to event X if the PC has item W.
<KEY 0 ---- KEY lock Lock player controls and hide status bars until <END.
<LDP 0 ---- LoaD Profile Load the saved game.
<LI+ 1 #--- LIfe + Recover W health.
<ML+ 1 #--- Max Life + Increase the current and maximum health by W.
<MLP 0 ---- Map (LP?) Display a map of the current area.
<MM0 0 ---- My Motion 0 Halt the PC's forward motion.
<MNA 0 ---- Map NAme Display the map name.
<MNP 4 Nxyd Move NPc Move entity W to coordinates X:Y with direction Z.
<MOV 2 xy-- MOVe Move the PC to coordinates W:X.
<MPJ 1 e--- MaP Jump Jump to event W if the map flag for the current area is set.
<MP+ 1 #--- MaP + Set map flag W. Map flags cannot be unset. Highest usable flag is 127.
<MS2 0 ---- MeSsage 2 Open an invisible message box at the top of screen.
<MS3 0 ---- MeSsage 3 Open a message box at the top of screen.
<MSG 0 ---- MeSsaGe Open a message box at the bottom of the screen.
<MYB 1 d--- MY Bump Causes the PC to hop in the direction opposite of W. Using up or down causes the jump to be vertical.
<MYD 1 d--- MY Direction Causes the PC to face direction W.
<NCJ 2 ne-- Npc Check Jump Jump to event X if any entity of type W exists.
<NOD 0 ---- NOD Wait for player input before resuming script.
<NUM 1 #--- NUMber Prints the value [4a5b34+W*4] to the message box. Use 0000 to print the last used W from compatible commands (eg AM+).
<PRI 0 ---- PRevent Interaction Lock player controls and freeze game action.
<PS+ 2 #m-- Portal Slot + Set teleporter slot W to event X. Selecting slot W while using the teleporter menu will jump to event X.
<QUA 1 .--- QUAke Shake the screen for W ticks.
<RMU 0 ---- Restore MUsic Resume the song last played.
<SAT 0 ---- Speed-up All Text Instantly display text. Use before a <MSG/2/3; works until <END. Same command as <CAT.
<SIL 1 l--- Show ILlustration Show illustration W (during credits).
<SK+ 1 F--- SKipflag + Set skipflag W.
<SK- 1 F--- Skipflag - Clear skipflag W.
<SKJ 2 Fe-- SKipflag Jump Jump to event X if skipflag W is set.
<SLP 0 ---- Show Location Portals Show the teleporter menu.
<SMC 0 ---- Show My Character Unhides the PC.
<SMP 2 xy-- Shift MaP tile Subtract 1 from the tile type at coordinates W:X. Does not create smoke.
<SNP 4 nxyd Set NPc Create an entity of type W at coordinates X:Y with direction Z.
<SOU 1 s--- SOUnd Play sound effect W.
<SPS 0 ---- Start Propeller Sound Start the propeller sound.
<SSS 1 #--- Start Stream Sound Start the stream sound with volume W.
<STC 0 ---- Save Time Counter Saves current time to 290.rec.
<SVP 0 ---- SaVe Profile Saves current game.
<TAM 3 aaA- Trade ArMs Trade weapon W for weapon X and set max ammo to Y. Use 0000 to keep the same amount of ammo.
<TRA 4 mexy TRAnsport Travel to map W, run event X, and move the PC to coordinates Y:Z.
<TUR 0 ---- Text UnRead? Instantly display text. Use after a <MSG/2/3; works until another <MSG/2/3 or an <END.
<UNI 1 #--- UNIverse? Set character movement type. Use 0000 for normal, 0001 for zero-G and 0002 to disallow movement.
<UNJ 2 #e-- UNiverse Jump Jump to event X if movement is of type W (0000 for normal, 0001 for zero-G).
<WAI 1 .--- WAIt Pause script for W ticks.
<WAS 0 ---- WAit until Standing Pause script until character is on ground.
<XX1 1 l--- XX1 Show the island falling in manner W. Use 0000 to have it crash and 0001 to have it stop midway.
<YNJ 1 e--- Yes/No Jump Prompt Yes/No; jump to event W if No is selected.
<ZAM 0 ---- Zero ArMs Sets all weapon energy to zero.

<PRI makes more sense as PRevent Interaction.
Jul 29, 2012 at 4:37 AM
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Jazz Jackalope said:
<PRI makes more sense as PRevent Interaction.

Aug 2, 2012 at 2:32 AM
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Most importantly, the entity editor should be more or less fully functional now. Other changes noted in OP except in situations where I forgot.

Next on the to-do list is integrating the TSC editor better and adding the ScriptBuilder dialog slash thing, and possibly either integrating Carrotlord's assembler and/or coming up with some kind of other tool for simple hacks.
Aug 2, 2012 at 3:03 AM
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Not sure if this can be done or not, but is it possible to add a function that searches all .tsc files within the data folder for a certain string? It would be wonderful for locating a used flag or if you forget the map in which you gave the player a certain item.
Aug 2, 2012 at 3:39 AM
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Most importantly, the entity editor should be more or less fully functional now. Other changes noted in OP except in situations where I forgot.

Next on the to-do list is integrating the TSC editor better and adding the ScriptBuilder dialog slash thing, and possibly either integrating Carrotlord's assembler and/or coming up with some kind of other tool for simple hacks.

Coolio. Love the hex patcher.
You should turn the hex patcher into a hex editor. That is, something that both reads and writes hex pairs.
Aug 2, 2012 at 11:58 PM
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Aug 3, 2012 at 12:56 AM
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Aug 10, 2012 at 8:15 AM
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Im getting the same problem.
I think its because the enetityInfo file was based on the King's Story mod.But the images are from your data folder, so it becomes very messed up.(for some reason most of the pictures were of Igor)
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Aug 10, 2012 at 10:40 AM
In my body, in my head
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Im getting the same problem.
I think its because the enetityInfo file was based on the King's Story mod.But the images are from your data folder, so it becomes very messed up.(for some reason most of the pictures were of Igor)
Actually two of the rect bounds in entityinfo.txt are backwards
it'll be fixed for next release
Aug 17, 2012 at 6:28 PM
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Can you add a game settings button so we change the game title, remove the (C)Pixel requirement, etc.?