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Bless You, Rip

Apr 14, 2015 at 5:32 AM
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Liam without a shadow of a doubt I can guarantee you that the change of name did make it easier to find on Google, and unless you have a bunch of irrelevant google posts with the words "bless" and "rip", GIR's devblog is gonna be the first result that comes up.
And do tell what makes "Bless you RIP" any """""better""""" than "RIP"
Apr 14, 2015 at 6:26 AM
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Yinga said:
Liam without a shadow of a doubt I can guarantee you that the change of name did make it easier to find on Google, and unless you have a bunch of irrelevant google posts with the words "bless" and "rip", GIR's devblog is gonna be the first result that comes up.
And do tell what makes "Bless you RIP" any """""better""""" than "RIP"
And where did I say I doubted the new name being easier to find on google? Don't jump to conclusions. Even if the devblog is the 1st result just about everything after the 2nd result is unrelated to the game. Also rip just sounds better, can't really explain it.
Apr 14, 2015 at 6:38 AM
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I'll admit the first the I noticed the name change, I thought it was corny and sounded like Rip had allergies from all the dandelions. But I figured it would be better not to judge an updated demo that hasn't come out yet. Maybe then, the title will make more sense.

Also I *can* see why the guard control was useful for the expanding type of parasites, since I remember the jump and attack maneuvers in succession were finicky. As long as the combat is polished, there is no need for guarding.
Apr 14, 2015 at 7:02 AM
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Seriously guys, there is nothing wrong with the name.

We figured that having buttons to jump, attack, run, interact, AND guard was a bit much. Also, from watching people play the game we saw that the guard action was very rarely used, so we decided to just cut it.
Why not a two-key hold combo like down+attack? You don't need to introduce new keys for everything.
Apr 14, 2015 at 7:22 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Seriously guys, there is nothing wrong with the name.

Why not a two-key hold combo like down+attack? You don't need to introduce new keys for everything.
>realize you changed the post to sound less offensive

And even if not many people use guard, doesn't mean you should remove it. I don't think say, the bubbler is used much in CS, but it is still very useful to me for certain situations. (Monster X missiles, Hell Part 2, etc) Also andwhy is right, down+attack would be fine.
Apr 14, 2015 at 3:38 PM
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liammillay said:
And where did I say I doubted the new name being easier to find on google? Don't jump to conclusions.
liammillay said:
And searching the new name on google, theres still stuff not related to the game within the first 3 results.
Also you were saying
Apr 14, 2015 at 4:10 PM
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Well, my opinion on the gaurd function is to have it a choice between the single button press and the attack + down, and have a counter attack that can be used with some enemies, allowing for a usefulness to the gaurd.
Apr 14, 2015 at 6:37 PM
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liammillay said:
I don't think say, the bubbler is used much in CS, but it is still very useful to me for certain situations. (Monster X missiles, Hell Part 2, etc)
You couldn't just dodge and shoot the Monster X missiles? I think using the Bubbler for that may actually make the battle more difficult.
Apr 15, 2015 at 12:27 AM
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"Rip the Unlucky Rabbit" would be copying off the fact that there's already an RPGMaker game of the same name
so basically Bless You, Rip is the best name for this game because no one will get sued
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:04 AM
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Yinga said:
Also you were saying

I wasn't talking about the image results doofus
Paths said:
"Rip the Unlucky Rabbit" would be copying off the fact that there's already an RPGMaker game of the same name
so basically Bless You, Rip is the best name for this game because no one will get sued
can't find anything about an rpg maker game named that. Also that is a better name than bless you rip.

TLincoln said:
You couldn't just dodge and shoot the Monster X missiles? I think using the Bubbler for that may actually make the battle more difficult.
Actually using the level 3 as a shield to destroy the missiles is easier than dodging them, especially when theres many on screen.

And about guarding, if there aren't many uses for it, than MAKE uses for it, like maybe an enemy shoots a projectile, and you can either jump over it, or guard, making it bounce off the axe into the enemy, or something like that.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:07 AM
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Apr 15, 2015 at 3:09 AM
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Apr 15, 2015 at 3:10 AM
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If that's the way you think arguing works then you really need to go back to preschool
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:13 AM
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liammillay said:
Also that is a better name than bless you rip.
Worse actually. "Rip: The unlucky rabbit" sounds like a the name of a book written for children.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:16 AM
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...So? That's not really a valid reason to say its a worse name.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:17 AM
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liammillay said:
if there aren't many uses for it, than MAKE uses for it, like maybe an enemy shoots a projectile, and you can either jump over it, or guard, making it bounce off the axe into the enemy, or something like that.
Yes because he should have to give himself a reason to revive a scrapped mechanic that he chose to remove in the first place
That makes sense

Liam you've gone on record saying that RIP is a better name and still admitted you have no legitimate reasons to back up your claim other than personal bias
The name change was a change it's not objectively better or worse
That all depends on the person who percives it and evidently you don't like the new name but you're still yet to prove how "RIP" is a better name than "Bless you, RIP"
So criticising the name without anything to back you up's not really gonna do you any good
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:19 AM
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liammillay said:
I wasn't talking about the image results doofus
They're still results, nonetheless. And name-calling won't get you anywhere.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:23 AM
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TLincoln said:
They're still results, nonetheless. And name-calling won't get you anywhere.
If you couldn't tell, I wasn't serious about the doofus thing.
Yinga said:
Yes because he should have to give himself a reason to revive a scrapped mechanic that he chose to remove in the first place
That makes sense
No, I was saying instead of removing it in the first place, he could of tried to add cool uses for it.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:28 AM
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Honestly I originally preferred the former title, but I'm really starting to warm up to the new title.