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Bless You, Rip

Apr 15, 2015 at 3:32 AM
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liammillay said:
...So? That's not really a valid reason to say its a worse name.
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want a game I've made have a name that's reminiscent of a child's book. Especially when it has nothing to do one, such as with "Bless You, Rip" here.

Not trying to imply I have anything to do with the production of the game, by the way. Just saying if I were to make one.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:37 AM
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liammillay said:
...So? That's not really a valid reason to say its a worse name.
Because it sounds childish, incredibly generic, and gives the exact wrong impression of the game? I thought that was a great reason.
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:38 AM
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guys guys don't worry i have a perfectly valid explanation for this
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:48 AM
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liammillay said:
No, I was saying instead of removing it in the first place, he could of tried to add cool uses for it.

And probably won't because he's not about to redesign aspects of his game just to better suit a single mechanic to make it relevant again
It's just simpler for him and the player to not have it at all
Why overcomplicate a combat system
In a game that isn't mostly centered around combat
Apr 15, 2015 at 3:53 AM
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so what's going to happen in the near future with Bless You, Rip?
i heard that some SPOOKY STUFF was gun happen
Apr 15, 2015 at 5:41 AM
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Nighth said:
guys guys don't worry i have a perfectly valid explanation for this

Bless you, Rip.



I believe another valid reason to remove blocking is to encourage careful planning and strategizing your attacks, rather than running in headfirst like Rambo, blocking and negating all damage, and just spamming the swing button over and over. If you asks me, that's boring. Blocking would also kind of ruin the purpose of health extensions (the heart flowers), because an experienced player can train himself to avoid any damage taken by using the block function, and therefore have no need for any health extensions. Health extensions make you stronger, but why bother having them if you can already block incoming damage in the first place? If the block feature must be added for some reason, it should be as an upgrade; as a reward for your perseverance and strategic combat earlier in the game. It would totally work alongside the heart extensions, because both are motifs of growing stronger. Since Gir had already cut out blocking however, it's a bit of a stretch now.

(This opinion is entirely based off of what I've seen in Aar's play through, I'll download the demo at some point to play for myself).
Apr 15, 2015 at 5:30 PM
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Rip the Unlucky Rabbit sounds like the oppisite of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. I really think the title should be whatever Gir wants it to be.
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:37 AM
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TinyCastleGuy said:
Geez, I was just using an example. I wasn't saying he should scrap the new name.
Nothing against you personally. It was liammillay who took the example name too seriously and ran with it.
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:48 AM
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Paths said:
so what's going to happen in the near future with Bless You, Rip?
i heard that some SPOOKY STUFF was gun happen
We're going to work on the game, and then we'll occasionally post updates on our development progress :mahin:

It's not planned to be all that spoopy of a game though, no jumpscares or anything.
Apr 17, 2015 at 11:54 AM
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This probably sounds very trivial but I have to say I really really love the light purple colour scheme here. Looks very beautiful and surreal. Please keep up the good work, and good luck with it!
Apr 18, 2015 at 5:20 AM
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IdioticBaka1824 said:
This probably sounds very trivial but I have to say I really really love the light purple colour scheme here. Looks very beautiful and surreal. Please keep up the good work, and good luck with it!

Thanks! I'm pretty fond on how it turned out! GIR did a really good job with those mirrors

caveWUT? said:
Is this going to be a FreeWare game or a full priced game when it's finished?
Probably not freeware! That was the original plan 2 years ago but the scale of the project has expanded since
Apr 18, 2015 at 7:44 AM
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Nighth said:
Probably not freeware! That was the original plan 2 years ago but the scale of the project has expanded since
Will it be DRM-free?
Apr 18, 2015 at 9:37 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Will it be DRM-free?
I really doubt we'll implement any DRM. Most indie games are going the DRM-free route these days.
Apr 18, 2015 at 7:42 PM
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I really doubt we'll implement any DRM. Most indie games are going the DRM-free route these days.
Praise lord GIR
Apr 18, 2015 at 8:00 PM
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Aar said:
Praise based GIR
also yay
DRM-Free is always a nice thing to exist
Apr 21, 2015 at 2:02 AM
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caveWUT? said:
One last question, When the game is done, Will it come to multiple systems/software distributions?
Currently the plan is to release it on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Apr 25, 2015 at 1:33 PM
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Finally uploaded my playthrough of the latest version.
It's available in 60 fps, as well. (Requires Chrome or modified Firefox and the 720p quality setting)
Apr 27, 2015 at 5:55 AM
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This game is amazing, even as a demo it is so polished! The graphics are some of my favorite in any game I have ever played, the music is great, and the controls and interface are easy to use. This game will be a masterpiece in the finished state.