got to this thread by Nadojin post on another forum, and wow, this is the dev board with the most negative and discouraging attitude I have ever saw, what up with that? I know you guy tired of mod or game that never get finished, but still, everyone have to start somewhere, even if someone abandon a project he/she will still learn something from it, and be honest, how many of you never abandon a project you've started? if this fail then he will learn something from it and might make e a successful game from what he learned, it never a waste, discouraging someone from even try is just wrong.
I have saw dev board with even more abandoned project than this, but they have a hard written rule: "Respect each other's work, You don't have to like a game made by someone. Though this doesn't grants you the right to bash it with ill commenting or badly written reviews. If you have nothing valuable to add in terms of constructive criticism and helping the author improve, you might as well stay away from the post button. We treat each other with respect."
also, MagicDoors, mind telling me where Game Maker suck? it used to be slow, but now with Game Maker Studio, GM game is compiled, not interpreted anymore, it probably one of the best 2D engine now.