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Artwork and Stuff

Nov 18, 2011 at 4:14 PM
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HuzzahToasterSoapBarTime said:

......But in all seriousness, I am a pretty good spriter, right? (I have a version without the annoying checker pattern, but the sd card is in my dsi, which is i don't know where.)

Yes you are ;w;

Best one I did (and funniest) was Waiscash lmao

And some of the Eeveelutions
Nov 18, 2011 at 4:18 PM
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RageTH said:
Yes, I did them. The "awesome friends" are on another degree of awesome ;w;


Actually, really good |3
Do more
Nov 18, 2011 at 4:33 PM
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I just went to check their forum.
They excluded it ;--------;
Nov 18, 2011 at 6:52 PM
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Nov 19, 2011 at 1:06 AM
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I made this horrible Tao ava ;-; Not proud of it
Nov 20, 2011 at 9:36 PM
graters gonna grate
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Eh, looks pretty darn good to me. But then I don't know who Tao is.
Nov 20, 2011 at 9:56 PM
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"Wedge of Cheese" said:
Eh, looks pretty darn good to me. But then I don't know who Tao is.

Taokaka from Blazblue.
And IMO, these are my best signs :

Dec 14, 2011 at 6:11 PM
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I decided to do a concept sketch of my Terraria character. Her name is Sai, because I can't think of anything original. The coloring is messy and there are still some mistakes I didn't fix because it was just a sketch and I don't give a crap.


she is copyright to MEEE so no STELLING

I wrote her a character description because I'm just that cool.

Name: Sai
Gender: Female
Age: Probably really old because original characters are never the age they appear, but let's just say teenager or something
Sexuality: Nope
Personality: Cold, taciturn and deadpan. But she's probably nice on the inside or some crap.
Species: Human maybe but totally not a vampire I swerr
Aligment: Whatever she feels like, GOSH
Elemental choice: Shadow and fire
Specialties: Relly awesum alchemy skills, ranged weapons, and being real fast like speed of sound
Likes: Alchemy, potions, goffik stuff, quiet, treasure, and fairies
Dislikes: The corruption (ironically), falling, carelessness, werewolves, and goblins
Description: Not much is known about her, but since she's so emotionless and cold, she probably has a dark past that involves dead parents or being experimented on or something
Dec 14, 2011 at 6:36 PM
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Now you should make a skin for Second Life
Dec 14, 2011 at 10:06 PM
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ok wd i know you are trying to be all detached and ironic about your character description but it is NOT WORKING
Dec 16, 2011 at 12:36 AM
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Found this thread and got nostalgic... Went through my stuff and found stuff to show.
The following are mostly old now, but maybe they'll be interesting or something...
I've never been very artistic; no art classes (except like elementry) or usually any patience; ...never stuck with it (now I wish I had1424124 Where's a time machine?!)...

Anyways here's a bunch of things I dug up :
First abstract pictures made from scatch :
Picture I did for a themed school thing

Here's a deity/demon from the beyond

An abstract based on the boss of the game Ys 3 : Wanderers from Ys, Galbalan

A kind of abstract cross explosion from the beyond

And here are more abstracts from the beyond :



Long ago, I loveeeed LEGOS, here are the last few things I ever made, before finally giving it up lol
The last thing I ever made, took a pic of it, and added a little photoshop


And before that :

Also, used to build things in Tribes a FPS game, using the map editor [kinda like lego building, putting pieces together to form a new thing]

All of those circles represent the pieces that make it up [although some are overlapped so you can't tell how many]





Those are grenades lol

Used to be into Morrowind, and whether by just modding it, photoshopping it, or whatnot it made great art
I photoshopped an unmodded picture of Morrowind and came up with this... One of my favorite shots :o

Another photoshopped pic, kinda looked cool I thought

A vision! :o [slight photoshop lol]

Basic photoshop with mods

Another basic one with mods

Here are a few unedited, but modded screenshots by yours truly. Some of the textures though were made by me.



Related to the above pictures, and the textures from the previous shots, here's a few shots showing the kind of thing I did ...
Left was original texture, right was my photoshop




And comparing the original textures to my upgraded ones :



Also, in that same spirit, I edited images for other games to convert images in Japanese to English without changing the spirit or look of the original



And here are some basic photoshop pictures, where I took existing pictures, and cut them out/changed them/combined stuff I made with them etc
Misc stuff
Here's the original model, I took a picture like that, and then photoshopped it a bit :

Here's a picture, I made just by combining three pictures... Here's the original pictures.

Here's most of a winamp skin I made, but it was way too busy.

And here's something ridiculous to scare little children [no effort was used in the making lol

Oh and here's a tiny little megaman sprite I did.

A wallpaper I did for the Baldur's Gate 2 mod, Imoen Romance

A quick little graphic I made, most of it from scratch, but the upper left, right and the official logos aren't mine. Lousy large title was mine lol

Another wallpaper I did for a game

And another...

And finally, although I don't have anything scanned in, here are a few mouse drawings I made like ten years ago [wish I had been building up skill in drawing these last ten years... I'm such a bum :D]
These two were made from looking at a picture, and drawing with the mouse


These two were just random things I did real fast lol


And here's the first picture I think I EVER did that wasn't with PAINT that I saved :

X-C yeah X-Calibar lol [don't think I have the un-zapped version stilll...

The X-Calibar! O_O

Lastly, here are a sample of two pictures for Cave Story I did this year for my mod

And here's a picture for how large this post is (according to Tophat Booster's reaction) :

Now I'm caught up though D:
Dec 16, 2011 at 8:18 PM
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Fuck, X-Calibar, why are you so talented. Get those Morrowind pictures to a wallpaper website pronto because at least one of them is my new desktop.
Dec 17, 2011 at 2:16 AM
graters gonna grate
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Dayum, son. Nobody's gonna wanna follow that post.

Btw, I was talking to Fabulous, not X-Calibar.
Haha, right...
Dec 19, 2011 at 5:48 AM
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Thanks Captain Fabulous, WoC!

...liked the Morrowind pics? I wonder which one :D
Well, I guess it's okay to post a few more screens; since the thread is Artwork and stuff. I dug and found a few more that I thought were mostly artistic...
This one I photoshopped quite a bit just now... the second picture is the original.

The following pictures are unedited, just a few travelling pics.
Ever been face to face with a hungry barracuda? (aka Slaughter Fish)



Oops... the end of my adventures for today...
These last two are quite nice scenic pictures methinks; the first one was slightly edited for brightness.

one last hurrah-aha ... or something :

Ready for a staring contest?
... 1 ... 2.... 3...

Had to get that out of the way ... lol
Captain Fabulous said:
Fuck, X-Calibar, why are you so talented. Get those Morrowind pictures to a wallpaper website pronto because at least one of them is my new desktop.
:D everyone here has some real talent... It's inspiring to browse the art, mods, music... Good stuff...

and Cpt...
That post of yours lead me to nearly buying a new computer :awesomeface: Can't seem to afford it though...
(buying an anime that costs 400$ or more is always a mistake! GAH! ... well... *pre-orders another anime...*)

First, I reminisced my glory days of Morrowind by looking up old screenshots ... lol
Then I researched Skyrim... ... man, those graphics. Textures weren't that great, but some nice stuff. GAh...

I reallllly want to get a PC that can play something other than Cave Story in 640x480 resolution... But, the price is not right ;_;
Dec 19, 2011 at 6:03 AM
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I like the underwater stabby stab scene, it's a good action shot. A humble suggestion of mine is to add a little bit of blood, since it is underwater and all. And I don't remember the name of the fort in the first scenic shot, but the combination of organic and stone structures always fascinated me. Vvardenfell and Solstheim are a lot of fun to explore, and these pictures do a good job of conveying that.
Then again, I am wearing nostalgia-coloured glasses.
Jan 6, 2012 at 2:37 AM
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A few minutes with paint.

I like this one too, for some reason.


Also granpa general
Jan 6, 2012 at 1:40 PM
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Drew this one last night at 3am whilst extremely intoxicated.


Complete with half-assed background, I must've been getting pretty damn tired. xP