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Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

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Dec 26, 2011 at 3:33 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal throws liquid death at Bandit! 6 damage!
Bandit strikes for 3!

HP 12

Bandit 4/12
Mal 5/11
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:38 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

and my math says -2 -3, -2 dead, so let's go ahead and go with auto attack 'till it's dead.
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:46 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal slashes repeatedly! Bandit dies!

Gained 35 EXP!
Gained 20G!
Found 1 stone bottle!

EDIT: sorry mal, I'm really tired, imma turn in early tonight.
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:50 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal attempts to forage for herbs
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:53 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

You instead rudely awake an arngy Gale "Fuck off, I was having a dream about Yami-can and The Doors of Oblvion. I was about to tell her something but you rudley awoke me. If you want some herbs, here." You throw 2 random herbs at him, and walk away to find something to eat.
Dec 26, 2011 at 4:32 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal blinks, and checks what herbs were thrown at him
Dec 26, 2011 at 4:51 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

While his rival was trying to find out what herbs he had through at him, he had a terrific dinner of Toxic Spiders. He see his rival's boredom. "Hey, you bored? We could have a fight you know. It would probully pass the time. If you don't want to, want to go to town and have some fun. It may not be legal, but I'll cover up any crimes you commit, if you choose to do. What will it be?"
Dec 26, 2011 at 5:02 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal has the briefest thought to go rampage through town but pretty much immediately thinks better of it and completely ignores Gale.
Dec 26, 2011 at 5:05 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Gale see the displeasure on his face" Fine, I guess we could go on a treasure hunt to pass time. Because, seriously, when will LunaDeity will come back. This is totally legal too." He sees that he is trying to ignore him. He does understand his reason though. With that he goes of looking for Yami-chan, to see if he can get a christmas gift as well. He decides to snoop around first and finds one of the old ones, Pigero, has joined the party. "... I feel betrayed for some reason. I guess it's nothing. I should be happy: 5 + 1 adventurers = More fun for me! He stoped seaching for awhile and decided to get some sleep instead. Yami usually like to invade my dreams to chat with me.
Dec 26, 2011 at 7:23 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

You do know that I would have a valid reason in character to completely ignore you, as you've explicitly stated you're a rival to the party and Lunar hasn't said anything to the contrary (metagaming, I know, but still)
Dec 26, 2011 at 8:03 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

huh what six person party now? Any particular reason why?
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:34 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

He's not actually pigaro. He's Neshikuro, a descendant of pigaro. (He gave me a PM)
Dec 26, 2011 at 9:14 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

*shrug* So, what does our party look like now?
Dec 27, 2011 at 2:35 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

He wakes up, terrified. He had a dream about Yami chasing him with a flamethrower because he said she looked like she aged quite a bit. After eating the herbs left by Mal, he went to the party, who were twidling there thumbs." I may be your rival in all, but even I want to help you out once in awhile. Like helping you have fun. You all have nothing to do at all while Magic is gone. If you all want some fun, here is a map leading to a secret tearsure. I have to going now. The village next over seem to have forgotten me. I better chage that quick. They still owe me." He then teleport away.
Dec 27, 2011 at 2:36 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

windsofwinds said:
He wakes up, terrified. He had a dream about Yami chasing him with a flamethrower because he said she looked like she aged quite a bit. After eating the herbs left by Mal, he went to the party, who were twidling there thumbs." I may be your rival in all, but even I want to help you out once in awhile. Like helping you have fun. You all have nothing to do at all while Magic is gone. If you all want some fun, here is a map leading to a secret tearsure. I have to going now. The village next over seem to have forgotten me. I better chage that quick. They still owe me." He then teleport away.

If you're talking for me, stop.
Dec 27, 2011 at 4:56 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal goes and rejoins the rest of the group, provided he can even find any of them.
Dec 27, 2011 at 5:04 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Where am I again?
*reads the last few pages
Oh, okay.
"A- Angel? Are you really... You? W- What is this place, and why are you here?"
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