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Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

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Dec 25, 2011 at 3:30 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

I'm ready for training!
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:35 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Dec 25, 2011 at 3:36 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Updated OP.

#2403 walks directly to the underground passage, and starts downward.
As he goes deeper and deeper, it gets darker, and it is harder for him to see.
He sees a candle over by the wall, and takes it to illuminate everything.
As he continues walking, a guard spots him. The guard runs toward him and asks him what he is doing down here.
#2403 notices that the man looks quite like an Elf. His stance is similar to Yami-Chan's.
#2403 says he was just looking around, and he doesn't even know where he-
The guard attacks!

Elven Guard
HP 18

Guard 18/18
#2403 11/11

Link searches around, and finds a poor villager, who is looking for some money for food. Give him some money?
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:37 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

do /not/ post ascension class names, I wanna be suprised.
Mal looks around for something to do in this town
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:40 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Link is very generous around Christmas time and gives the poor villager 25 gold. Merry Christmas all!!!!!!
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:53 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Link gives the poor villager 25G.
The villager swirls around and transforms into Sivv!
Holycrap you were still in the training room.
Sivv smiles at you. "Congratulations! Warriors need kind hearts. Your training is complete!"
Gained 50 EXP! Level up! Gained 10 SP.
Gained 4 ATK!

#2403 Soul Arrows! Again! 10 damage!
Guard deals 6 damage!
#2403 attacks twice! 6 damage!
#2403 attacks, but Guard counters! 3 damage!
#2403 finishes the Guard!

Gained 60 EXP!
Found 1 stone bottle!
Found 1 silver herb!

#2403 continues on. He finds three separate rooms. He goes into the one in the middle, and...!
...Finds it empty.
He goes in the left one. On the wall chained up is a girl! She has cute cat ears and a tail. She is wearing ripped rags, and seems to be unconscious. #2403 moves towards her. He looks closely at her...
This...is Angel! She looks exactly like her, but younger!
She stirs, and sees #2403. She asks who he is, and he says #2403.

If you guys aren't replying, I'm going to sleep. Gnite.
Dec 25, 2011 at 4:22 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

I'm here, but I have no idea what to do
Dec 25, 2011 at 4:27 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Let's pick it up on the 26th. I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow.
Dec 25, 2011 at 7:38 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

While hiding from Yami-chan, he notices a sphere on the ground. He picks it up gazing into its depts. Must be a doors of dimesions she was talking about. I might be able to use this for a trip over their again. He have been thier once before, in the dept of my dimesion. There he found something that would even scare lunersoul: the Gates of reality, a place were one abandons all, to go in, not knowing whats beyond. He turned back, knowing it was not his time yet to make his journy there. He already found what was meant to be found. And it was a terrible finding indeed. He found... he stops and looks at Yami. I knew you were there the whole time, reading my mind. You do not want to know what I have found. He then smiles and say" But I can tell you this much: It will cause choas in the wrong hands." He then walk calmly to the spot were 2403# is standing, and Go to sleep.
Dec 25, 2011 at 10:13 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

oh gods, posting needs a spell check. A grammar checker (more functional than Word's) would be nice too >_>
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:20 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

That would be nice to have...
Dec 26, 2011 at 2:36 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

windsofwinds said:
While hiding from Yami-chan, Gale notices a sphere on the ground. He picks it up and gazes into its depths. Must be a door of dimension she was talking about. He thinks he might be able to use this for a trip over "there" again. He has been there once before, in the depth of his being. There he found something that he believes would even scare MagicDoors: the Gates of Reality, a place were one abandons all to go in, not knowing what's beyond. He turned back, knowing it was not his time yet to make his journey there. He already found what was meant to be found. And it was a terrible finding indeed. He found... he stops and looks at Yami. "I knew you were there the whole time, reading my mind. You do not want to know what I have found." He then smiles and says, "But I can tell you this much: It will cause chaos in the wrong hands."

Yami-Chan laughs. "You misunderstand. Mind-reading? How ridiculous, I wasn't reading your thoughts, young one. I have personally been to the "Gates of Reality", as you call it. The real name is the Gate of Oblivion, and you have not been there, nor seen anything at all like it. The journey and arrival at the Gate of Oblivion is truly an experience that you can never turn back from. It haunts and blesses you all your life, with it's terrific knowledge and scarring memories. If you saw the true Gate as you are right now, your entire being would surely crumple, and you would cease to exist. The Gate of Oblivion is only for those with true devotion to their life's purpose."
Dec 26, 2011 at 2:48 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal heads out to the forest of whatever and finds something to try to kill
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:13 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Mal runs through the forest, looking for prey.
Eventually he passes by a single bandit sneaking around. Mal stops and attacks.

HP 12

Bandit 12/12
Mal 11/11

Anyone else here?
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:21 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Hmm... Would the potion have to be ingested to deal it's damage?
Mal attacks!
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:26 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

You're not forcefeeding the bandit. Just throw it at him or something.
Better yet, just say "use potion". Just remember to specify the potion.
Kids, don't do drugs.

Mal attacks! 2 damage dealt!
Bandit counters for 3 damage!

HP 12

Bandit 10/12
Mal 8/11
Dec 26, 2011 at 3:28 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Use potion White Napalm
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