Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

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Dec 24, 2011 at 7:09 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Will that kill us?
#2403 continues to walk through the forest. Strangely, the exit to the forest seems no further away than when he first killed that reindeer. This forest needs a name. I will call it-- The Forest of Level-Grinding!
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:11 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Or Grinds Forest. You still want to fight?
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:12 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Perhaps the Adventurer's Forest!
Or Forest of Mastery!
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:15 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Not before you fight me! I desreve at least one fight. Beside, I could give awsome items and lots of exp...
Dec 24, 2011 at 7:19 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

True. Given that he and Yami-chan will pull a win for you if I try to win too hard, It is yours and Luner's best interest to fight me. It could also advance the plot, for having a few levels help that.
Dec 24, 2011 at 9:21 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

I suggest you stop the wishing. It could cause so spam. Gale decide to have another party, same as before, to pass the time.
Dec 24, 2011 at 10:11 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

forcefeeds gale his last blue herb
Dec 24, 2011 at 10:46 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

Good bye to Gale BOOM!!!!!! He will never post on this again (hopefully)#2403 should be attacked with someone holding a steroid needle.
Dec 24, 2011 at 11:50 PM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

2403# is right. I also have a suprisely good ability to eat things that would kill about everyone. You gain nothing from a kill like that. Also, why did you ruin my party? People were bumm that I exploded. They were kicking themselve that they did not do it.
Dec 25, 2011 at 12:08 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

windsofwinds said:
2403# is right. I also have a suprisely good ability to eat things that would kill about everyone.

What, like Kirby? I need to make a Glutton skillset just for you.
Actually, I have an idea for a new skillset. I'll post it sometime.
Dec 25, 2011 at 12:14 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

No, it is a immunity I have. I can eat poisons, metals, chemials , herbs etc and not die from them. Sometime it work the other way around when I eat something, like gain health from drinking poison. How else could I survive out in this game? I have not party or money and zelch on skills.

He decides that everyone dislike him for being an asshole, so he give them gifts, each with something that could help them. He may have to steal them back, least he incur the rath of Magic and, ~shivers~ Yami-chan. They might not like me dropping off anything too good for them at this point. But Christmas is tomarrow.

Time Stamp 8:30 pm // Luner I am going to bed tonight. Tell the guy I will be back tomarrow. Have fun with 2403# need to grind enemies.
Dec 25, 2011 at 2:55 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

You guys gotta tell me who's here.
As #2403 looks around for something to kill, he is met by a very purple woman with pointy ears. As she stops in front of him, she greets him and introduces herself as Yami-Chan. She apparently was a good friend of the Unnamed Adventurers of Legend, and often aided them in their adventurers.
#2403 tells her that it has been about 100 years since then, and asks her how she can still be so young.
Yami-Chan replies, "That is an excellent question. I am an Elf, part of a small race. The Elves are graceful, swift beings that live for much longer than humans. We also have cute pointy ears!"
#2403 asks why she has come to him.
"Well, I heard there was a new group of adventurers around, and I wanted to greet them!"
#2403 comments that they aren't new to adventuring, they actually were alive 100 years ag-
Yami-Chan shushes him. In a low voice, she says to him, "Be careful. Saying this to the wrong people may cause trouble. Best to keep it to yourself."
Yami-Chan, with a lighter tone, then hands him five gift-wrapped boxes. "Merry Christmas," she says. #2403 unwraps one of them, and looks at it. It is a strange black piece of glass. No, wait- it's not black. It's more like...nothing. Like an empty area of space.
It's an odd feeling.
Yami-Chan speaks up. "Those are Doors of Dimension. If you pour your soul into them, you will go to a special place. It is up to you to determine what that place truly is."
#2403 promises that he will give the others to his fellow Adventurers, and then Yami-Chan says her farewells. She strides gracefully away from him.
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:12 AM
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Re: Adventurer's Forest Chapter 2: Herb Village

It is up to you to determine what that place truly is.
Sorry it's not really obvious, but what this is actually supposed to mean is that the Door of Dimension is different for everyone.

#2403 is taken to a strange world. Everything seems much darker, and it seems lonelier.
#2403 travels in the direction of Ardent. He decides to take a look and see what's new with the Skillmasters' Guild. He arrives where it's supposed to be, but finds there's no building there!
In fact, there are no buildings anywhere. Where buildings are supposed to be, there are tents instead. The village seems to have more of a 'nature feel' to it as well - there are vines growing everywhere, and trees reach up towards the sky.
#2403 thinks about which tent he should visit first. He notices that there is one passage that goes down underground. Most of the tents look identical, but some have symbols on them, like a clinic symbol.
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