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A Real Gosh Darned Community Project

Sep 18, 2009 at 10:35 PM
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As if I didn't pick it out myself, durrhurr.
Sep 19, 2009 at 2:41 AM
The Bucket Fairy
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Sawblade snake.
Sep 20, 2009 at 4:03 PM
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IN RESPONSE TO PAGE 3. (namely dt and mysticfairy)

hmmm, okay.
I sorta gave up on being connected to this because of the quick onset of a bunchie of homework, but yeah, If you think you can do something and/or want to do it, pm me.

(oh, hay mystic fairy, nice post you got goin on there)

and sb, get off mah thread por favor.

edit: page 4 actually seems to have some intelligence on it. I may go check it out later.
Sep 22, 2009 at 4:31 PM
This Troper
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JacobX891 said:
I can't believe I missed that epic argument.

So there's this guy named Ted.
Ted is a real estate agent.
One day, aliens crash through the house Ted is trying to sell.
Ted pursues the aliens to their mother ship, gains alien technology along the way.

That doesn't sound TOO MUCH like Iji, right?
Well, if extinction of the human race is not part of the story... Anyway, I like this story and say we use it (if Jacob is okay with it). Heck, I'll even do some scriptwriting, if you need me to.
Sep 22, 2009 at 4:54 PM
Creating A Legacy...
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Jacobs Idea

I like Jacobs Idea
But I beleive to make something which will be set in a town or something (Estate agent and aliens) dont use cave story, Just the whole feel of cave story would ruin it, We are best off making something about cave story set on the island, This makes it a lot easier and in reach and we already have haf our characters and enviroments. So its up to you but does anyone agree with me
Sep 22, 2009 at 5:05 PM
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JetHawk95 said:
I like Jacobs Idea
But I beleive to make something which will be set in a town or something (Estate agent and aliens) dont use cave story, Just the whole feel of cave story would ruin it, We are best off making something about cave story set on the island, This makes it a lot easier and in reach and we already have haf our characters and enviroments. So its up to you but does anyone agree with me
I disagree. The entire premise is better for a humorous story than a serious one. If we were to create a serious game, I'd agree to use a more serious engine, but in this case I think we can use CS engine.
Sep 22, 2009 at 5:18 PM
Creating A Legacy...
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But we could either use loads of people or only a few
i mean its ok saying what we could do and what we couldnt do. We gotta get a team up and running so

Can you do anything?

What about you T-jack

I have had expereince in every area, Just gotta tighten up my orgmaking skills.
We will never get this done if people dont volunteer.
Personall i think me T jack and Jacob is a good team beacuase there is only three of us and we are on the forums nearly everyday so i know u lot can spend a little time on it. But its up to you. Even if you can only open up paint and do a little sprite i am happy. I will lead this project if you want me too. I have loads of time and i will do loads of work on it but i am just sik to death of people saying "lets do a project, Your not taking this seriously, Lets do this idea" and then do nothing!! Please i am begging you (anyone can open up paint or experiment with orgmaker cus its free) I can do nearly anything. PLEEASE for once will we please get a project started.

I am sorry to have a angry fit i love all of you really :(
Please dont come shouting back i just want to do a project and make it work
Write back
Thanks a lot
Sep 22, 2009 at 5:46 PM
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JetHawk95 said:
We will never get this done if people dont volunteer.

True dat.

JetHawk95 said:
Personall i think me T jack and Jacob is a good team beacuase there is only three of us and we are on the forums nearly everyday so i know u lot can spend a little time on it.

I'm here more often than you, Hawk ma boi.
I just don't post inscessantly... Anymore.
And if you really need a scripter, I guess... :/
Sep 22, 2009 at 5:57 PM
This Troper
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Well, I started attending college this week, but I think I could find some free time to do stuff for the mod. As for my skills, well, I could try to do anything, but the results probably wouldn't be pretty. I think I could try to do some sprite edits (as in, take existing sprites and edit them to look differently. Also, by scriptwriting, I meant writing the story, not the assembly mumbo-jumbo. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Anyway, if you want to be the project leader, go on and do it right now. Contact the people who posted their "application" to find out if they really want to collaborate. If you don't do it now, noone will for a very long time. Let's make this happen.
(inb4 DoubleThink: NOO ITLL NEVER WORK!)
Sep 22, 2009 at 9:06 PM
Creating A Legacy...
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ALl 3 of u

all 3 of u on this page

Dragon boots
and cyowolf

If u cud help thanks
So lets brainstorm lol wat shud it be about?
Sep 22, 2009 at 10:02 PM
This Troper
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Ahh, thanks for taking the extra care to not misspell my name, Gary. Anyway, I say let's take Jacob's idea and go with it. I think I should be able to write at least the beginning to the story, but I'd need some time for that. And someone to write the jokes. Or does anyone else want to do that?
Sep 22, 2009 at 10:33 PM
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Well this'll be amusing, one way or the other. Have fun with that.
Sep 23, 2009 at 1:22 AM
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JetHawk95 said:
all 3 of u on this page

Dragon boots
and cyowolf

If u cud help thanks
So lets brainstorm lol wat shud it be about?

Learn punctuation please. It'd make your posts sound much more intelligent.

And I might be willing to help with some assembly hacks for this project, but not until you guys have an actual game-plan. And a screeny would be nice too.
Sep 25, 2009 at 11:15 PM
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Being the studious and completely not-lazy individual I am, I've only read the last two pages here, but as far as I can tell, this might work as long as it's not taken too seriously. ;P

To be honest, for a community project, I'd think things would go best if the mod was thought of as a collection of fun maps first, and a cohesive story second. Coordinating a story would be hard unless a single person or two take care of that aspect.

Having said that, I may at some point contribute an entirely random map or two if this guy gets off the ground, though I'm fundamentally opposed to making any promises or commitments just yet. That's how forgetfulness happens. ;)
Sep 26, 2009 at 12:03 AM
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not that you know me.
Sep 26, 2009 at 1:43 AM
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umm I'm new and stuff, but what ever
whats the status on this project?
Sep 26, 2009 at 2:25 AM
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not sure, I think a few people are working on it, but slowly, cuz of, ya know, school.
not that i'm related in any way shape or form.
pm cyo or someone else, they might know.

welcome ta the grand ol' forums bt dubs
Sep 26, 2009 at 9:41 PM
Creating A Legacy...
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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The leader

So this project was dying out and i decided to revive it.
After my message quite a lot of people have volounteered to do parts for the project. i would really like to be leader of this and keep it going and make sure it does'nt get deserted like most cs mods. just a thought but it would be nice and i assure you this mod will get finished