You haven't made anything out of this project yet, just more and more words.
This project is still at point 1, and unless you or someone does something, instead of just talking about it, it'll stay there.
Arguing about how someone's trying to bring it down is a silly point when there's nothing to there to bring down, in the first place.
Mm... my "made thing" was more pointed out at the first set up. You are right though, it's just words. Imo something which could end up in something bigger, I guess that's why I used them words like "Bring down" and the such. You are right prolly, my bad.
Actually, they probably went down just like this, where people just argued and argued about the whole thing, and never actually got anything done. {Or even started}
Those "morons" you're talking about are the ones who think words mean progress.
Whenever you're working with more people, words are allways necessary, and thus allways progress. Even this simple discussion is already a progress since it's an exchange of thoughts, you can not work or discuss with someone if you don't know what the other one wants, or is going to.
I think you need to think a bit more before you post, yourself.
You've already admitted to being a new member, and admitted to not knowing how the past three projects on these forums went....
DoubleThink is a senior member who's been around for the previous projects, and he knows with experience {and some common sense} about how this will probably turn out...
But in the end people are people, and perhaps he has more experience with the people on this forum, I can not say for sure he has any experience with working in any big projects. Not meant in a bad way really, I don't think many people do that anyways, most people tend to work solo since working together allways means trouble.
I don't know how those projects went, but I have participated with numerous projects myself. On both amateur and semi professional levels. I might be the noob here, but that doesn't mean I don't have any experience at all really.
Yeah, Perhaps I should have done this before, it is rude for a newcomer to hop in, and just think he could shout things like I did. My apologies.
Let me introduce myself first - no matter how you put it, it allways sounds cheesy. - I'm a 21 years old boy from Holland, currently a student on the education Design for Virtual Theater and Games. As the name says, we're being educated in designing Games - it's a bit more complicated than that, but I won't trouble you with that.
For the past 3 years, I have been educated in projects on all kinds of scale. From games, to interactive paintings. I won't say I am the master of projects, but I can say I do know the bits of it.
Furthermore, before I started that school, I was already into game/art designing, mostly with people. Sometimes one on one, sometimes with a small group(ofcourse, mostly alone).. Yeah.
No, I don't expect you to honor me or whatever bullcrap. I'm just here to be part of another project(Yes, I have been doing this more on different forums, just popping in to work together on something). I can set up a detailed guide of how and such, even though I don't know how a mod is actually made - Funny things, I even have experience with working on something I don't even know how it is made - I could help out. Even if it's by making simple music files/sound effects.
Anyways enough about that Bull.
@ Christmas: Do you think it'd be done before Christmas? It would be odd realising it in Jan. I think something related to any special time of the year should be avoided.. Once you've got a deadline, you'll get pressure and thus a lot of stress.
Even though it is a nice theme

We could also make a mod for next years Christmas xD
Hehe my idea for the theme.. I dunno why, but I keep thinking back about a mod called Schemo - don't know the maker, but it's awesome - making a completely new style/story using the CSengine. It's a bit more work, but way more awesome then a compilation of mods - you could allways add easter eggs to refer to those mods.
So something completely new... With the style something post modern - is that the right term? I am referring to the world a few 100 years ago, when technology was beginning to rise, but not developed yet - in a fantasy setting. Not fantasy fantasy like orcs roaming the worlds, but it doesn't have to be realistic either.
Could poop out a plot about it, but that would be kinda an overkill yet xD