I haven't played through the hell area yet, I ran past the open door without realizing I was supposed to go in lol [the place is falling apart :O Why would I go inside a small house

Okay, loaded up the save... and comparing notes; *duh!!! to myself* forgot the walkthroughs linked on your site probably have the actual text...
Okay the attached text file supports what I have to say....
"It appears from what she said that not only where Quote and Curly sent there to destroy the Demon Crown, they witnessed its power first hand during the Doctor's attempts to use the Mimiga army on the rest of the world. "
Not the doctor!!! If Sue is believed to be pretty young, and King as well [they don't know about the red flowers, and the invasion of the robots sounds like it happened probably in Arthur's lifetime...? [Haven't played through the best ending and don't want to spoil it yet!]
I mean unless the Hell area tells me otherwise about the Doctor, I assume that this his first time donning the Demon Crown. [plus Balrog states that now they have a new master]
[Jenka: Again???]
mmm and also the Statue room, the statue carver is still creating the statue of the doctor [you can tell by it's grin]
So looking at the statue room assuming those are statues of who has worn the crown, and in chronological order [not to mention the others don't look human], "Miakid" would be the one Quote and Curly fought at that time... [supposebly fatally wounding? not sure]
"She doesn't say whether or not they completely failed in their quest to stop him, only that he was much to strong for them to defeat, however they were able to wound him somehow."
Quote and Curly and whoever else was there must have finished him off [at least enough so, that maybe he wandered to the throne and died] (that's where his skull was found anyways...) [I have a good secret idea to explain this] [or misery could have moved it I guess? or something]
" I'm guessing that the doctor didn't actually conquer the world, but then again, if he hadn't, wouldn't more robots from the various countries in the world be re-sent to battle against him?"
Well assuming what Jenka and Curly said, after the robots attacked and after they got the crown; the real tragedy began... The Mimigas probably pushed back the robots thanks to the red flower; but they still got the crown. Miakid would have it. So the invasion is called off, Mission Accomplished; However Miakid then took control of this new power [noting probably that the Mimiga's were striking back with a new power, the red flower]; So basically the combined might of the countries ended up creating a tragedy. Maybe Miakid was a trusted general? And perhaps the demon crown corrupts as well as grants power... [Red flower and demon crown linked? [there is a red gem on the crown...]
Er so why didn't they send more robots after that? Well, if attempting to take the demon crown for the world ended up causing such a tragedy; and corrupting Miakid [or not?]. Perhaps those who sent Curly and Quote, got word of what they were able to accomplish [possibly stopping/limiting the frenzied Mimiga's destruction on earth] and defeating Miakid.. They probably decided it would be best; to make the island offlimits [except for researchers later on]; Admitting they made a grave error. [or at least something along this train of thought...] Their interest in the crown was probably stopped for now while they lick their wounds; and figure out what went wrong. This could be over 10 years? I still don't know how long this could be! How long has the Doctor been there? etc etc.... hmmm
"That will have to be something you'll have to factor in when making a prequel, whether or not the Doctor did in fact conquer the world or did Quote and Curly manage to stop this grander scheme just in time heroicly. Perhaps they weakened his power over the Demon Crown? I would imagine that the final outcome would have been some sort of blinding explosion that sends both Quote and Curly apart from each other and where the Doctor could not find them setting the stage for Cave Story."
Minus it being the doctor, this is where the Good, Bad and Best endings would occur

I wouldn't think the blinding explosion routine

[that just means you died] From what Curly said, I was there... you were too; ... I wonder if Ballos and Miakid worked together? *ugh!! I need to play through the end game so I can stop doubting myself :O

"Sounds like an interesting premise to say the least. Quote and Curly will be in the middle of a war with the Doctor and the ravaging Mimigas as well as any robot survivors. And best of all, a story could be fleshed out about the legendary mimiga Arthur and his efforts to keep Ballos at bay but ultimately meeting his demise at the hands of the Doctor."
I assume more of this is told in the hell area!
Really, I see this as less of a mod, and more of a game of equal size as the original Cave Story... There is just so much potential with Cave Story's ... Story! lol
It really deserves lengthing, but would I really be committed to spending anything on the scale of time that Pixel did? I would want to create it on an equal scale... Maybe I'm just dreaming mmmm
"It's rather a dark story or so one would be led to believe, sort of like Star Wars Episode III. lol"
I thought that too
A few spoilers I was imagining for this game...
You know that nearly official picture by uh ... you know the one being used by Variant for the game box; where Quote's cap says Curly Brace? Well in this game if I follow that, I'd have Curly be wearing the cap, and Quote looking more like the other robots [since he doesn't have a cap on (unless he would have his own?)]... [maybe later on in the game or at the end, Curly would give Quote the cap... [with her name on it

Characters I thought that could be in it might be...
Quote, Curly, Arthur?, Misery [sounds like Quote might have met Misery once before], Balrog? [unsure], Ballos?, younger Prof Booster?, young King? [maybe not], the green doctor and nurse from the labyrinth lol, a younger gunsmith...
Weapons... Missile Launcher, Machine gun, [now since the first one had bubbler and fireball [water and fire], this one would have earth and air

Bolt/ Airgun and Rockman? lol not sure...
Then something like the main gun... North Star? Blaster? Outlaw? Shooter? not sure lol
I love to dream on this, I don't want to spoil everything I'm thinking up yet

But... grand ideas = grand amounts of time... mmmmm and figuring out hex editing enemy patterns; and the weapons??? Will have to be way far on the list...
But, I should be using Miza right? It's completely okay to use on version right? [even if I were to change graphics and it modifies the exe?]
I know that as it stands Sue's Workshop can't be used because it creates problems right? Causes boss problems etc...
Er anyways this post is long enough already

EDIT: Oh, I knew I missed something...
This is pretty major too
"Booster: Actually...
Booster: There's one of us who's a perfect match for this job.
Booster turns towards you.
Booster: It's you.
Kazuma: ...Who IS he?
Booster: In fact...
****Booster: This is one of the armed scout robots that were dispatched to this island 10 years ago.
Kazuma: A robot?!
Booster: My impression was that they had been completely wiped out, but I do not know the particulars.
Booster: It's entirely possible that one of them could have...
Kazuma: Professor.
Kazuma: I've connected to the Sand Zone.
Booster: I see.
Booster: You are the most suited to exploring this island.
Booster: Please. Give us your aid.
Well in that case it's clearly 10 years... [knew I remembered that somewhere]
So that fits, so 10 years ago; Quote and Curly arrive to destroy the Crown, but Miakid gets to it before they do. The robots kill off a large part of the Mimigas but not before the Mimigas use the red flowers... to push back the robots. The crown is taken and the robots have mission accomplished. Miakid sees and then uses the power of the flowers and the Crown to control the Mimiga to attack the Earth... And finally Curly and Quote make it to fight Miakid... and defeat him [perhaps assuming they had destroyed the crown].
10 years pass, new researchers are sent to learn the secrets of the island, of what happened to the crown...
And Cave Story begins
Huzzah! Balrog drops in, crushing you.
Balrog: Sorry! Hee-hee-hee.
Misery teleports in.
Misery: So you're alive.
**Misery: You remind me of the one back then.
*Misery: A tough little robot just like you...
*Misery: I can see confronting you directly just makes things complicated.
Misery: To the Labyrinth with you.
Misery teleports you away. Balrog smiles.
Misery: And you as well.
Balrog: ...Uh?
Misery teleports Balrog away.
Misery: Ho-ho-ho...
Misery: Heavens, that felt good.
I gotta play and beat Cave Story tonight

I'm going crazy here thinking about it lol