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A few questions about Cave Story projects...

May 15, 2007 at 5:24 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Wham! Thread necroed.

I don't think I've said this before, but the mod I've been working on to and from for a while now is also set in the same 10-years-ago episode that's discussed in this thread (seems to be the first idea most modders get). Given the apparent failure rate of CS mods I didn't want to announce anything until I was sure I'd finish it, but nevermind that now.

So, can someone tell me what, exactly, Miakid is? I always thought he (she? it?) looked like a large ape, because of his face, large arms and short, bent legs. However, like most sprites his isn't all that detailed, and what I see as a hairless face surrounded by hair (like on most apes), might very well just be an illusion caused by the shadow of the crown. His head has the same shape as the human doctor, too.
But it's not all that strange to have an intelligent ape. I mean, there are talking insects and bunnys and toasters in Cave Story, why not an ape?

Nator (and X-Calibar too, if you're still active), you don't mind me using the same setting, do you? I'm guessing you don't since, well, you did the same thing. Hehe.
Just asking in the off-chance possibility that I actually get around to a release.
May 17, 2007 at 6:56 PM
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Have you seen this picture by Epsilon?

I don't see the hair around his face, I personally think it's shadow.
The truth is, I think only Pixel can really tell us what Miakid was intended to be; I've seen a lot of anime and to me I still think he's human, but in f-ram's cave story comic [currently under construction or something] he's an ape!
The bottom line is it is up to you, intelligent apes seem fine and plausible; but due to the circumstances that I created I don't believe him to be one at this time. Miakid came with the robots, and the nations of the world attacking are mostly represented by human.


I still haven't called off Cloud Story :( So long as you don't use that name, having more interpetations of the original Cave Story is great! It's a multiverse, not a universe :p

So whether you want a super strong, intelligent caveman/ape
or a human general... [villians are always bigger!]

The choice is yours ;)
I'm looking forward to seeing your game too! I haven't gotten around to playing all of the cave story mods that are out there, since I still have about 50 games to play through lol

My entire concept of Cloud Story has evolved over time, and I'm still slowly piecing together the world and its history, when I first announced I was doing this I said it would be several years before I really started and I'm actually on schedule I believe lol It's been one year since I started thinking about this;
I'm uncertain if I should give away new information on my mod or what...

I'll give you some facts :
Curly is the main character in mine. Quote will be the NPC this time around.
Quote will talk, Curly will not. There will be more outside areas in mine than Cave Story obviously ;)

The machinegun takes the place of the polar star as the flagship weapon...
Story wise will follow mostly what Curly described in Cave Story, except much more detail, and many new meetings; Arthur, Sakimoto, Doctor?
I've changed my mind about the story many times so I haven't formed a final plot at this point.

Do you want a mega spoiler? There's already a famous game out there, which I've unofficially named the distant prequel to Cave Story...

Oh why the hell not lol
The game Crystalis is the distant prequel to Cave Story. [in my Cloud Story mod] There are many similarities to the Crystalis game.

If you Haven't played the NES game Crystalis, then your in for a treat.
You shouldn't read on if you haven't played it though :p

.... spoiler! ................
Here are my notes on Crystalis :
Distant prequel - Crystalis

The Tower that fell, is now part of the island...
The Core is a mutation of DYNA.
[Charname] and Mesia are the scientists that helped create the tower.

He had teh powers of Telekinesis, Recovery, Levitation, Healing, Polymorph, Telepathy, Barrier, Teleportation, and the ability to use the Crystalis...
Mesia's powers are unknown....

Crystalis = The Blade?
DYNA = Core?
DYNA Room = 2nd Core battle area
1997 -> 2097 -> 3xxx
Present -> Crystalis events -> Cave Story events

Jenka, Ballos, Misery related to Mesia and [charname]?

Crystalis in a nutshell :
1997 the END DAY, the world was forever changed when war erupted, destroying civilization, shifting the world's axis, and mutating creatures around the world.
Survivors of the destruction erected a great Tower in the sky that would stop the rebirth of evil from ever happening again.

a 100 years pass, the world is different place, mutated creatures roam the lands, people struggle to rebuild their lives; and they fear the rebirth of evil, and the consequences of the Tower's activation... which currently I can only speculate that it would destroy all the people who would bring rise to war and the destruction it causes.

There is still a chance though, you and Mesia awaken as the immient activation of the Tower approaches. Your both human, but different than others, you were asleep though some kind of cryogenic or similar technology. You awaken initially without memory of the past, and travel the land as pieces of the puzzle left behind in case this day came come together.
You speak to many types of creatues in the land, humans, rabbit like creatures, dolphins, androids... There are many types of strange creatures wandering the land, and there is a nation of soldiers seeking to conquer the world. The Dragoniya empire, led by the dragon like creature himself.
In your travels you wield amazing swords that channel the powers of Wind, Fire, Water, and Lightning, growing more powerful by seeking the help of the Wise Men, who are actually people such as yourself, who may recall the events of the past. You learn their abilities, their magic powers.

In the final days of Crystalis, you are brought to the Tower in the sky, to decide the fate of the world. In the tower you remember your past, as you were key to its creation.
With your great power you defeat the robots and guardians of the huge fortress and reach the top, destroying the organic/machine heart/core. Plunging the sword Crystalis into the reactor, the Tower proceeds to self-destruct or at least cause a core meltdown of some sort.

In the final scene you escape the tower before it falls to the ground. The final scene resembles Cave Story's forested mountain area almost exactly :
That's a youtube video to the ending of Crystalis.

Even though the tower is said to be destroyed, in the final scene as the tower falls from the sky, it does not explode, nor does it fall into pieces or dissolve.

These events to perfectly describe to me the world of whence Cave Story came from... [happening a 1000 years ago or something]
The tower might have fallen, and destroyed for the most part. However, the tower was alive. The technology was a mixture of organic and mechanical.
The Crystalis may have killed or sealed the organic part. But, life finds a way as we all know. This man-made organic thing could have mutated or come back to life. If the Crystalis was removed or out of energy; life could be reborn.
Magic exists in the world, and technology wise the world is very varied. The Kingdom Ballos grew up in could have happened around the area of the ruined tower. Who knows how such a thing would change the world around it. [If DYNA had similar properties as Crystalis the sword, it could easily be a huge source of mutation, magic or power...

The Tower btw is the same color as Hell in Cave Story and has that kind of design for the most part. Parts of the tower could also have been used to create the kingdom. If the tower is as organic as I speculate, the Island is just as alive; with of course the Core being the heart of the island.

The tower was pretty large, with amazing technology; the strange Core Area in Cave Story is kinda odd; since it seems to be buried so deep in the island. In Crystalis the only parts of the Tower that are explored are just a few parts of the outside of the tower, and the very top where you fight the Core/DYNA.

Crystalis never had a sequel, it was a super popular game from SNK that people still think about today. Cave Story is an excellent game, without a sequel or a prequel [except by modders !] The plots just connect too well for me to ignore. In my Cloud Story [notice CrystaliS, Cave Story, Cloud Story all CS ! lol] Crystalis will have an influence, although I haven't determined all the connections of the two games, nor replayed the whole game yet.

There are questionable aspects, like maybe the towers location and the islands location is just coinicidence of course, I mean the Tower moves around the sky, and doesn't the Island move around as well? The Clouds sure move around it in any case...
Well, we know for a fact it moved around in Crystalis by the opening; but in Cave Story it always crash lands in the same place of course, and there really isn't any other scenes of showing the island flying around or of the ground...
It's possible straight under Cave Story's island is a huge Crater! From where it took off..! This is up to us to decide. But, for me I say it doesn't move, because ... the location is the same as Crystalis' tower... And I think it's too good to pass up.

Crystalis/Cave Story Forever!
What do you think?
May 17, 2007 at 7:12 PM
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D: Insane! But Pixel would problary say (Like always): I leave it to the player's imigation ;)
May 17, 2007 at 8:31 PM
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Oh! One extra thing about Miakid, this is said by Curly in Cave Story :
"Finally, one man got the Demon Crown in his possession."

She said a man...
May 17, 2007 at 11:35 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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(Wow, that's not a small amount of backstory)

I don't know. It was translated from japanese and I'm not sure the original word has the same meaning. In english "man" is a synonym for human, and is also exclusively used for human males. It's possible the japanese word means something more generic, but I have no idea, just saying it might.
With all these anthropomorphic animal-people running around it gets even fussier.

Miakid could be anything. The only way to be sure would be to ask Pixel but, as Phantom pointed out, we know what the answer would probably be.

The C'thulu says something about a man from the surface who used mimigas to grow red flowers before, too, by the way.

(Hey, I just noticed my avatar. Maybe I'm just tiny a bit biased towards crowned monkeys. Perhaps)
May 18, 2007 at 5:06 AM
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Monkeys rule :(
As for the long backstory~! The more I can make the better ;) Of course when it comes down to it, I want it to play like Cave Story, so, few words; but tons of meaning ;)
Jun 17, 2007 at 7:24 PM
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Alright, update time..! It's a little past year 1 now since I announced my mod..! If anybody recalls I set the very lax deadline to finish it in worst case within 3 years [no pressure!] :o Problem is I've only been doing lots for Cloud Story when I'm away from home... :p Although that's begun to change!

My goal, is to make is a mod that might make you laugh, smile, cry, get angry, be fun, and of course action packed :p Also, flow seemlessly with Cave Story, so it feels like when you play Cave Story again, that it's part of the same game...
erg! I'm not there yet though ..!

My whole vision of the game really has changed over time; and I still haven't figured out the entire story...

My question to you is... Do you have any requests? Is there something you'd like to see in this mod? I won't guarantee anything :p But, you never know; I Might put in easter eggs for the community :D
i.e... I've noticed over time there have been a bunch of Pokemon creatures in the fourms :p I could shape some area in the shape of Pikachu or something if it fits the circumstance lol [I noticed how Pixel made some levels shaped after things... example : starting cave looks like a Tanuki I think :p]
Jun 18, 2007 at 3:25 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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X-Calibar said:
i.e... I've noticed over time there have been a bunch of Pokemon creatures in the fourms :( I could shape some area in the shape of Pikachu

lol....just lol ;)
Mar 14, 2008 at 1:42 PM
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Hi! I'm just a random newbie who hasn't even beaten the secret stage.
I read the whole thread and I'm very interested. Does the project "Cloud Story" still exist? It sounds like it's going to be awesome!

BTW: I found the question in this thread whether the red flowers have to do with Ballos. I think: Yes!
I remember the cutscene in the Sand Zone Storehouse. The doctor asks Misery if the flowers he sees there are the "Demon Flowers".
Demon Flowers - Demon Crown
Someone (I don't remember who) in this thread wrote that the effects of the red flowers are very similar to everything Ballos experienced when his magic powers ran wild. He became incredibly strong, incredibly mad and he wasn't able to control his own powers.

I also found the question what the Core really is. I think that the Core is some kind of a balancing element Jenka created against the negative powers of Ballos. When the Core dies the island falls down because of Ballos' negative powers. When Ballos is killed the island stops falling.
But what makes the island float if it isn't the Core? Well, maybe it's some sort of ancient magic powers, much older than Ballos.

A friend of mine asked another question: Does Ballos know anything about what's going on on the rest of the island or doesn't it matter to him? It's very likely that he knows whether the Demon Crown is destroyed but does he know anything else?

Edit: Why is there Curly above my post? o.O Everyone has Quote, but I have Curly...
Mar 14, 2008 at 9:47 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Age: 35
MC Dirty said:
Hi! I'm just a random newbie who hasn't even beaten the secret stage.
I read the whole thread and I'm very interested. Does the project "Cloud Story" still exist? It sounds like it's going to be awesome!

Edit: Why is there Curly above my post? o.O Everyone has Quote, but I have Curly...

not sure if it actually even exists, its up to x-caliber

also curly is above you post cos shes aw some :( , lol but seriously quote goes above old posts, curly goes above new posts
Mar 24, 2008 at 11:33 PM
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"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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MC Dirty said:
Hi! I'm just a random newbie who hasn't even beaten the secret stage.
I read the whole thread and I'm very interested. Does the project "Cloud Story" still exist? It sounds like it's going to be awesome!
HEy! I didn't expect someone to bump up this old thread ;)
On the other hand to answer your question... I've been thinking about starting a new thread titled "Cloud Story."
At this point Cloud Story only exists basically in a ORed NotebookO sitting on my desk [and in my head]. What's the deal with my snail speed? Since I'm still trying to invent a logical universe I'm trying to get an idea of as many important events from before Ballos' kingdom to the current Cave Story events. And I like to waste a lot of time if I'm not getting anywhere lol

Actually, just today I was giving myself time to wonder about Quote and Curly, and I think I've finally gotten a possible story for their history. There's such a thing as overthinking or going too far, but in Quote and Curly's case, I think they are as far from ordinary as possible, even in Cave Story's diverse universe. And as such they needed an equally interesting background. I have half the mind to just tell the whole story that I have now; but that'd be spoiling things too soon ;p

I'll just throw a few things out I guess. For instance, one thing that needed to be thought out thoroughly... In Cave Story they refer to the events that happened 10 years ago as a War. Something that stops them in their tracks as they recall the events. A war is not a simple battle, a raid or a cutscene. War is a long, large-scale set of events.

You have to question, how could Miakid wage War on a earth capable of launching an invasion of armed robots. Could a magical island of Frenzied Mimigas really take on the world's nations?

And not to mention if such a dangerous place existed, why would they leave it alone; knowing the danger it might pose? Even if they thought the crown was destroyed?

Explaining the war is just a part of the picture: the runaway train pulling the events to finale. The real core of the story will be continuing Quote and Curly's story; The Mimiga's story... [Arthur...], the Humans... and Misery, Balrog and Jenka's continued history. And finally of course perhaps another large revelation like Ballos' kingdom was for Cave Story.
All the while, trying not to overstep my bounds, trying to make both games flow naturally together.
I've already said all this before, but at this point, I think I'm really getting close to turning my chaotic notes into a complete story. It's the critical details that make it take so long. Everytime I change something important it affects the rest of the story...

Well, anyways. Bottomline : getting close to reality now.
BTW: I found the question in this thread whether the red flowers have to do with Ballos. I think: Yes!
I remember the cutscene in the Sand Zone Storehouse. The doctor asks Misery if the flowers he sees there are the "Demon Flowers".
Demon Flowers - Demon Crown
I think you are right, but I pose a question to its origins... Why is it called the Demon Crown, Demon Flowers... Is it because Ballos is like a Demon? Or because those under their influence act like demons? or ... what if the original Crown Bearer was a Demon..? Nobody really knows what Halda is... All we know is the Nordic meaning of Halda is "to hold." And I think it is his fault that Misery went ahead and created the crown. I think he tricked her into creating it under guise or trickery and deciet. [I imagine Misery knew what she was doing when she went to create the crown. Although if Halda was involved at all, he could have easily changed something without her knowing, causing the crown to become cursed like it did...]

Also, look at the size of the crown compared to Misery, and to its bearers. Halda seems like the one that it looks most naturally proportioned to.

Ballos himself really isn't evil, even if what he did was. We saw how powerful the Doctor became, a normal wimpy human with no power of his own except his cunning and intellect. What would happen if a magically powerful/strong creature or person took the crown...
... And if you catch my drift, I have to ask what.. or who the Red Demon might have been once upon a time ... He does not die, he simply turns to stone for a time when defeated...
*shakes head* must focus on Cloud Story...!

I also found the question what the Core really is. I think that the Core is some kind of a balancing element Jenka created against the negative powers of Ballos. When the Core dies the island falls down because of Ballos' negative powers. When Ballos is killed the island stops falling.
But what makes the island float if it isn't the Core? Well, maybe it's some sort of ancient magic powers, much older than Ballos.
I think you are right about the negative/positive theory, but I also think the Core existed before Jenka, as you noted about ancient magics older than Ballos... It doesn't mean the core can't feed on Ballos' power as well as keep the island flying...
Here's a newer thread I mention what I think about the core...

A friend of mine asked another question: Does Ballos know anything about what's going on on the rest of the island or doesn't it matter to him? It's very likely that he knows whether the Demon Crown is destroyed but does he know anything else?
I imagine Ballos is contained to the seal chamber, but he may see all that is happening as if in a nightmare/dream prophetic? state. As if he has been asleep for a very long time. I imagine he has been waiting for Quote... The dog certainly knew him, and Ballos wasn't surprised to see Quote and Curly come into the chamber.
Apr 4, 2008 at 6:24 AM
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Okayyyyy, here's another call about my *currently all hype* prelude to Cave Story...
What would you like to see in the prelude?
Currently we have :
Curly Brace

We'll have travelling across the surface of the island. Returns to some old places from Cave Story.
I'll be answering what happens to Quote and Curly; the War; the Robots, the Mimigas, the humans...
I'll explore more about Misery, Jenka, no Ballos, some new island secrets...
Will try to have lasting character impressions, new music...

Is there something in particular you'd like me to explore, or think about? Something you wish Cave Story went more in to?

I'm basically fishing in the dark to see if there's something you guys want that I might completely forget about or miss... This kind of talk I guess is better suited for when there's a beta or a game to try out ;p
But, still there's always the Chance that someone might have something that I could be completely forgetting or should be doing...

Here's the extra quotes I talked about in another thread :
1997 , October 1 , The END DAY
Savage war engulfs the world
Civilization is destroyed...

An evolution had taken place.
The earth's axis shifted and
all creatures became mutated.
Life would never be the same...

Those surviving vowed not to
repeat their mistakes of the
past and erected a great
tower in the sky...

To oppress evil forever...


100 years have passed.
Most of the earth has
become dominated by
mutated creatures.

People worked together to
rebuild their villages and
their lives, but they still
lived in fear.

As they feared the rebirth
of evil, they remembered the
construction of the tower
and of it's consequences
once activation had begun.

Once evil emerged, would
they still stand a chance?
There was still one hope...


PROGRAM 0256 functional
SYSTEM 1024 functional
<name goes here>

Leaf Bearded man - Hey!! There's a guy coming out of the cave!

Azteca - I was waiting for you. A lot has happened in the past 100yrs.
You and Mesia went into sleep to watch for the end of the world.
You each had specific powers that could combat any future evil...
LEXAR! Hurry to Mesia!
Zebu - We tried, through our powers, to lead the people towards a good direction...
But Draygon used this power wrongly and built an invading nation.
Draygon hid the fact of who he was, and lured our best four warriors into his realm of darkness.
Tornel - Azteca is not sure of the extent of Mesia's power, but Emperor...
Draygon is trying to harness it to extend his realm of influence.
Asina - Your lives were mentioned to the people as legends to give them hope...
If you don't destroy Draygonia, all will live in despair.
Tornel - I wish for your safety.
Zebu - Be careful!
Asina - Now, the real battle begins.

Goa Man - I hear there's a tower with enough power to destroy the world.

Kensu - Sorry about my appearance, but I'm trying to get some info on the...
...tower in the sky. I'm sneaking into Draygonia castle to see what I...
...can find. Draygonia sees this tower as a weapon and has big plans for...
...it. I'll continue to see what information I can dig up. You be careful too.

Sahara Woman - It's sad. The Emperor Draygon still hasn't given up his desire to conquer the world.
Sahara Woman - Mesia's power is more than just being able to call the tower...
Sahara Elder - Oh, you are the legendary soldier... I shall tell you what I know...
A tower with tremendous power is near, one that can destroy the world.
It is said, one true warrior has the power to stop the tower... That one...
...is LEXAR, and the one who will lead you is called Mesia. That I know.

Azteca - Good job! This is the way it was supposed to be... I must explain...
I didn't want evil in my mind, and I tried to push all corrupting thoughts...
...away. But Draygon began to read my negative ideas and became absorbed by...
...them. The fact that you & Mesia are awake means the tower's cycle has begun. There's so little time.

Mesia - LEXAR! I'm now in the tower. Not much time! Enter into the next room! I'll take you to the tower!
= LEXAR! Mesia! These messages are for you. You both were part of a team...
of scientists who created this tower. As the most critical link, you were...
...preserved to witness our future race; to judge if there's hope for humanity...
When the tower began operating, your life systems were engaged and you both were awakened.
= Did you find Azteca? He was an android created by us, and programmed to...
...lead the people in a positive direction. We can only hope he will succeed...
We used all our resources to create him. If he fails then it will be up to you to decide their fate.
LEXAR - Mesia!
Mesia - LEXAR! You finally caught up with me!
Unsheath your swords, or the tower's attack will begin!
- You now have Crystalis.
Mesia - You must destroy DYNA, the central computer. If you succeed, stick Crystalis into it's main reactor!
Mesia - It's the only way! We have so little time! Now hurry!
= LEXAR! Mesia! By the time this is activated, we will no longer be alive...
We hope we have made the right decisions, and that all people will realize...
their mistakes before it's too late. LEXAR! Mesia! As old friends, we wish your safety. Good luck!
- Crystalis is thurst into the reactor!
Mesia - LEXAR!
LEXAR - Mesia!
Mesia - Did you get hurt?
LEXAR - No, I'm fine.
Mesia - The danger is now over LEXAR...
LEXAR - It would be nice to rest easy from now on, without the threat of evil at our backs.
LEXAR - Time to leave!
Mesia - I'm with you...





Jun 1, 2009 at 7:44 AM
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"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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*cou(June 01, 2009... looks like I missed my 3 year deadline!)ggh*

Wonder if I'll ever release something for this mod ... but guess knowing that doesn't stop me from working on it :p As I have fun just throwing ideas around and thinking about it when I can't work on other stuff :o

Example, last night; couldn't fall asleep; so started thinking about Cloud Story and actually possibly finalized the decisive moment between Quote, Curly, Miakid; that basically explains why Quote and Curly wake up as they do...
Also kind of figured out the reasons for why the island could be so dangerous to the earth; and cause a War. And not just a conflict or small short trouble that can be solved by throwing killer robots as it...

The story might be a touch too dark, and dramatic though :o Hmm...
[more like an anime of Cave Story; than like Cave Story the game...]
All these cinematics and stuff that need to be created... hmmm

I'm guessing the content for the mod would have to be divided in half at this point; since I don't know how much I can stuff into the Cave Story exe before it complains. Hmm...

Also at the present, both Quote and Curly talk. Curly is the main character.
I think it's important to establish and reveal who Quote and Curly are... learning about their past, about just what kind of relationship they have had; what they are doing there etc... I think it's important to uncover these in my prequel.
It should make sense, and easily fit with Cave Story; unless I'm bonkers.
Also figured out the secret true ending/really hard secret level already; which of course leads into Cave Story's plotline.

Okay, so that means :

Quote and Curly :
Major plot points - basically complete
[includes backstory, present main events, and stuff~]
Minor plot points - not very complete

Misery and Balrog :
Major and mino plot points - needs a lot of work!
Although I'm starting to make headway...

Jenka and friends :
Major plot points - well underway...
Minor plot points - a little..

Tying in the humans; booster, relations to Sue's family and whatnot... :
Major and Minor - Hmm... Very little!

Arthur, and the Mimigas from Cave Story :
Major plot points - Basic story... long ways to go
Minor plot points - maybe a little better.

Mimigas in general :
Major plot points - Basics are doing really good
Minor plot points - Not so good

Robots :
Major plot points - well underway
Minor plot points - well not so underway...

Miakid :
Major plot points - doing very well, closing in on victory!
Minor plot points - uh... I wonder if there are any minor points with him...

Setting and events :
Major plot points - More than half way covered.
Including some major locations I can picture vividly in my mind...
Maybe even some artworks too :p
Minor plot points - uh... Probably a lonnng way to go

Some themes I'll touch on :
Mind and/vs Body, AI vs people, trust and loyalty, blind obedience, blah blah etc; gotta avoid spoiling stuff, so better stop :p

[wrote down some of the major scenes around 5 AM last night lol couldn't sleep; and came up with them and figured I'd better write em down]

btw codename for my project is Cloud/Cave Story Forever [... lol jk... argh]

I'll leave some youtube videos here that helped me imagine and refine some of the major events I came up with last night (I can look back on this page and quickly start getting back into things/they help me imagine) :
[wish there were spoiler tags, then I could turn these lengthy posts into hide/reveal segments; making a less chaotic mess]

Also, I'd love to play Cave Story Wii first... I wonder what changes will appear? [... I need a Wii to play it don't I? ... hmmm; maybe someone can make a full-blown youtube walkthrough? or I need to find fuel for my wallet]
In worst case I'll make a fanfic or a comic out of this :D... [well actually worst case would step on spikes in RL or something and I just poof ;_;]

And btw, this is a side between side project of mine... Doing this in between my spare time. Who knows maybe next time I'll actually have proof of concept ... *cough* I mean actual resources to show :p