Have you seen this picture by Epsilon?
I don't see the hair around his face, I personally think it's shadow.
The truth is, I think only Pixel can really tell us what Miakid was intended to be; I've seen a lot of anime and to me I still think he's human, but in f-ram's cave story comic [currently under construction or something] he's an ape!
The bottom line is it is up to you, intelligent apes seem fine and plausible; but due to the circumstances that I created I don't believe him to be one at this time. Miakid came with the robots, and the nations of the world attacking are mostly represented by human.
I still haven't called off Cloud Story

So long as you don't use that name, having more interpetations of the original Cave Story is great! It's a multiverse, not a universe
So whether you want a super strong, intelligent caveman/ape
or a human general... [villians are always bigger!]
The choice is yours

I'm looking forward to seeing your game too! I haven't gotten around to playing all of the cave story mods that are out there, since I still have about 50 games to play through lol
My entire concept of Cloud Story has evolved over time, and I'm still slowly piecing together the world and its history, when I first announced I was doing this I said it would be several years before I really started and I'm actually on schedule I believe lol It's been one year since I started thinking about this;
I'm uncertain if I should give away new information on my mod or what...
I'll give you some facts :
Curly is the main character in mine. Quote will be the NPC this time around.
Quote will talk, Curly will not. There will be more outside areas in mine than Cave Story obviously
The machinegun takes the place of the polar star as the flagship weapon...
Story wise will follow mostly what Curly described in Cave Story, except much more detail, and many new meetings; Arthur, Sakimoto, Doctor?
I've changed my mind about the story many times so I haven't formed a final plot at this point.
Do you want a mega spoiler? There's already a famous game out there, which I've unofficially named the distant prequel to Cave Story...
Oh why the hell not lol
The game Crystalis is the distant prequel to Cave Story. [in my Cloud Story mod] There are many similarities to the Crystalis game.
If you Haven't played the NES game Crystalis, then your in for a treat.
You shouldn't read on if you haven't played it though
.... spoiler! ................
Here are my notes on Crystalis :
Distant prequel - Crystalis
The Tower that fell, is now part of the island...
The Core is a mutation of DYNA.
[Charname] and Mesia are the scientists that helped create the tower.
He had teh powers of Telekinesis, Recovery, Levitation, Healing, Polymorph, Telepathy, Barrier, Teleportation, and the ability to use the Crystalis...
Mesia's powers are unknown....
Crystalis = The Blade?
DYNA = Core?
DYNA Room = 2nd Core battle area
1997 -> 2097 -> 3xxx
Present -> Crystalis events -> Cave Story events
Jenka, Ballos, Misery related to Mesia and [charname]?
Crystalis in a nutshell :
1997 the END DAY, the world was forever changed when war erupted, destroying civilization, shifting the world's axis, and mutating creatures around the world.
Survivors of the destruction erected a great Tower in the sky that would stop the rebirth of evil from ever happening again.
a 100 years pass, the world is different place, mutated creatures roam the lands, people struggle to rebuild their lives; and they fear the rebirth of evil, and the consequences of the Tower's activation... which currently I can only speculate that it would destroy all the people who would bring rise to war and the destruction it causes.
There is still a chance though, you and Mesia awaken as the immient activation of the Tower approaches. Your both human, but different than others, you were asleep though some kind of cryogenic or similar technology. You awaken initially without memory of the past, and travel the land as pieces of the puzzle left behind in case this day came come together.
You speak to many types of creatues in the land, humans, rabbit like creatures, dolphins, androids... There are many types of strange creatures wandering the land, and there is a nation of soldiers seeking to conquer the world. The Dragoniya empire, led by the dragon like creature himself.
In your travels you wield amazing swords that channel the powers of Wind, Fire, Water, and Lightning, growing more powerful by seeking the help of the Wise Men, who are actually people such as yourself, who may recall the events of the past. You learn their abilities, their magic powers.
In the final days of Crystalis, you are brought to the Tower in the sky, to decide the fate of the world. In the tower you remember your past, as you were key to its creation.
With your great power you defeat the robots and guardians of the huge fortress and reach the top, destroying the organic/machine heart/core. Plunging the sword Crystalis into the reactor, the Tower proceeds to self-destruct or at least cause a core meltdown of some sort.
In the final scene you escape the tower before it falls to the ground. The final scene resembles Cave Story's forested mountain area almost exactly :
That's a youtube video to the ending of Crystalis.
Even though the tower is said to be destroyed, in the final scene as the tower falls from the sky, it does not explode, nor does it fall into pieces or dissolve.
These events to perfectly describe to me the world of whence Cave Story came from... [happening a 1000 years ago or something]
The tower might have fallen, and destroyed for the most part. However, the tower was alive. The technology was a mixture of organic and mechanical.
The Crystalis may have killed or sealed the organic part. But, life finds a way as we all know. This man-made organic thing could have mutated or come back to life. If the Crystalis was removed or out of energy; life could be reborn.
Magic exists in the world, and technology wise the world is very varied. The Kingdom Ballos grew up in could have happened around the area of the ruined tower. Who knows how such a thing would change the world around it. [If DYNA had similar properties as Crystalis the sword, it could easily be a huge source of mutation, magic or power...
The Tower btw is the same color as Hell in Cave Story and has that kind of design for the most part. Parts of the tower could also have been used to create the kingdom. If the tower is as organic as I speculate, the Island is just as alive; with of course the Core being the heart of the island.
The tower was pretty large, with amazing technology; the strange Core Area in Cave Story is kinda odd; since it seems to be buried so deep in the island. In Crystalis the only parts of the Tower that are explored are just a few parts of the outside of the tower, and the very top where you fight the Core/DYNA.
Crystalis never had a sequel, it was a super popular game from SNK that people still think about today. Cave Story is an excellent game, without a sequel or a prequel [except by modders !] The plots just connect too well for me to ignore. In my Cloud Story [notice CrystaliS, Cave Story, Cloud Story all CS ! lol] Crystalis will have an influence, although I haven't determined all the connections of the two games, nor replayed the whole game yet.
There are questionable aspects, like maybe the towers location and the islands location is just coinicidence of course, I mean the Tower moves around the sky, and doesn't the Island move around as well? The Clouds sure move around it in any case...
Well, we know for a fact it moved around in Crystalis by the opening; but in Cave Story it always crash lands in the same place of course, and there really isn't any other scenes of showing the island flying around or of the ground...
It's possible straight under Cave Story's island is a huge Crater! From where it took off..! This is up to us to decide. But, for me I say it doesn't move, because ... the location is the same as Crystalis' tower... And I think it's too good to pass up.
Crystalis/Cave Story Forever!
What do you think?