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  • I made babby's first Java program today! :D
    @q3hardcore an intentional mispelling of "baby", often a reference to the meme "how is babby formed"
    Congrats Polaris! ;D
    Oof, I wish I still had quote boxes and >420 character limits. Not a big deal, though. @Anuken, @Camero, @Raus - thanks to all of you for the warm comments. ^_^

    Linked Lists do seem quite useful when the size of a dataset's unknown. I'm not totally clear on why they aren't/are used and subsequently when they should be, but I'll study further and try to keep them in mind. =o
    I was taken on a surprise trip to Wisconsin Dells on Saturday. It was fun, but it screwed up my good habits, badly. Back to work now! -w-
    I've also been toying with the idea of completely cutting myself off from technology for a time, where possible. I love the internet and the people I've met here, but one good reason leads to so many other bad outcomes...I want to be responsible for the first time in my life. Very badly.
    Sounds like you've had fun there! ^^

    [Don't forget to check my Skype message]
    The days are growing cool. My conduct is growing worse. My efforts are growing slowly. And it's all fine, darling dear, life's still going~
    @Raus - I take it that New Hampshire can have unpredictable weather? Because here it can be blazing one day and chilly the next, that's how it was last weekend o.o;

    @Aar - Sorry to hear that. Maybe things will be better this year, you never know...one can always decide what to do and how to feel, if nothing else.
    It's more like the climate is out of whack in NH >w<
    The whole summer it was a bearable warm temp, but just recently it's been nearly scalding hot.
    At another time a couple years ago it snowed for the majority of October, /didn't/ snow at all in December, then snowed again in January! DX
    it's a Dark Souls meme
    Solaire is a pretty jolly guy
    After trying to work with it, I officially declare Media the worst thing ever. Or at least in the top 100.
    It's XenForo's version of the Gallery feature.
    You might, just maybe have too much time on your hands.
    Don't give me so much credit! I most definitely do, no denying that. :v
    Congrats on being 2nd most popular member when it comes to likes.
    I used to have 1 like, but it seems to have disappeared :<
    Thanks, but the leftover likes on this forum really don't mean anything.
    The likes mean everything. Haven't you ever watched Whose's Line Is It Anyway?
    It's fun getting used to things! ^.^
    It sure can be quite an adventure! ^-^
    Finally seeing a familiar status update system makes me happy.
    Recently I've been questioning how good of a person I really am. I'm worried that too much of me is rooted in superficial things, dark places, semantics and sins, and maybe good intentions and effort isn't really enough anymore, if it was genuine to begin with. Thankfully, and as always, I still have hope for the future with me - but I need to not let that hope keep me in place, because I could be doing a lot better for others and myself than I am now.
    Hina reminded me to give Terraria another try the other day. I didn't care for it the first time I played (several months ago), but I think I'm really starting to like it now. :3
    Hardmode != Hardcore, just in case
    I just started a Hardcore character on Expert world mode... I bet I won't survive to reach Hard mode.
    Confusing xD But, I'm worried I'll lose the character at the first boulder trap I encounter...
    Please excuse the late replies, I'm never sure of what I have to say.

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Monster X-Calibar"><p>It was like that for me too Polaris. My first time involved wandering and eventually getting lost in the dark, deep earth! I had little clue of how to play, so it was just kind of weird... Fast-forward to much later, I ended up playing again and got addicted. There's SO much to find. And if you have a pal to discover it with, it's that much more fun <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I played on my own too though, spent a lot of time building... Never did finish the floating island and tower...</p></blockquote>"Weird" is the best way to describe my first impression of Terraria, yeah. It does grow on you! I'm too much of a social wreck to try multiplayer, but I might give it a go sometime...I guess it depends. I'm not into building myself, more of an adventuring type, and yes the boulder traps are the worst <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/muscledoc.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':muscledoc:' />
    (Good luck with Hardcore AND Expert enabled! You're gonna need it! D: )
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Intel from blonde partner suggests that custom scout robot 'Quote' has been compromised"><p>You can get bacon now. It gives you the well fed buff for 35 irl minutes.</p></blockquote>Bacon's okay in theory, but...
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Hina Press"><p>Pumpkin Pie is better~</p></blockquote>...I'm a much bigger fan of pumpkin pie :3
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="The Seasoning On My Donuts of Destiny"><p>Not to mention you can actually craft it, unlike the bacon</p></blockquote>This is a plus, too!
    Maybe, depends if my boss has work for me or not.

    I've been spending the last 6 months building a 4-plex condominium with him.
    Actually come to think of it I'm bored out of my mind just sitting here at home I actually want to be back at work.... wierd...
    You should take up a hobby! Like...I don't know, sewing. Just because. ^_^;
    This boy...he must be the one chosen to pull the 7 needles! He can already use the legendary PK Camera!
    ⋅-⋅ That's a touch unnecessary.
    PK Love
    After hundreds and hundreds of tries at beating the semifinal 3 CS bosses spread over 7 months with only 10 normal missiles, the Polar Star, the Bubbler, the Blade and 3 HP, I finally said "screw it" and made my Blade 10 times as strong. I feel bad, but...this isn't an accomplishment that I feel strongly about or really want for myself, and I just want to play Jenka's Nightmare already. Still, giving up is just so gross. :<
    Good luck! I think if I attempt Monster X again, I'll see if a rapid fire key could help... I was so close to victory, but BLARGH!
    Ugh. I took up the challenge. I DID beat MonsterX and made my way to the final boss on CS+ hard mode with 3 hp. It's not HARD mode it's just STUPID MODE! >< lol So annoying... Misery is a pretty good battle, but then you have Doctor Random, who might spawn on your face more often than not, and then muscle doctor which... well isn't so bad, but just another time sucker...
    AND if the fates of Random let you pass those, you end up fighting the final boss!
    And something always goes wrong somehow. I beat Sue, and I nearly beat the Core, and Misery just spams those homing missiles, off screen. When I chase her down then the Core suddenly goes into overdrive and I die from a random spawn in my face.

    URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH I was so close too many times. There's really no point in doing this... The end is staring me in the face though. But, you know what would happen don't you?

    I finally survive. and somehow a Random Block Hits Me Before I Reach the Save. I Know It. It Will Happen
    <iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://youtube.com/embed/UBs4D8jRoTA?html5=1&fs=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>
    VICTORY! Not the coolest looking run, but I finally survived...

    Had a little help with a rapid fire key, and a berserk macro though. Probably could have made it without it, but... I love them :]
    Went at it for HOURS last night, and again today. But, finally got a handle on the last boss.
    I was given a pink and purple Otterbox today. I never knew that any single phone case could be so x-treme. =o
    <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
    <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
    <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71gJpnKyuzL._SL1500_.jpg' alt='Posted Image' /></span></div></div>
    Not my favorite shade of pink by a long shot, but it was a gift, so I have no reason to complain. And besides, purple isn't a favorite color of mine but this shade is pretty nice. -w-
    Cool. It's pretty nice.
    Hey, do you Reddit? 'Cause I think /r/gardevoir and/or /r/pokemon would appreciate the grand gallery.
    I actually do have a Reddit account, but I spend very little time there. I'll give those places a look sometime, though!
    I was hoping that the 24 notifications were from people starting off the Cat Month festivities with a bang. Oh, well! ^_^;
    After a few months of hiatus, I finally managed to train enough to take my team of Mismagius, Luxray, Lucario, Clefairy, Rapidash, and Shaymin to becoming the Champion of Sinnoh! Saw enough to transfer my Emerald posse forward, too - feels nice to finish another Pokémon game. ^.^ Hopefully I'll be able to buy Black or White sometime, too - I may be a couple generations behind, but I'd like to get through them all eventually.
    Everyone has their moments of inactivity. It's fine.
    I mean, recently I've only been periodically checking the forums thanks to all of the fullscreen games I've been playing.
    I've also been absent so don't worry.
    Somewhat justified Wi-Fi and work problems aside...no, I don't think it's okay. I've met a lot of good people here and there's no reason for me to be neglecting them. :<
    I think by leaving school I've jumped out of the frying pan and into the ember...work is busiest in the summer months. I've been at salones for the past 7 hours and my legs have died a grisly death from all of the nonstop standing. Lately both my employer and a fellow employee have been giving me warnings about doing better in school and earning a scholarship, and I have to say...I'm really taking that to heart. As much as I want to help, I don't want to do this for the next 9 years of my life.
    To find job security, and a place to rent.

    It's kind of annoying when you can't play melee anymore because your parents find dash dancing, L-canceling, and multi-shining annoying because of all the clicking.

    I feel rather dis-jointed from my family in ways a lot and I'm basically a bum so I just want to stop being a burden to them.
    Hm. Um...excuse my ignorance, what exactly do you mean by job security? I should probably know these things, or have a plan myself, but I really don't, and that's a touch worrying. I do hope that squabbles surrounding video games aren't the only thing weighing on your home experience, though - that seems like something that could be resolved with some discussion, but I'm no position to know.
    A job, that I'm not really at risk of being fired at. that's all.

    It's more of the disjointed part but literally all I do outside of Sony Vegas anymore is play Smash bros.
    It is done. Summer school aside, I'm free! And almost all of my exams went better than expected. <3
    I'm going to get a bunch of work, of course, since Summer is the busiest season, and that's going impact what I can do...but otherwise, I'm just hoping to relax, rekindle, and catch up on habits and hobbies that I've been forced to neglect. Gallery uploads, modding, traditional playthroughs of games like Mystic Ark and random things I need to do like mod contest judging and helping a game master are all activities that I'd love to get back to. ^_^

    What are you up to for the season, X?
    Sounds pretty good :]

    Hmmm... A good amount of my summer is focused on classes, and their group projects. Probably will continue to be that way until August! ... which will be my break for a week or two :] Everything else I want to do, I just have to find time to do, without it affecting class performance. I think I'm currently pushing about 5-10% of my life usage :x Kinda strolling through life without a care in the world. (well, not true obviously, but it's not entirely false either <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/redface2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' /> )

    Lemme try this again... besides classes, I'd like to do more programming, and work with GeoBox or mod Cave Story... Poor nightshade project is in a shambles x_x And Cloud Story continues to live up to its figurative name. But, in other areas I'm getting closer to getting an actual job... should job shadow in the fall, and degree by Spring or Spring's end. Maybe, things will begin to turn around <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Mystic Ark huh... I never did play that one... tell me how that turns out! Oh, btw you are REALLY up there in rank in P&D! I've jumped on a few times lately... I pulled um... Durga, and raised her to Demon Slaying Goddess! That and Anubis raised to his next level on my other account during the last player god fest~ Now I have to do these Crazy combos when I play to take advantage of their leader powers D: Frustrating but fun when it works ;]

    I wonder what you are modding? Still working on the original mod you released? Or is there another...?
    Well, I hope your classes and job shadowing go well! Don't worry too much - with perseverance, I'm certain that things will turn around after all ^.^

    Mystic Ark is an SNES RPG recommended to me by DT. It's actually quite fun and interesting and I'm looking forward to moving forward in it - there seems to be some hints that it will have a neat story! I'll get into some more P&D stuff in the relevant comment thread, but just so I don't forget to reply to the stuff here...yeah, I've clearly still been chipping away! I've been working somewhat hard trying to prepare for Awoken Bastet, but it could be going better.

    Durga is an absolutely exceptional 25x leader, especially if you ultimate evolve her - unlike the other 25x gods, she uses hearts in addition to her four elements. In other words, she's both exceptionally strong thanks to her multiplier and active skill and way more consistent to activate than the others. You can ultimate evolve by clicking from the normal evolve screen now, so try checking her materials and seeing if you can gather them!

    Of course, I'm not encouraging you to spend tons of time on it or anything. You've got more important things to worry about. ~o.o~

    I would like to touch up and finish [not a]MOD, but there is another, which I haven't even begun. I don't want to speak of its details for fear of never delivering. ^_^;
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