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  • Final exams are approaching. With the knowledge that many of my grades are hanging in a delicate balance that only proper study and work can amend, I'm officially cutting myself off from internet contact for the moment. There are a couple of threads and statuses that I'd like to reply to, but they'll have to wait for a few days, and besides a particular exception I hope to remain away from anything to do with my phones altogether. I don't think that this will really affect anybody, especially given that I wasn't being too active anyways, but I just thought I'd let you know. School essentially ends for me on Thursday - wish me luck! ^.^
    By the way, since I've gone two weeks now without uploading any pictures, I hope to upload more than the usual five once I'm free of school. There are few people who care about the Grand Gallery here, I know, but I haven't forgotten about that!
    One final battle... the Exams... you can do it! Good luck :]
    Every year I prepare a bunch of final boss themes appropriate for one last battle in my head, and every year they get replaced with relaxing tunes. >.>

    Of course, now I've got a few weeks where they're pretty fitting. c:

    Belated thank you for the warm wishes!
    I have a bit of an issue that's been affecting gallery uploads pretty significantly, and I was wondering if someone more technically versed than I could help. Is there any sort of consistent way to search a specific site for a specific image? There's a ton of images in my Gardevoir folder that I can't remember as being uploaded or not, given how long I've been working on the Grand Gallery, and checking over every page for one image is tedious, inefficient and not even particularly accurate. I'm well aware that Google Images and Tineye exists, but I'm not sure if they can be trusted to have my gallery on file. Any help is appreciated!
    Forum gallery search looks through image names and descriptions, which is basically all the information available when it comes to identifying one. If you can't remember what you named or said about something then I don't know how else you could locate it, aside from visually.
    If you're just worried about not seeing it on cavestory.org when you first put the image in GIS you could always just append site:cavestory.org/forums in the end. Not sure how effective it would be since I don't reverse-GIS that often
    Thank you, DT, but I was thinking of doing it visually, to be honest. As for the site:cavestory.org/forums thing, I'll give that a shot later! Thanks for the suggestions. ^_^
    Today I wore a skirt for the first time thanks to a mock fashion show in French class. I had to wear it over pants by virtue of being the shortest thing in the world and it was only for 20 minutes or so, but it was still fun. Bonus points for being worn with my tuxedo shirt. ^_^;
    Just a note: my iPhone's display stopped working about a week ago, rendering it infuriatingly useless. I was hoping to get it fixed relatively quickly, but circumstances seem to suggest that that won't be the case. I still have my Android, school iPad and laptop, of course, so it's not like I'm completely cut off from contact, but I've also been kept relatively busy with work lately and my iPhone was the only device capable of accessing the Internet outside of Wi-Fi. Therefore, I'm likely to be somewhat inactive for a while yet - please bear with me if I take a while to respond to things or show up in general. Thank you. ^_^
    How'd that happen?! Hope they can fix it easily... and not $$$!
    I simply dropped it, and though this has happened many times it finally couldn't withstand the trauma. I've had the iPhone for a year and a half now, so it was bound to happen eventually, but due to an unfortunate technicality regarding plans to switch providers I don't have an acceptable reason or opportunity to fix it despite having the money. Depending on the details of what will happen I might get it fixed anyway, but who knows.
    Hey we need you to think of a thing in the Beta testing Klub.
    To be completely honest, while I don't mind trying to test your mod and good feedback, it's not a good idea to rely on me for ideas.

    At any rate, I spent all day working and just got back home. I'll try it out tomorrow, okay?
    Today I noticed that there was a following thing next to the picture I posted a comment on. Then I realized I can follow albums. And apparently after over 280 pictures I am the first person to follow the Grand Gallery of Gardevoir Pics.
    I really appreciate that, Nameless. Uploading so many images can be difficult and slightly thankless work at times, and seeing even one person enjoy such things really makes my day. c:
    Boooooo! I am a ghost, a shining phantom so to say.
    I'm sorry, and I know that I was being irrational and rude. But when did you ever shown me anything besides that one side? In most of the forum posts I've read you were an irrational administrator, then an exceptionally bitter ex-administrator, then an immature and ridiculous troll. Heavens, you are the only person I've ever corresponded with by email, and even then you mostly took the opportunity to complain about the forums some more. I wanted to trust you but in my experiences you only gave me every reason not to.

    This most recent comeback of yours has been genuinely pleasant so far, and I thank you for that. Hopefully that unfortunate little paragraph up there better explains my state of being. I really don't want to antagonize you, I've just grown somewhat more wary as some people I used to like proved themselves not so harmless.
    S. P. Gardebiter
    S. P. Gardebiter
    Maybe you're taking all these things a little too seriously. Learning how to guide and watch over people is not an easy task to do. I've got years of experience in that now (I was an administrator and moderator in another forum after I left here) but back when I was starting I was probably 15 or 16 years old and had no idea what I was doing, as nobody ever instructed me on anything. On top of that comes the language barrier and the personal problems I had to deal with at that point of my life. It is especially hard to stay friendly and be constructive, when people are treating you very bad, nonetheless it is your job as an administrator and moderator.

    To be honest, I can't remember doing anything bad to you specificially and if I did then I'm sorry but you shouldn't be offended by words that weren't directed at you. Only a small bit of what I did was something personal, the rest was just for the loughs. After all things have changed here though, a majority of the people don't even know anything about the personal conflicts that have happened in the past. There will be always people here who have a bad influence on the social climate and I am not in a position to do anything about it (not that I have the time to do that anyway), there is no sense in getting upset.
    You bring up some good points, and I'm not sure how to respond, so...thank you for giving me something to think about. I can't leave a satisfactory reply, for now.
    <strong class='bbc'>And I enjoyed it.</strong>
    was this in the gallery at any point
    i know i've seen it
    It and its variants are pretty widespread, but I've never uploaded one. I get a feeling that finding the original artist would be a nightmare,but in fairness I haven't actually tried.
    Gonna send you early access to Indistinct Story in a few days along with a few other people if that's okay with you. ^-^
    Oh! Um...if you wish! I'm not really a good beta tester though :l
    Na, It's simpler than that. You just get to play the things early and tell me if you come across any bugs on the way through the updates :> The PM should explain it much better.
    Well, alright then. I'll be waiting ^_^
    I can't keep The Doobie Brothers as a status forever and I have nothing better to say at the moment, so here's a depressingly long to-do list for my recollection and your potential insight. =o
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Kim"><p>Those... certainly are a lot of stuff. =o

    Aren't Spira and River and Fiel the characters you thought up for Project Vresun last year?</p></blockquote>...the ones I barred Shane from using, yes.

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Anuken"><p>I... seem to have the opposite problem, at least with computer-related stuff. I have a big project going, but don't know what I should do first...</p></blockquote>No, we're in about the same spot. I have too many things I want to do and I'm not sure where to start or how to make myself do things. ^_^;

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Thatnamelessguy"><p>Huh. Quite a nice list you have there.
    This list reminds me that despite procrastinating on actual schoolwork, I've also been completely ignoring things I want to do that actually matter</p></blockquote>Yeah, that's a terrible issue I have in particular. I didn't even know it was <em class='bbc'>possible</em> to be distracted from things you like when I was younger. :<

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Captain Fabulous"><p>That was a fascinating read. I hope you get to check all that shit off, even the weird one.</p></blockquote>Thank you! I hope so too. Taking over the world would be a hassle for little benefit, so just pretend that one doesn't exist.

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="ShinyElectricBlueTiger"><p>hmm yes dasu is the connoisseur of anime. she probably asked you to watch garzey's wing and that is the one anime i can 100% recommend</p></blockquote>I don't think she mentioned Garzey's Wing, but I'll add it to the list anyway. Why not! It's already so ludicrously long that I'm guaranteed to die young of Stage 9 Kawaiibetes. D:
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>★Buy an actual sword</p></blockquote>I need goals like this. All I have is get a job, choose a college, and other important things.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>I need goals like this. All I have is get a job, choose a college, and other important things.</p></blockquote>Well, they're important goals for a reason! <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    It's really good to get your priorities straight! Of course, once you have an idea of what those important goals are, I see no harm in branching out to recreational dreams.~
    When I play Iji and Poacher on my laptop, Iji tends to lag like crazy and eventually close unless I have effects and shaking all the way down (even then it sometimes has a fit), and Poacher immediately freezes and closes whenever I die or kill a blue elephant thing, which I suspect is due to the blood sprites that pop up. These things didn't happen on my mother's laptop, which I thought was kind of inferior, so is this because I have a terrible graphics card or because I'm playing on Windows 8 as opposed to 7 now? =o
    Aw... :[ I hoped it would work! :]

    Hmm... That's the same error the other person got...
    They have : "W7, x64, Intel i5-2430, Nvidia GeForce GT540M, Nvidia soundcard"
    I'm thinking it's the M Nvidia card that might possibly be the issue. Do you have that too? Can you check for me sometime? :]

    Two quick ways to check:
    Windows key + R
    Then expand components and click on Display...

    Or just right click desktop -> screen resolution -> advanced settings
    (probably the same in Windows 8)
    "AMD Radeon HD 8400"? Is that it? o.o

    I don't know how good or bad that is. ^.^;
    From what I looked up I think the Radeon probably won't work with these drivers sadly :[
    Radeon's are good cards... I had one for a while, but I guess support comes and goes with these kinds of things...

    Hmmm... seems like a fair integrated video card from what I read. Just don't crank up the graphics too high :X
    And thanks for checking! ;D If I ever find a new solution for Iji, I'll tell you.
    How are you commenting on other people's profiles without your name showing up in "latest visitors"? ._.
    Like, you make a comment on someone's status update, yet you don't show up in their "Latest Visitors" list.
    Anyways, it's probably because he's going to Members -> View New Content -> Profile Feed, and then commenting on status updates from there.
    Ah, I see. I was mainly referring to how you commented on Aar's profile yesterday, and your name didn't show up in the visitor list.
    Oh! That's because his status showed up in my notifications and I went to a separate screen for it from there. I technically didn't visit his profile at all. =o
    Have a nice National Hoodwink Day! I won't really be joining in the festivities or doing anything of note today, sorry. Hopefully I can finally upload the 280th and 281st pictures that I was supposed to a week ago today - still don't know what I'm going to do for the 282nd.
    I'm so inactive that I wasn't here to congrats on the day.
    But I hope you (have/had) an awesomazing birth-week, you gem of a person.
    You're way too nice, Enlightened, I can't thank you sufficiently. c:
    It has been a pretty nice week, in fact :>
    Glad to hear it.
    The Insanely Late Obligatory Gamemanj Technologies Polaris's Birthday And Another Year Of Polaris's Home For Lost Nothingnesses Post......I need to write a bot to look at IPBoard profile feeds for stuff involving birthdays, a 2-day delay is too long...*sigh*...
    No, no, it's fine. I really appreciate it, thank you ^.^
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