Hiya Tpcool. Is there any chance I could get you to do a huge favor for me? A guy just posted a comment on my April Fools fourth ending video saying this: <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>HOLY SHIT! Guys, Nicalis saw this video, and actually included the 4th ending in the latest version of Cave Story released on the 3DS eShop 10/4, which is why it took so long to release. If you remember, the first news of it was around April, and it was supposed to be released in about a month. But with the extra time, they quickly added this ending. They also fucked up Curly Story. It's literally unplayable. But is worth it for the 4th ending?</div></div>Would you be willing to investigate this for me and see of it's possible to get my fourth ending in the 3DS version of CS+? I kinda feel silly asking this, 'cause it seems like NICALiS would've contacted me or something (which they didn't) if they were going to put content I created into an official release, but something about that comment really makes me curious. If not, then the troll has become the trolled. But I am really curious. Anyway, when you get time to play Cave Story on your 3DS, could you check it out? That would really be appreciated.