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  • What weapon do I use to destroy my bad habits?
    Gamemanj Vi CantBeBotheredToWorkOutALastName commands you! End those habits you consider bad...!
    There, done!
    (Now let's see who understands that.)
    Not quite the same thing, but I've used an iOS app by the name of Good Habits for the past half year (later upgrading to another, much superior paid app called Productive). Seems silly, but they've done a lot to give some structure to my days and keep me actually doing things. :3
    Um, hello. I'm just a new guy here but I really liked your At Ease org song. I want to make org music too eventually. :v
    Oh hello there! Thank you so much; I'm glad you liked it. :) Making it was definitely a different experience for me.

    ORG is a simple and easy-to-learn program but you can still make some good music with it. What kind of music do / would you like to make?
    I'm not sure yet. I've been busy with college stuff and haven't got a chance to make anything. I'll probably start by making some simple pieces to get a feel for it.
    I thought at ease was the best one. Good job!
    The audio muffling problem on my computer is creeping into ORG Maker. With Windows 7 the problem only occurred whenever I streamed or ran Caustic. I wonder how the upgrade affected audio performance.
    Well I'm using earbuds; is it not the same thing?
    I dunno, but I thought the use of it may affect it or something.
    Perhaps. I don't ever listen to music on loudspeakers though; I'll give that a try.

    I managed to get a recording of what the messed up audio sounds like but I don't know it my computer is just playing with me and its strange audio quality or not.
    *breathes in* I believe I have fully embraced the latest version of ORG Maker. No more 2.05 for now...though I'd still probably keep it unless 2.10 can replicate 2.05's Per01 sound.
    You are finally one of us. Learn to love the volume commands, they're what help me sleep at night.
    Heh I haven't actually fully embraced them yet since reading, "It is useless to people who can draw beautiful curves freehand." in the Quick Help manual and I was like, "I don't need these options" despite my very unsteady hand. It is very helpful for those linear decays and swells, though everything else is kind of in between for me at the moment since the curves basically extend the entire range of the volume grid and that tends to make some notes get drowned out.
    I used the Per01 from OrgMaker 1.3.4, which sounds almost the same as the Per01 in Cave Story. This helps Cave Story modders -- their compositions will sound the same in OrgMaker and Cave Story.

    If you prefer the Per01 from OrgMaker 2.0.5, it's easy for me to change. Check your private messages.
    ...Another Late Birthday Post...*sigh* I really, really, need a list of all members with birthdays. And something to alert me on those days...
    Oops I forgot to reply to this. Anyways, how very kind of you! ^^; You could always wait for the next birthday to give birthday wishes, otherwise it does come across as irrelevant. But it's the thought that counts, eh?
    I have been staring at the status updates page for ten minutes, laughing as loudly as a sleeping household permits me. It's pure perfection and made my day. Thank you to whoever did this.
    It was Noxid's doing.
    I figured only someone as pristine as Noxid would commit this form of awesomeness.
    Blizzard Hearthstone, League of Legends, Steam Dota 2, Steam...how the heck did the previous user sneak all these programs onto this school computer...
    It's been ten minutes and I'm still waiting for this computer to start up. I should have brought my laptop to class.
    Great, now you're going to shut down. Let's hope we don't have to sit through all that processing again.
    Finally, I can log in. Yes, it could have been worse. I haven't had to wait this long for a computer to let me log in since the dinosaur XP I first played Cave Story on.
    One of the most ignorant things to do when someone is in a bad mood is to keep asking them, "What's wrong with you?" and then proceed to talk about how awful a person they are.
    Listening to Shovel Knight's soundtrack makes me want to buy the game and play it right now. But I mustn't! D:
    A friend of mine was playing it a while back. They said it was really good. So...
    Still your choice, but you should probably get it. look at a youtube video first.
    Haha, I definitely will someday. I mean I shouldn't be playing it right now, not with six Steam games in my library that I haven't been playing all that much (save for Reprisal Universe).

    And yeah, I definitely followed a Let's Beat, which is partially how I found out about this game.
    It's time to admit defeat when you're almost 20 and people still mistake you for a 12 year old. :/
    @Hayden - <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' /> Indeed. I definitely don't follow your typical age mould. (Just noticed this comment by chance!)

    @Random-storykeeper - It'll be nice to be thought of as younger, especially as time passes... Would you prefer the horrible mistake I made in person, when asked, "How old do you think I am?", said the young, pretty waitress. ...and I guessed in the wrong direction. x_X SUDDEN SILENCE.
    IT HAUNTS ME TO THIS DAY! I don't have a very fine grasp on age, just by looking at a person.

    Oh, and what originally brought me here... from your Iji post. I just had the random thought, maybe you'd like "The Way" RPGmaker game, if you enjoyed Iji. Though because it's older now, like Iji, you might have to extra work to make it work ideally.
    If you want to know more, or how to improve the music, just ask <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
    Is <a href='http://www.crestfallen.us/game.html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>this</a> "The Way"? I'll bookmark that for safekeeping if so. I still have a library full of Steam games I bought last winter that I barely touched so I'll be looking forward to a lot of gaming during the next break. But thanks for the recommendation.

    "How to improve the music?" I wonder what the issue is...

    Yes well it seems younger kids can guess my age more accurately. At a pancake breakfast I volunteered at my sister's elementary school, some of the kids thought I was 21. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
    @The Way
    Yep, that's the right site! I remember playing it around the same timeframe I discovered Cave Story, and Iji. I thought those games were some of the best indie games ever, and they really raised my interest in all indie games...
    As for improving the music, it's because it uses MIDI, which is dependent on your system software/hardware. Most likely with a new PC, you'll end up hearing the default microsoft MIDI soundfont, which I made a video to illustrate the difference...
    <iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://youtube.com/embed/qwMgsN8wvgA?html5=1&fs=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>
    VirtualMIDISynth, the awesome program that lets you change your MIDI soundfont...
    <a href='http://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://coolsoft.alte...irtualmidisynth</a>
    and PersonalCopy soundfont is probably the one I used with The Way... probably...
    <a href='http://www.personalcopy.com/home.htm' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.personalcopy.com/home.htm</a>

    Well anyway, I just thought I'd recommend it. I too have a huge Steam backlog to catch up on... But, what I wouldn't trade to be able to play my favorites from scratch again ;D
    You scrub, MM3 music is totally overrated!
    Because it's good music haha. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    In all honesty, I haven't found any other Mega Man soundtrack I've taken a liking to except for 3's. It's got some of the most catchy, refined music, especially the titlescreen. Perhaps I am overselling it too much...I've tried to listen to the others, but most seem to not appeal to me in the same way. Oh well. I will give some of the other soundtracks a listen to again. And I thought MMII was the most well known in terms of Mega Man music.

    Wait hey, I also have X music I like too! :/ I would ask if you have any personal recommendations, but I think I brought up Tornado Man's theme last time I mentioned Mega Man, and you know how I felt about that.
    MM3 has always sounded the most unique to me compared to the other NES titles. There are a lot of good tracks, but I can't pinpoint anything superb from it. Of course I was underselling it when I said it was overrated, but I am a bit jaded of opinions that 2 and 3 are the best ones (not that you fall into this category, but I just look at too many YouTube comments for my own good). And yeah, X music is great. I've got to finish the series so I can listen to some more of it.
    My personal favorite soundtrack is Mega Man & Bass. Don't be pressured to listen/like it or anything; I feel like I've been critical of your opinions for no good reason, lol.
    I can see Mega Man 3 influencing a lot of MM fan music out there, so I'd say you're about correct when it is "overrated" for the most part. It sometimes takes me a few listens to really like music, and that might be the case with the other Mega Man soundtracks. I've never heard of Mega Man & Bass before though so thanks for sharing that! I'll keep it in mind.
    Just recently started listening to Mega Man 9 music, and Tornado Man's intro is super epic. If only the rest of the piece could keep it up.
    Hey I'm not hating, man. Tornado Man's opening melody is probably the most memorable thing to come out of Mega Man 9's music so far, at least from what I can recall. It's just that the rest of the track drags on a little too much for me, and doesn't keep it up as much. Not too high pitched for me, at least in comparison to the GB Mega Man II. But I can definitely see why Tornado Man would be your selected avatar...

    Ah yes, Jewel Man's is a true gem. Blue is also nice too.
    "Jewel Man's is a true gem"
    That was amazing
    But I really made this because I was wondering...Blue? Is there a Blue Man or something?
    My bad; I was listening to <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90jP3v1dpws' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>this</a> video for the soundtrack, and the track is listed there as "Splash Blue", so I just called it "Blue" for short. It's Splash Woman's theme.
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