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  • Wow, I finally managed to get the Key Porta function working in Pxtone. Now to figure out why my bars are always being copied one bar ahead whenever I try to paste a bar in...
    you made the entire AUS wikia how dare you not finish it
    Yeah "finishing" a wiki is not a one man job. It's on my growing list of wikis to help once I'm through with Cave Story's...
    ah, ok
    Why is it possible to work at one of the largest stores for school supplies and not have any school supplies for the last of the back to school rush
    Finally trying to finish up some of my unfinished ORGs. Untitled12's end loop doesn't quite come together yet, though. What to do
    Waitwaitwait - why aren't we friends yet!? xD
    Hehehe I guess because we haven't really had much to talk about before. Oh wait, do you mean like "profile friends"? Ahhh I don't know, actually.
    Well I fixed the problem! :3
    Do you think it would be possible to make some kind of orchestra hit sound using orgmaker? It's probably feasible with enough experimentation, so I thought I might ask someone with a good deal of experience.
    I've never intentionally tried to make one, but by fiddling around with the volume/instruments, it could be possible. Now that I think of it, I did create a sort of chord dampening at the start of a piece I was transcribing, but it didn't really sound "orchestral". Sorry, is that defines an orchestral hit, besides the chord? I'm not exactly familiar with the term.
    Haha, neither am I. I'm only familiar with the sound, so I can't explain much besides "I like the sound." I'll have to do some more studying on it though, but thank you.
    Still debating whether getting Cave Story+ is a good idea or not when I already play the freeware.
    From what I've seen of videos, the remastered music is all right, the remastered graphics are all plasticky and the translation is all too bland but I think I can adjust to that. If the new areas are any good then it might be worth getting...hmm...
    I got it while it was on sale for $2.49, it was worth that but probably not the full 10 dollars.
    The new visuals were updated since the initial release, so they are quite nice these days.

    Wind Fortress is worth it at the very least.
    Your parents wanna take your paycheck? Why?
    Just my first one. I don't know if they're telling the truth or not, but my mom seems pretty serious about doing it. I thinks it's because my dad gave his own mom his first paycheck, so she thinks I should do the same. My dad said that he did it willingly, though. I'm starting to feel a bit stingy now.

    At the moment, I was just planning on using the money to contribute to my tuition and cell phone bill, but I think I'll probably have to pay back for the shoes I needed for the job. Besides that, I'm not too big of a spender at the moment, so I guess giving up the first pay isn't a huge deal. It's just a little disappointing to give up something you worked to earn.
    Are there any good LPs/playthroughs of Cave Story that use a Nicalis translation?
    It was all going well until the LAST FOUR MINUTES when my phone went off. Normally, I always have it on vibrate but today, JUST today it's on and I'm so mad at myself.
    I had my first group job interview yesterday. I was so nervous, but everything started to go well until near the end, when I heard a ringing noise and was like "oh no, that's my phone". What's more upsetting is that I tried to ignore it, but the interviewer knew it was my phone. I turned off the ringer and apologised, but I knew it was too late. I probably lost the opportunity. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/frown2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
    Sue Sockymodo
    Sue Sockymodo
    Ugh thats awful, I'm sorry. And getting a job is hard enough these days. I also don't see what the hufe deal is if they do reject you. It's not like you answered it or texted during the interview or anything. You apologized. People mae mistakes. Employers really nitpick about irrelevant things, imo
    Rejection has always been one of my major fears so it's been hard to sort of put myself out there, but yeah I guess it isn't really a big deal. Honestly I kind of just want to get the job now so my parents will stop bugging me to apply for jobs even though I've already been doing that.
    I want a job, I don't mind working. But how am I supposed to get one if I'm terrified of asking people if they have positions open? D:
    I'm going to get a job over the Summer, but I'm not asking people if they have positions open. Use a website! It may be harder in Canada, but I'm sure there are plenty out there. For example, I'm probably going to use <a href='http://www.monster.com/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>this</a> when I get started.
    I would (and have) used websites to apply online; my parents say it's not enough. They want me out of the house asking around. It feels aggressive, but I guess that's how everyone does it.
    I recently beat Graham and Chaos in AoS. I'm on NG+, collecting souls and stuff, and it's lots of fun. Thanks for recommending it to me. :3
    Awesome. I can't wait to play this mod. *dies on 10 HP spikes* Not sure if one-block-high jumps are possible to perform consistently or if I was supposed to go somewhere else first...
    I swear I've seen that sprite from you signature somewhere...
    Yes, I remember those games!
    Used to play them all the time when I was younger...
    Ah, nostalgia...
    Aw yeah, you were a Nitromian too? Their older games definitely have that nostalgia factor for me, even though I still regularly keep up to date with their latest games.
    Shows true dedication to something you love.
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