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  • Does anyone know where I can find a download of the sample music bundled with piyopiyo player/editor without the garbled filenames?
    Hey! I discovered you were the one who composed those Music Box covers of Cave Story songs on Youtube that I listened when I was getting back into it.
    They sound pretty neat :)
    No way! That was the one who uploaded the music box covers of Toroko's theme and other few tracks..? :000
    This is kinda surreal to read haha, didn't expect those covers to really be anything recognisable! I'm glad you liked them but giving them a listen after a couple years I definitely felt they could use a lot of improvement lol
    Man, it's been a while though. Those were the days... I sort of wish I could do something more as part of this fandom, but I ain't exactly the creative type :\
    I just found out there's a backup of Doukutsu Uploader called Cave Shelter? Was this common knowledge?
    Bless the person who saved some stuff from Doukutsu Uploader. Including mods like Japanese Cave Story 2, Iron Bond, and the 4th demo release of WTF Story
    The 2010 and earlier backup was a response to the DU only keeping the most recent 1000 files (after the DU hit 1000 files old stuff started disappearing). So the earliest stuff on the DU was lost by the time Cave Shelter was set up. The 2010-2018 archive was clearly a response to the DU going down after the fact, probably by people pooling together stuff they downloaded. The 2010-2018 archive only contains 58 files, out of a grand total of 1000. That is 950+ files lost from the DU that Cave Shelter didn't back up.
    Is there a way to view all posts from this forum in reverse chronological order? I'm kind of curious to see the first posts ever made here
    Not exactly, but there's something you can do that's pretty close to that. You can go into any particular sub-forum, such as "Cave Story Discussion" or "Cave Story Modding Showcase." When viewing all of the threads in that sub-forum, click on the "Filters" option, and under the "Sort by:" section, select "First message" and "Ascending". When you apply those filters, all of the oldest threads in that sub-forum will show up underneath the stickied threads, which will show you some of the oldest posts in these forums.
    Oh wow, this is interesting. Thanks for the tip!
    Man what happened to your profile picture?
    Dunno. Took it out on a whim, and now this purple square with an I looks pretty nice so I guess I forgot to put it back.
    Years of character development wasted
    It has literally been more than a year and only now do I notice your post(s) here. Sorry!
    Your song edit is awesome! Really sounds professional, like you could hear this in a movie or something. I closed my eyes while listening to this and could see it playing in my head! The voice modification is really well done too, although it's distorted just a tad too much to comfortably understand. Maybe that's just me, though. Did you provide the voice-over yourself?
    Okay, I have been wondering about this for a while... How was the TSC format decrypted?
    If I recall correctly, to convert tsc to plain text, you take the value of the middle byte of the file and subtract its value from all other bytes, or something like that. My question is, how did anyone come up with this idea? Was it revealed to them in a dream, or what?
    I’m actually an introvert, but otherwise your guess is accurate. I try to subvert my tendency towards seclusion, that’s all. o:
    I can do more for both myself and others if I stay open and interacting. I can do a lot worse, too, but that’s the risk with anything worthwhile.
    I've always tended to avoid anything risky, but you seem to be doing a great job. I feel inspired. Thanks, and good luck with everything.
    I slip up often, but it’s no reason not to try. Good luck to you, too~
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