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  • playing axial disc 1 for the second time and i just found out that i was playing the game wrong which was the reason why i found encounters so annoying. encounter rates are still too high tho
    today i learned that axial disc 1 is actually an incredibly easy game. defeated the penultimate boss very easily with a slight amount of strategy. some of the fights are just horribly rng dependent though.
    I'm currently playing Yume Nikki and I really want to like it but it's boring going through places I've already explored and I can rarely save. Also there's an NPC that moves quickly and SOFTLOCKS YOU WHEN YOU TOUCH IT. The atmosphere beats off's, though. I just wish that the music was longer because the short loops get really tiring.
    I don't have the bike and the only effect that I've managed to find so far was the frog effect that I lost immediately after that stupid NPC softlocked me (it wasn't taken away, I just couldn't do anything and had to restart).
    Pinch yourself. I think "9" is the key you have to press. If not, it's one of the number keys on the top row.
    Thanks. I forgot to actually read the tutorial.
    thinking about making a cave-story like game focused on speedrunning
    If you do, then I'll be sure to rank last on the leaderboards
    i regret to inform you that i do not possess the smarts to create a leader board so a speedrunning website will have to discover it hahahahah
    Imagine if that cleverly placed spike at the beginning of the game was a major antagonist
    I wouldn't call it cleverly placed, more-so the game doesn't teach you the importance of watching your step, real goof on Pixel's part.
    How does the game not teach you "the importance of watching your step"? I feel like having a spike there that kills you if you don't watch your step silently teaches you to start watching your step.

    Are you wanting text on the screen telling you to jump (despite being required to figure it out to get out of start point)? An arrow pointing to the spike telling you to avoid it?
    today i have finished end roll. started off as a bad and overly edgy rpg maker horror game and gradually turned into a good overly edgy rpg maker horror game as it progressed. i'd say that the early game pain was worth it. not much depth to the combat but even then it's not just rpg maker, but also rpg maker 2000 so i really don't see how much more could be done with the combat over than there being more status effects.
    Now that I think about it, while the combat itself isn't interesting, a lot of things involving the combat itself is really interesting. You have to decide which party members you want (although I found myself always going with Tabasa and Gardenia before switching to Tabasa, Dogma, and Mierelle.) The type-2 weapons allow for some very powerful moves, but most of the time they give a huge debuff. Except for the throwing knife. Tabasa shredded everything with that. There is clearly a lot of focus on combat with the optional boss fights and the dungeons and all, but that doesn't really add so much when the interesting thing about combat is everything outside of the battles. I have been thinking about fighting the Informant, but he seems more like a "Spam Mega Heal-Al" than a superboss. At least he doesn't seem as bad as Memory Girl. I hated that boss.
    I also found some of the battle themes to be too short, which gives me immense amounts of pain because Confront, Depths, Theme Battle, and Sky are really good.
    EDIT: I found that the informant has 4350 HP and a lot of defense to go along with it. I'm not fighting him.
    Your review intrigued me, so I went and played through the whole thing on a whim. Cool game in so many ways, but a lot of its fundamental design choices kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

    The combat was tolerable, I guess. Though to be frank, "tolerable, I guess" is as good as traditional turn-based combat has ever gotten in my experience. Maybe I've just been playing bad RPGs, but it always seems like you're either super overpowered without even trying, or you have to grind for 500 hours every other dungeon because the devs decided "difficulty" means having enemies suddenly quintuple in strength. Thankfully, this game was in the former category.

    For a while, I found it really hard to care about the story. The whole "it was all a dream" trope is the main premise, for cryin' out loud. The story begins by telling you that nothing in it matters, and it (almost) never does anything to convince you otherwise. I've played my fair share of edgy games with an anime style, and this one feels like it's trying to desensitize you to all the horrible violence and tragedy. The characters are kinda... one-note? Maybe 1.5-note? It's really hard for me to articulate, but like... the game gives a character a little bio when they're introduced. And it felt like those two-sentence long summaries told you virtually everything there is to know about them as people. They each had a couple personality traits established immediately, and everything they said and did afterwards rigidly followed those traits. It does make sense in context, but everyone except the protagonist felt really shallow as a result. That said, I may have missed a lot of cool bits of characterization; there is an insane amount of optional dialogue in this game.

    But even still, towards the end I found myself caring a little. Though I had started the game emotionally detached from the story, the "pointless" world and characters grew on me. When the plot got overly bleak, I went from thinking "wow this is edgy" to "wow this is depressing". And by the True Ending, I was finally able to understand why, despite seeming pointless initially, the story did matter. Though the ending itself was a bit of an anticlimax to me, it works. The way I see it, the game indirectly acknowledges that its basic premise is flawed, and sends a powerful message about repentance in the process.

    So yeah it's cool. I recommend it if you're into RPG maker games, lots of sidequests to do, and a tone that switches between happy-go-lucky and grimdark at the drop of a hat.
    I agree. End Roll is really cool but it has a lot of flaws.
    I think the game trying to desensitize you with the violence and tragedy is trying to get you to relate to Russel not feeling guilt about the people he murdered. However, that also kind of contradicts the point of trying to feel guilt.
    I think the actual events in the story are pretty cool. The issue is in how Russel's backstory is presented for most of the game. He's a fine character, but most of the flashback-y scenes felt like the game was just throwing Bad Stuff at you without a clear purpose. But then towards the end... dunno. The dark stuff went from edgy to dread-inducing. I guess it's because when you start, you don't have any attachment to anything. But the more you help people out, the more Russel (and probably you, the player) cares about the world. It kinda fits with the whole guilt-program-thingy that the premise is built around. There are quite a few other works like that, where the beginning is WAY too edgy for its own good, but then it dials that back and delves deeper into the characters and world. And while the early parts have more shock factor, the bad stuff later on hits harder because you now have a reason to care about these people. End Roll is (kinda) one of those works.

    Also yeah, I quite like the skill system and selecting your party members. One really cool touch is when a party member starts a boss fight with some negative status effect due to story reasons (e.g. they're fighting a ghost that looks like their dead mother, so they start the fight "unsure"). It's kind of a shame that you can just heal any status effect immediately at basically no cost. I would have liked to see a fight where a party member turns against you or something.
    sequel idea: quote accidentally falls off of the dragon in the bad ending but survives for the sake of plot convinience
    He then has to defend humanity against the doctor's army of ravils.
    amnesia strikes again, wakes up 10 years later; many living beings are now mutated by red rain from the dreaded floating island
    i feel like a game with this premise would be incredibly hard and would invoke similar feelings to getting over it
    fun fact: I have said this many times before, but did you know that when anglerfish mate, the male slowly melts and becomes parasitic with the female as the host? As if the concept of the animal itself wasn't weird enough.
    i feel like the fact that you can see the most recent profile posts on the front page could potentially be used for evil
    As if it hasn't already.
    i once devoted myself to creating a clone of cave story in c++ but it seems as if my computer hates it when i try to program using any language that is challenging and wants me to stay in any game engine that brags about being easy
    i have found something fun to do (what a relief)
    I'm not sure what you mean by "Hacking", but I'm using RPG maker itself to do the work if that helps.
    update: i am a dumb stupid idiot
    yet another update (does anybody care about this anyway?): made hugo and the judge/batter two gimmicky bosses following the climax (queen). hugo is a damage race (and is currently way too hard). you fight the judge with no add-ons, adding challenge to the fight while still giving it the same vibe it had in the original game. the batter is a much more tense and difficult fight that needs to be taken out as quickly as possible since he is constantly reducing your agility.
    added a new boss to zone 3 called the triplet burnts and rare random enounters to the pedalo ride in zone 2 in case you need to grind before the balloon game valzong burnt fight.
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