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  • now that i think about it cave story's leveling system is absolutely brilliant
    a lot of the time you tend to skip past enemies in games but cave story encourages you to actually fight them
    even if you're at level 3 maxed out you still fight the enemies because of muscle memory and the collecting noise being really pleasant to hear
    It sure is.
    You generally also get more wanting for that exp because of how much the weapons can change when you level them.
    It's not just higher damage, they can start looking cooler or go faster and farther!
    i really want to make a cave story mod but i have an extremely bad allergy to anything "technical"
    You could do story writing or art or music, and collaborate with someone else who can do technical stuff
    *insert something entirely random here which may or may not be referencing cave story*
    Hey you can't do that, it has to be a CS reference. >:C
    *Insert witty remark that validates the randomness of the first post*
    greetings - pilotredsun
    It's obviously still in its early phases but gameplay wise I'm going a completely different direction and the technicality of it all is just means for me to make the game how i envision it! it's going to have a full party cast of 4 characters and story wise its supposed to be a little more focused on worldbuilding rather than dialogue? dialogue wise I'm still going to be trying to make it as engaging and interesting as I can, having unique side characters with their own stories and with their own quirks and things. It's all supposed to be wrapped together in one big semi-linear open world package, a stark contrast to the first game's linear level progression structure. I won't hate you if you don't like where it's going, but do note that everything you've played so far is subject to change, and everything everywhere is still being polished.
    tldr; it's just a demo! don't expect it to be the perfect headman sequel you dreamed of until i finish it hopefully
    i think i noticed something interesting about headman 2
    headman 2 is way more nuanced than headman 1 if you're talking about how weird these mods are
    headman 1 has trippy dreams, a tennis racket that shoots tennis balls that go through walls, and a door that requires you to use a pizza that's probably not a pizza to complete the game
    the only weird thing i noticed about headman 2 was that headman looked weird and really big but that makes sense if you have seen one of the endings
    its definitely not as in your face weird as the first game but i think as an overall theme everything is just sort of strange/bizarre or uncanny in the sequel
    idea for a cs mod: a prequel based on quote dreaming or whatever during his ten year nap and he somehow only has 10 dreams which somehow last 1 year
    can we just appreciate that king's theme is a real thing
    White isn't a track I normally think of when I think about the Cave Story soundtrack, but yeah, it's a really great song
    this account is just here so that i can play cs mods because of that annoying sign up thing
    What CS mods require an account for you to play? Most of them should be off-site links, not attachments...
    and then i realized that did me almost no good at all so i made a dokustu club account
    at least i can say random stuff in some really small forum
    lol. You shouldn't even need a doukutsu club account unless you want to upload your own mods or make reviews. Welcome to the forums anyways though! :p
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