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  • Steam has a bunch of indie gems on sale: Kero Blaster, Momodora, Oneshot, La-Mulana to name a few.
    i already have every single game you listed
    Good job.
    I got excited before realising I already own Kero Blaster and Oneshot, which made me disappointed.

    But then I remembered that I haven't purchased the Oneshot OST, which apparently is also on sale as well! :O
    I can't believe it... It's done. I finished a mod! I'm not a complete failure!
    Turning failures into success, that's life. (yes that is related to the mod you finished)
    I never got around to finishing a mod T_T
    But in other news, played Enthology - Lost Chapters! That was a great way of showcasing content you've created for various projects! Plus you turned it into a compelling story. Wish I knew what would happen next!

    The only bug? I ran into, was when I interacted with a fallen Toroko... which started a Cave Story Core dialogue. Probably not intended??
    Anyway, enjoyed it, and more people should play it if they aren't. In that case you should issue a challenge! or something, or not ;)

    EDIT: Oh, and the custom music player, only plays two songs?
    @X-Calibar Oh shoot, I guess NPC.tbl has Toroko automatically interactive, I'll add that to a list of fixes.

    And with the music player it only plays the orgs that were added to the mod, I figured if you wanted to play the original cave story tracks you could do so elsewhere.

    But yeah, thanks for giving it a try! I'm glad you liked it.
    I don't know why I still keep coming back. I have no real obligation or known desire yet here I am yet again.
    I think that's how we all feel with this site.
    It's quite simple actually, it's because there's N O , E S C A P E.
    Happy New Year! Being in New Zealand, just left of the date line, and an hour or 2 before Australia, I'm the first one to enter 2017. Nothing really has changed much here so I guess this 2016 that people had a problem with was just the first year of our infinite downward spiral.
    Well then, let's try to be as happy as possible right now while we still have the chance
    Well, this week I'm going to New Zealand for awhile... Let's see how many things I can release tomorrow (the deadline, since I won't have a chance to work on anything for at least a month)...
    I don't have time to do extensive testing or make the forum thread, as I have to leave for work in 10 minutes, but by releasing it here right now I can say that I made this mod in under 24 hours. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B76G5aPO5fjiNE1pZnpYaE96NWM I'll delete this post when I get the chance to make an official release.
    The save/load reset doesn't work for me? It doesn't seem to reset the script. First I went to the Hermit, didn't touch anything, save, leave the room and load. Then the Hermit gives me unlimited HP capsules~ But, then I save and load without moving and no script reset...
    Wait a minute... Yeah that is messed up and soft-locks. I could have sworn that it would fix itself but it looks like I'm remembering the details wrong.
    I'll need to remove that false tip from the dog.

    I'll figure something out if I can, will probably have to add a third item or something as an emergency reset switch.
    Alright, I don't know where to do updates so I guess right here is the best spot for now. "Enthology Alpha" is finished. It fixes the two game-breaking errors of the 2015 dumped version, with no new content (except that Oside.bmp has the actual graphics it was supposed to).
    PM me if you really want it and will help me bugtest, though it would be more worth your time to wait until Beta when the last two levels are finished.
    Okay it's official, I'm back now. I stopped 10 feet from the finish line and I no longer care about how I place.
    don't forget
    you're here forever
    I AM finishing it. This is an analogy of a race, because I was that close to finishing it and I'd rather cross that finish line rather than giving up.
    So... for awhile I've had an idea for a minimod (basically 2 small map ideas, something I can ACTUALLY FINISH, you know?), and I'm pretty sure it would be the last mod I'd ever make (other than an update?). Since It's been a year since I've done this, why don't I film and commentate the entire thing? A resource for newcomers to see a mod from start to finish?
    I'd edit some stuff to keep things running so it's not just me fixing my own bugs/drawing and placing sprites, but imagine, if I just casually recorded it and talked about what I was doing (but not slowing down the process TOO much), it could be a couple hours of tutorials. Switching and combining spritesheets, replacing org files, basic weapon customization, applying an assembly patch... it would be a basic dip into it all.
    Yeah, that would be a great idea! Seeing how it's done in real time would be very helpful for new modders.
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