Power out in large chunks of my county due to random massive gusts of wind last night blowing things down (this includes me). Estimated won't be sorted for another 3 days but who knows which areas will be fixed first.
Stuck deciding between which of these two CS mods to finish and release next. One's a pay-to-win acid trip and the other is an old clown in the back of a museum hallway.
Oreo™s belong in the fridge.
This is not a joke. All of you are sleeping on this. Your tastebuds are completely unaware of the possibilities that are available. Oreo™s taste better when eaten cold. Significantly so. The thought of me, EnlightenedOne, eating a room-temperature Oreo™ makes me gag. I threw up (cold chocolate Oreo™ dust) in my mouth just thinking about it.
In about an hour and 45 mins, I'm gonna stream myself aiming to get World Record speedrunning a GBA game. Might play CS mods after. https://www.twitch.tv/enlightone
There's a DLC for "A Hat In Time" tomorrow. It's free for the first 24 hours, so if you already own it (and can bother to install everything tomorrow) then you may as well get it before they stamp $5 on it. ((There's a separate co-op update too but that's free regardless))
There are 2 types of people in this world: Those that would agree Jenka is a solid 10/10 specimen, and those who would agree Jenka is a solid 10/10 specimen but they are already with somebody and are faithful to their current lover so they won't admit it.