indefinitely delaying grotto myth, I haven't been motivated to do anything cave story related for months.
I might start a smaller scale project. stay tuned.
finally worked on grotto myth again after a few weeks, finished a cutscene and began working on making a teleporter work and stuff
might post some teasers here on this wall as I work on this
attempted to restore the ending mix of mischievous robot to a higher quality by using this video, editing out any clipping and adding in the ending of the ingame version.
I would post a link to my restoration but I don't want to anger the staff here for copyright n stuff. I might post it to Twitter or YouTube soon though
screwing around modding cs and i realize if you wait about a minute falling to your perpetual doom off the edge of a map that you hit water at some point and you can eventually drown, somebody else probably already noticed but i thought that was interesting
this is the kind of thing that could go in a forum thread but you see I don't do that anymore at this point and I don't even know why
renaming rocky fable to GrottoMyth purely because I don't like the name Rocky Fable very much
i still want the name to kinda represent "cave story but really different" or "alternate universe story" or something because thats kinda what it is but anyway uh
serious problem ive been trying to figure this out for too long
how do you change the tile types on a tileset?
im sure this is possible but i cant figure it out