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  • what is the likes meter on your profile i dont recall it having any functionality thats significant
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    Reactions: Noxid
    @PokeEngineer It's more like it's a feature of XenForo that just isn't really used.
    And who knows, maybe that's for the best.

    Anyway don't forget to like this post and subscribe for more.
    It got turned on automatically and then immediately off after the last software change, staff can still technically do it because even if we did turn it off we could just go back in and reenable it if we really wanted to
    oh ok then
    got all of the first part of "early begin" in RF
    just need to add the "in Quote's mind" cutscene/tiles/bg/everything and i can move on
    i will post further progress on the CSTSF/CS Modding Discords
    Not to be A̶n̶ ̶h̶u̶g̶e̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶h̶o̶l̶e̶
    mean, but I really wonder if someone is really interested in it...
    happy valentine's day

    i'd make a "but i also have no friends" joke but i can't really say that when I'm pretty sure any of the people on these forums who know me know I have quite a few
    Just tell your date with your waifu!
    Atleast that relatable.
    Cave Story: Anniversary Project? More like... Cave Story: ANIMATION Project!

    there might be less animators over here than music composers, and I don't care. This is a better direction for this project to turn.
    Ehh, I still want to give this a try. If this does not work out, it was worth a shot at least and the idea can be brought back at a later date
    also can you give me your discordtag, you don't seem to be part of any cave story discords im in
    im asking this purely so i can invite you to the server
    uh ok it's in my profile now
    if you dont feel like going there then...
    CS:AP notice:

    I've decided I'm going to do something different with this project. I don't know what yet, so I'm leaving the post the same for now, but when I know what I'll do to make this special...
    So i randomly decided to begin a full fledged remix project for a cave story anniversary that is being prepared a year in advance because i'm worried it will take that long to find enough people with the same game interest as me

    probably never gonna get a finished product for this so um congrats me if this project actually comes out
    We were pen pals, Puu! I thought I knew you. What do you want now?
    This robot reminds me of one that I met a year ago...
    Um, does that matter?


    Hahaha! I have all your stuff. Come and get me on Puu Island!

    *you managed to keep your Fireball*

    *you, Curly and Balrog decide to investigate and head to Puu Island*


    it sucks right now lol but I'm still developing the story for this mod
    oh right yeah the partial reason why balrog and puu know each other was due to EL's Fanfic lol
    also I might need help with getting Puu and Balrog on the screen simultaneously. I've already duplicated and edited the balrog spritesheet with puu instead, but this will only work if only one is picked at a time, and I'd have to select one entity sheet
    Well, my best guess is that you use black puu sprite and replace it with Balrog, the only problem I see is the lack of movement Balrog will have with that way.
    well I guess I could use a retextured Puu Black as well... I'll try that out. It would definitely be easier than assembly hacking in a Balrog duplicate like I originally thought
    --Puu has arrived. He came very far to find you. He wants to know something.--

    --"Do you know me?"--

    --No. You do not remember anything related to this soap. But Balrog does seem to remember him.--

    --How strange.--
    I like this
    heck, the partial inspiration for the balrog+puu thing found this
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