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  • Why I am still a Junior Member? My group says that I am a Veteran Member. Please do something!
    I post if I have something to say, not for the postcount. Thanks for telling me.
    Group is time based, user title is postcount based.
    Okay, thanks.
    Are ravenworks not allowed to do anything more with the DS tech demos? Aimlessly walking around gets boring xD Although being immune to Basil is fun.
    He has done more. Ravenworks was 80% there (I think) when Pixel requested that he put it on hold. It is unlikely that he will ever release it without Pixel giving the okay to do so. Portable cave story is still possible on DSi, 3DS, GP2X, GP2X Wiz, Caanoo, Pandora, and PSP, so it's not that great a loss.
    Can mods be ported to DS?
    No. Sorry.
    Hi there andwhy. I believe you said somewhere that you might start porting some mods to CS+. Well I was kinda wondering... Would it be okay with you if I started my own thread of Cave Story+ ports? If you don't want me to steal your thunder, then that's okay, but I do have some experience with porting mods to Cave Story+, since I did that to my own mod to make it look like you could get the fourth ending in Cave Story+ and Wiiware in an April Fools video I made. So, I wanted to go ahead and get your approval since you have acted like you're planning to do it. But if you don't want me to rip off your idea, then that's okay.
    uploaded the pictures of the beads on the fanart thread ^_^
    Hello there. I am very thankful that you have offered to port my mod, <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3858-cave-story-with-a-fourth-ending/' class='bbc_url' title=''>Cave Story with a Fourth Ending</a>. It is approaching the day where I believe it will have been fully clean of glitches, and all my tweaking desires will have been exhausted. Until then, there are a few compatibility checks I want to make. So, it must not use any asm hacking. It does not. I'm wanting to say I read somewhere that having 24-bit images messes things up? Some of the tile sets I kinda had to make 24-bit, so yeah. Do you know any program that can detect which colors are used in an image, and edit the color palette to only support the colors needed? Also, I think I read somewhere that you managed to port a mod with a VERY MINOR ASM hack. What was it exactly? Also, with my mod, I added a few credit art illustrations in resource hacker. Will this render a port impossible?
    I like the mawville. (that's what that pokemon is called , isn't it?)
    It's Mawile. The colouring and shading is mine but the lineart belongs to ibuberu from dA.
    Do you have any idea, being an admin, about forum downtime?
    You'd have to be more specific.
    I am going to assume that your question represents one of the following...

    <strong class='bbc'>About the concept of downtime?</strong> Yes.
    <strong class='bbc'>About what causes downtime?</strong> Generally.
    <strong class='bbc'>About any prior downtime?</strong> No, unless I did it on purpose (like with the forum move) or was visiting the site when it happened.
    <strong class='bbc'>About any future downtime?</strong> No.
    I think I'm going to do some serious reworking to the underlying audio playback framework in my Java org player, which may take a few months, so don't upload it to the site yet. I'll let you know when it's ready.
    Would it be possible to get all posts with "Unapproved" status set to "Hide" (Deleted, but still on the forum)? As it is, these are generating "Queued" icons next to all the forums, which effectively makes it useless if there's a member that we set to temporarily require approval for posting or something. "Hide" seems more equivalent to the old "Soft Delete", while "Unapprove" is kind of like a lesser degree of removal, and "Remove" would be more like the equivalent of Hard Delete (as I understand, removed posts go to a queue in the ModCP and expire after a set time?)
    In this visitor message I will be testing the new character limit of the VM system. The following is an excerpt from an essay I did for history class last year that I got an A- or something on. This post contains 4033 characters. Ever since its discovery, metal and metal alloys have proved to be pivotal in the advancement of human technology and development. The Romans, with their dominion that spanned far in both time and space, made great use of the various techniques and materials throughout the world at that time to make better tools, better infrastructure, and better weapons. Ancient metalworking techniques were based almost entirely on empirical discovery. Through countless attempts in trial and error, they developed techniques to achieve the results they wanted. It isn't known exactly when or how metals were first discovered, although there are many theories. Metal was discovered independently by many early civilizations, possibly with the first metal discovered being gold. Because it is a very inert element, gold is often found in its pure form in nuggets along riverbeds. A majority of what we know about Roman metalworking techniques comes from Pliny's Natural History, which gives a sometimes incomplete but generally detailed description of the practices of the day. The rest comes from archaeological digs of roman forges, and analysis of what metal objects remain today. Pliny gives us an account of the production of bronze at Capua: "it is smelted in a fire of wood, not of charcoal, and then poured into cold water and cleaned in a sieve made of oak, and this process of smelting is repeated several times, at the last stage Spanish silver lead being added to it in the proportion of ten pounds to one hundred pounds of copper: this treatment renders it pliable and gives it an agreeable colour of a kind imparted to other sorts of copper and bronze by means of oil and salt. " (masseiana.org, 2009) In this context, "silver lead" refers to tin, which when mixed with copper in a 10:1 ratio produces bronze, a very useful alloy being stronger than the sum of its parts. There were seven elemental metals that were well known to the Romans: gold, silver, copper, tin (silver lead), iron, lead (black lead) and mercury. They were also able to produce several alloys, such as the bronze mentioned earlier, as well as brass and "Amalgam", an alloy of mercury and silver. For improving the purity of copper, the Romans developed a delicate technique known as "poling", in which molten copper is stirred with poles of green wood. The escaping steam from the wood rises through the metal and bubbles to the surface, acting like a blast of air (Williams, 1987). This causes impurities in the copper such as oxides to rise to the surface, so that it can be taken off as slag. There were also many techniques and measures to assay the quality of metals produced. There were two main tests used: heating the metal with fire, and scratching it with a touchstone. Test by fire is a simple method to determine if the gold someone is selling you contains base metals; if you heat it in a red-hot pan, the metal turns colour. If when cooled, the metal returns to the colour it was originally then the metal is pure. If it turns white, then it contains added tin. If it turns black, it contained added lead. The touchstone test was slightly more complicated, and involved scratching the metal with stones from a specific river and comparing the scratch with a sample of known purity. Thus, a relative estimate can be made of the metal's purity (Humphery, Oleson, & Sherwood, 1998). Tests such as this were often necessary, as it was not uncommon to find someone trying to pass off a base metal as something more valuable (much easier to do when there is a very loosely understood definition of what separates one metal from another). According to Pliny, some would coat a cheap metal like tin with something more valuable, for example silver, hoping to take advantage...
    Why only an A-, Noxid?
    Because I wrote it in like an hour the day before it was due
    Roman history isn't exactly my area of interest.
    Well it seems sufficient in any case.
    Thanks for changing the name back! ps, is the Gallery something you have planned? Upload max appears to be 0 bytes!
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