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  • You should play Mr. Triangle Mania 2. After all you never even reviewed any of my mods back in the day, and I played the Adventuer kid games for a few minutes 11 years ago. It would only be right. :sun:
    Ah, okay, I'll try to get to it at some point. Probably not within the next few weeks though.
    I registered for the forum just to ask this question: For some reason, plus porter is refusing to work. By that, I mean it's permanently at an incredibly low resolution along with the small issue that the tabs that are supposed to be there (apply port and cancel) aren't there. They just don't exist for some reason. I've looked on the page for plus porter and it shows options unlike what I'm getting, which is a lack of them. I'd send examples, but I don't exactly know how to work the site so I'm stuck with just trying to explain it. It's like the bottom part is completely cut off in every tab, including auto porter and the about tab. If you can get back to me on this, I would appreciate it because I was really looking forward to playing the fourth ending mod.
    Glad to see that Plus Porter is still getting new people to try it out all these years later! Go ahead and make a post in the thread, it should be easier to attach images there, and it will give more exposure so others who might be having a similar problem will be more likely to see it. Also describe in your post what operating system you're using.
    if i ever get a review of you playing HHsR i'll update the game (:
    i TAS'd an older version of HHsR but not on windows 7
    why are you using windows 7 though
    can run games more than win xp
    the highest win version that support hourglass
    i mean that's fair, hourglass doesn't run on later systems
    i still remember running HHsR on both XP and 7 so i don't know what could be the issue
    Hey there. Sorry to bother, but is there a way I could get in touch with you? I have a question about one of your releases here that's a little involved for a profile post. I would've sent you a conversation/PM but I think I'm not allowed as a new member (Is that true? Could I respond if you sent me one?). Either way, thanks for reading, and let me know!
    There have been various different restrictions on new users when it comes to sending private messages, but I don't know what the exact restrictions are for the current forum software we're using. In any case, I just tried sending you a PM, and it looks like it works if I'm the one initiating it. Posting this here mostly just for posterity.
    Oh, by the way, if it's a question about some project of mine that has an existing thread (namely Plus Porter or my fourth ending mod), then it may be appropriate to simply bump said thread with due acknowledgement and your question, unless there's some reason that you would prefer to keep the conversation private or if it's something more broad that could veer off from the main topic of the thread.
    Hey, I was using Plus Porter and saw the Auto-Port option. What does that do? Also, is there any way to port Rave Story to CS+?
    The auto-port feature has you load up a copy of the original Cave Story, as well as a copy of the mod you wish to port, and it scans for all of the discrepancies between the original Cave Story and said mod. It looks for added or edited scripts, maps, tilesets, and I think spritesheets as well. I believe that it also scans for certain differences in the respective EXE files too, and it takes all of those differences, and forms a Plus Porter project based on all of those detected differences. I think there are some edge cases that my auto-port wizard doesn't quite catch, but in simple cases, it should do most of the porting for you.

    As for Rave Story in particular, I think I only briefly loaded it up once. That has some custom levels, sprites, and maybe some new music too, right? As long as it doesn't have ASM hacks, you should be able to port it for the most part, but only the ORG music will work. Getting extra music to work for the "New" and "Remastered" soundtracks isn't as straightforward for CS+ mods as ORG music.
    By the way, questions like this are perfectly appropriate for posting in my Plus Porter thread. The only rule against bumping threads is if you're responding to some specific post or point in the discussion that was made a long time ago or just blatantly bumping a thread without due acknowledgement. Bumps are fine as long as they give due acknowledgement to it being a bump and are on-topic to the opening post in the thread.
    Cool, thanks for the help!
    Hard to believe it's been 10 years since I posted my infamous Cave Story 4th Ending video. So much has happened since then.
    Wow, that's great to hear Nerdieo! So glad that it had a positive impact on you, thanks for sharing that with me.
    That video was actually one of the first Cave Story fan videos I ever saw. It also introduced me to Cave Story modding.
    I've probably mentioned it somewhere down the line that I fell for the video back when I was relatively new without knowing it was a fellow forum member (unless I wasn't on the forums at the time? I don't remember)

    Don't recall where I've said this but I think I did
    i can't believe that you of all people never actually tried haunted house story : o
    i actually thought you played all the mods on the site! and i'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, i just... somehow it doesn't click
    Haha, believe it or not, I've missed a lot of mods. I remember when I was new here, I was trying to play and review every new mod being released, but there were just too many mods coming out and I was too busy for that to be practical. I was a bit less active during my college years, so there were a lot of mods released between fall 2015 and spring 2019 that I missed. I've had considerably more free time since graduating college and getting a job, and this place has gotten less active, so I've managed to get just about every mod that has come out within the last few years. I still need to play Evergreen, Video Game+, ACCS, and HEAD MAN, though.
    I wanna see what version of blasterball 2 you were using because I dont know what version i was using since I got the bb2r installer from another old computer my family was using into my personal computer. The one I bought from wildtangent is not starting up the game and Im running on windows 10. If you know how to fix it do let me know asap. Im almost done with 0.2.0 but I want it to be compatable with the latest version of bb2r.

    I bought it from the WildTangent store here: https://www.wildtangent.com/p/arcade/blasterball-2-revolution/
    I also had to install the "WildTangent Games" client on my computer. After I did that, I'm pretty sure it ran normally, I don't remember having to change any compatibility settings to make it work. It's possible that some other people have run into the same issue you're running into, and have posted about it somewhere else on the internet.

    Also, in the future, just go ahead and respond to your thread instead of posting on my profile. I read all of the new content on these forums whenever I log in, so I'm not going to see a new message on my profile much sooner than I'm going to see a reply to a thread that I've posted in.
    Hi, I may sound a bit obnoxious, but can you please try Doukutsu Randamu? I would be interested on your thoughts on what is basically Cave Story roguelike.
    Hi Trashbox! Haha, I'm glad that my CS mod reviews are so heavily sought after. I'll definitely get around to playing your mod and posting feedback in your thread. Plotbomb is currently next in my queue for mods to play and review, and Randamu is next after that. I've never seen a CS mod with procedurally generating levels, so I'll be interested to see how it plays.
    So I was browsing through some old stuff and happened to come across a profile post ~9 years ago where you mentioned that your dream is to become a mechanical engineer. Just curious, what became of that? Where are you in life now?
    Ah yes, I remember that conversation with GoldenBlade. A little over a year after I wrote that post, I ended up changing my mind and deciding that I wanted to be a software engineer instead. I graduated high school in May 2015, went to college and majored in Computer Science, graduated in May 2019, and then soon after landed a job as a software engineer for a cybersecurity company. I've been working that job for almost 2 1/2 years now.
    I see. Glad to hear that you've achieved what you wanted to!
    I gotta ask, I've been working on a mod for cave story freeware (which I will be releasing an announcement with a demo), but can I ask how you edit the pictures used in the cast roll?
    Download Resource Hacker. You can extract and replace the credits bitmaps inside the exe using that.
    You might need an older version though, as I've heard that the new version of the program is missing functionality. Hit us up if you need help.
    ok will
    Edit: works just like it should!
    I had already used resource hacker to change the music, and I dunno if the version I have is an older one or the new one. but it works \ ( ^ U ^ ) /
    I'll be happy to announce the project in the near future.
    (Also happy to hear the undertale project Hayden)!
    uh oh, looks like I have trouble again.
    I have two things boggling my mind about editing now.
    1. I feel kinda stupid for not testing this before getting back to you, but I actually was only able to GET the bitmaps for the credits, not input edits.
    (Got the older version of resource hacker, still didn't work)
    2. A little more specific for this one, I'm having a problem with editing the last cave, I can't seem to change It's background.
    I actually noticed it already had one, but it seems to not show up for some reason. (using CaveEditor)
    speaking of your fourth ending mod, i've been meaning to ask - how'd you do the blade automatically levelling down when on that route?
    Ah, I'm glad you asked - I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with this. I placed H/V triggers throughout every possible map that you can access during that part of the mod. And whenever you would pass under one of those triggers, it would do <TAM0009:0009:0000 (trade the blade for the blade, with no change in ammo). This would automatically bring the blade down to level 1 without impacting any of the other weapons. These triggers will only appear if a flag is set when you have the blade on the path for the 4th ending. One side effect of this is that you can't open up your inventory or map system while underneath one of these triggers, since an event in the room's script is actively running and repeatedly trading the blade for the blade. But I don't think most people noticed, since I strategically placed them so that you almost definitely won't be able to get the blade up to level 3, and you're also very unlikely to stop and open up the map system while standing directly underneath one of these triggers.
    holy shit that's pretty clever lmao, nice job
    Hey man! I love your fourth ending mod for Cave Story and was wondering if you had a port of it for WiiWare! Playing it on my wii would be awesome :)
    Thanks, glad you liked it! Heh, it's one thing to ask me to port my mod to WiiWare, but it's another thing entirely to ask me to port my mod to WiiWare all these years later when there are much more desirable ports to play (such as CS+ on PC and Switch), and the WiiShop has been discontinued for almost 3 years now, making it much harder to obtain a copy of that port of CS. In any case, I don't know how to port mods to WiiWare, and I'm not interested in investing the time into it, so I'm afraid that won't be happening. I greatly appreciate you reaching out, though! It's great to see so many people enjoying my mod, even when it's been nearly 10 years.
    Wait, if you don't know how to port mods to the Wii, how'd you get the footage of the 4th ending running on the Wii for your video?
    Haha, I think you're the first person who's ever asked me that. That was Cave Story+ with the "New Music" playing, I just claimed that it was the WiiWare version and crossed my fingers that most people would automatically believe me.
    My Undertale passion project is coming along, and I have a considerable amount of tangible content to show. If you're interested in seeing what I have and giving feedback (or even helping with the project itself), feel free to either respond here or PM me. Responses are welcome even if you're seeing this weeks or even months after I've posted this.
    Very interesting. I've only played one or two Undertale fangames (one was Undertale - Red, I liked that); don't know what else is out there really. But knowing your work with Cave Story's 4th ending, will be quite curious to see what you'll cook up :D
    Congratulations on your 2000th!
    you have me beat lol
    Thanks! Something I've been working hard to accomplish for almost 10 years now. It's even harder to do it these days than it was before, given that there's less to post about, and especially in my case, because I've always been strongly against posting just for the sake of posting. Guess I'm officially the 15th member to reach 2000 posts. Let's hope I won't be the last... I had my hopes up that WoodenRat was going to reach it, but he fell just a bit short and eventually went inactive.
    Oh wow… congratulations! =)
    Hey, do you happen to know where Pixel debunked the "colons on the balcony" theory? My own searches for a source on it have failed... :balrog:
    Oh wow, so that's what everyone was reacting to! That's pretty neat it was just an email though; previously I had heard it was on Pixel's BBS, but I recently searched the whole thing and found nothing. I wonder if Pyroaid still has the email kicking around... Thank you so much!
    So they disappeared somewhere? Interesting...
    ACSS ideas brewing
    Sorry Cold, Festive Quest already used that idea. You wouldn't want to steal ideas from more mods now would you? :p
    I get your picture now. It stands for "Quote And Curly Brace Love/Heart/together forever."
    I can't believe I missed that this whole time.
    Yep. What timeframe does "this whole time" constitute? How long did you lurk here before joining?
    3 years. then I decided to make mods myself.
    I am right now in the planning phase of an Undertale passion project. If you would be interested in getting an early look and providing feedback, please either respond to this message or PM me.
    I'll PM you.
    kinda late but i'm undertale guy so i'm up for helping out with testing or whatever
    Great! I will PM you. By the way, if anyone sees this several weeks or even months later, don't be shy to reply or PM me. It will be a while before this project is done, and it will be great to get feedback, as well as testing later on.
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