-The mod was inside of a folder, inside of a folder, inside of another folder, not sure why you structured it that way. One folder is just fine.
-Puu says "So today's menu are".
-I was able to navigate my way to the Puu fight without a weapon, and so during that boss fight I just jumped around trying to avoid his attacks for several minutes until I died. Then I tried again, and realized I can just go out the door. Interesting mechanic.
-If you go back into Puu's restaurant after running away, the chest appears there again, and the same event as before is triggered with the same dialogue.
-When you enter Puu's restaurant, and open the chest, it says "Welcome to
poo's restaurant"
-The health bar for Puu's boss fight appears before the message box for the pre-boss dialogue disappears. I think it would be better to make that health bar wait to appear until after Puu finishes his spiel, and the message box disappears.
-During the boss fight, when Puu jumps in the region of the door, he appears behind the door. I think you should be able to fix this by changing the draw order of the NPCs in Booster's Lab.
-"You got Doogie!" - There's two spaces between "got" and "Doogie". Also, I see it spelled as "Doggie" later, so one of them must be incorrect.
-When I come back later to the room where I got the Doogie, the chest's event tells me "empty" like it should, but the entity there is a closed, shining chest, instead of a chest that's already opened.
-When I'm looking in my inventory at my guns, there doesn't appear to be any square drawn around the item I'm selecting. My only indication of what I'm selecting is the name displayed below, which is kind of annoying and makes it hard to know if I'm selecting what I want to.
-I liked the little challenge jump you have to get here to this statue:

I'm just a bit disappointed that there's no reward for my efforts, and the statue does nothing when I try to interact with it. It also seems like there should be some kind of interaction with the statue on the upper left corner of the map, especially given that there were signs pointing me in that direction.
-If you did the spritework for the Sand Zone, then good job. I really liked the aesthetic.
-I didn't know how to get back to where I came from after getting into the Sand Zone, so I exited the game and got back in so that I could explore the Frog Kingdom. Once again, none of the NPCs are interactive, which kind of takes away from the ambiance. Not even the king is interactive, which was a bit disappointing.
-Nothing happens when I interact with the healing flower in the clinic. Same thing with the flower in the bottom right corner of the Frog Kingdom.