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Asper's Cave Story Beta Remake

What do you think about Sand Zone design?

  • Very bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Good

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Very good

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • P E R F E C T I O N

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters
May 4, 2020 at 10:16 PM
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but soon it will change.

Edit#1 if you want to change weapons, you must enter your inventory.
Edit#2 you can't shoot up and down thats a feature.

Welcome everyone,
I proudly introduce you.
My Beta Remake Cave Story.
Amazing Features:
-Recreated Weapons.
-you can now explore the entire map freely.
-Recreated Maps.
-And Even More.

Screenshots if you don't belive me:
I hope you will enjoy that.
Have fun! :)

Download Here:
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May 5, 2020 at 9:51 AM
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OK, I tried this one and I have a couple of things to note:
I would suggest removing the error.txt and more importantly the save file because if I load the game I'll be in a place I shouldn't be yet. Then again, that might be intentional.
The fact that this thing doesn't have an animation is kinda weird, especially because there are 2 pixels detached from its body.
3.I noticed that you cannot change weapon with A and S. Again, I don't really know if that's a feature or not.

The level design is kind of messy as of now. You might want to diminish the number of enemies.
Well, that's all I have for now. It's not bad and it has potential to become something incredible.
May 5, 2020 at 10:03 AM
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3.I noticed that you cannot change weapon with A and S. Again, I don't really know if that's a feature or not.
Ha... Haha... There's more than enough beta footage that shows that wasn't even in the beta (and that's the least of your worries, you can't even look up or down!)
May 5, 2020 at 2:36 PM
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(and that's the least of your worries, you can't even look up or down!)
Hahaha, yeah, I noticed. Though, I was sure that one was a feature. Now that I know, I can at least say it's a nice detail.
May 5, 2020 at 8:21 PM
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This is pretty awesome!
I hope this get's finished.
May 5, 2020 at 10:14 PM
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looks pretty neat, when it gets finished (if it gets finished) I'll be sure to give it a try.
May 6, 2020 at 6:23 PM
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Review time I guess.

Are we even sure that the beta had an intro cinematic?
Use of beta drums is a plus for me.
Black title background, love the attention to detail already.
'Cave of Fire Soaps' is a weird name
Level layout makes more sense here than Rain's version, I appreciate that much, but the fire enemies aren't animated :(
Hey, I don't have a weapon!
It seems you're using the wrong version of Gravity, a different version was used in most of the beta from what I could tell.
Puu never opened his mouth, the only animations he had from what I can gather are the animations that Puu Black had.
Also, the fact that you're mixing the old PrtIron with the newer one is really bugging me, try to keep it consistent.

Teach me how to 1588784893384.png

So that's where you put that room, I think it was closer to the soap pools area in the actual beta, I think taking this path should let you explore more caves rather than a dead end, it gives the player a more natural flow of progression.
Oh, I can't switch weapons... I appreciate the attention to detail but it really throws me off when there's a vanilla-esque gun select on the top left telling me otherwise.

Cynical Blade is way weaker than it should be.

Missile Launcher seems to be absent.

I never understood what these were, they weren't in any beta screenshots or footage so why did Rain include these in his tileset?

Holy shit.

Bro you can GUIDE THESE, it's like a MOUNT of some sorts.

(I got stuck in the thicket)

It seems this beta remake, while feeling overall more 'connected' and 'polished' than the other ones available (atleast in its level layout), it still feels incomplete, which, it is incomplete, I won't judge you for that, but when thinking of the way the levels flow and connect together, you gotta get in the mind of Pixel and when you look at your level say to yourself "Does this feel like something Pixel would've made?", because if that's not what you're aiming for then you should go all out in just making a "Cave Story Beta if it wasn't shit" just to show Pixel what could've been.

I'll check back on this once it's more complete, I'm curious to see what direction you'll take things.
May 7, 2020 at 4:02 AM
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I'm hyped
Screenshot of Aspers beta remake.png
I'd suggest that you replace the orgs with the ones used in the finale build of the beta before it was scrapped. I've provided a zip file of said orgs.


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May 7, 2020 at 8:11 PM
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May 8, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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Only a couple of music actually got changed in 4.5
May 9, 2020 at 2:38 AM
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I went ahead and played this mod, and I got some mild enjoyment out of it. I didn't brush up on the CS Beta footage that's available, so I'm not entirely sure in what areas you were aiming to replicate the incomplete nature of CS Beta, so forgive me if some of my critiques on the lack of polish miss the point. I liked the level design and the accompaniment of the beta music, it gave a nice feel of almost playing that early version of the game that we've seen bits and pieces of. Some level layouts I recognized from footage, others I wasn't sure if I had seen before, but in any case, I thought the level design was decent, and in many areas I enjoyed the tile art.

Although I enjoyed this mod, I will have to say it was very lacking in polish. It would have been prudent to at least give this thing a few more days of playtesting and tying up loose ends before releasing it. There were some doors that had the sound and animation of it opening when you open them, but there were also a lot that didn't. In some areas, I sense the mod trying to signal to me that the area itself is incomplete and more will be added, but it doesn't do this with class; I sometimes have trouble telling if certain behavior is due to the mod being incomplete, or due to a scripting error. All the NPCs that don't do anything when you interact with them, all the treasure chests that do nothing when you attempt to open them, etc. I would recommend slowly building out the mod, and making an area at least feel more complete before making that content accessible to players, or else the lack of polish will distract from the main substance of what the mod is meant to be, and playtesters will be more likely to focus on a bunch of little details instead of giving a broad over view of things. Again, sorry if this is a feature and not a bug, like the up/down controls, or the fact that you can't switch weapons via A/S, it's just that this really took away from the experience. Here were some things in particular that stood out to me:
-The mod was inside of a folder, inside of a folder, inside of another folder, not sure why you structured it that way. One folder is just fine.
-Puu says "So today's menu are".
-I was able to navigate my way to the Puu fight without a weapon, and so during that boss fight I just jumped around trying to avoid his attacks for several minutes until I died. Then I tried again, and realized I can just go out the door. Interesting mechanic.
-If you go back into Puu's restaurant after running away, the chest appears there again, and the same event as before is triggered with the same dialogue.
-When you enter Puu's restaurant, and open the chest, it says "Welcome to poo's restaurant"
-The health bar for Puu's boss fight appears before the message box for the pre-boss dialogue disappears. I think it would be better to make that health bar wait to appear until after Puu finishes his spiel, and the message box disappears.
-During the boss fight, when Puu jumps in the region of the door, he appears behind the door. I think you should be able to fix this by changing the draw order of the NPCs in Booster's Lab.
-"You got Doogie!" - There's two spaces between "got" and "Doogie". Also, I see it spelled as "Doggie" later, so one of them must be incorrect.
-When I come back later to the room where I got the Doogie, the chest's event tells me "empty" like it should, but the entity there is a closed, shining chest, instead of a chest that's already opened.
-When I'm looking in my inventory at my guns, there doesn't appear to be any square drawn around the item I'm selecting. My only indication of what I'm selecting is the name displayed below, which is kind of annoying and makes it hard to know if I'm selecting what I want to.
-I liked the little challenge jump you have to get here to this statue:
I'm just a bit disappointed that there's no reward for my efforts, and the statue does nothing when I try to interact with it. It also seems like there should be some kind of interaction with the statue on the upper left corner of the map, especially given that there were signs pointing me in that direction.
-If you did the spritework for the Sand Zone, then good job. I really liked the aesthetic.
-I didn't know how to get back to where I came from after getting into the Sand Zone, so I exited the game and got back in so that I could explore the Frog Kingdom. Once again, none of the NPCs are interactive, which kind of takes away from the ambiance. Not even the king is interactive, which was a bit disappointing.
-Nothing happens when I interact with the healing flower in the clinic. Same thing with the flower in the bottom right corner of the Frog Kingdom.

By the way, I noticed that you've uploaded newer versions of this mod over the past few days. It never hurts to make a post in the thread letting people know that a new version has been released, just so that those following can see that new content is being added, and perhaps that changes are being made based on people's feedback.
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May 10, 2020 at 9:23 PM
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The text is cut off in some of the dialogue in version 5.
May 11, 2020 at 1:32 AM
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I'm still a bit confused as to why Asper is making newer releases of this mod but isn't making any additional replies in this thread. I mean, people can click the Doukutsu Club link to see updates there, but the lack of replies in this thread from the creator is kind of weird. To their credit, they are making posts on their profile, but that's a lot less direct. I guess message boards really are going out of style.
May 11, 2020 at 2:08 AM
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To their credit, there is also the CSMC Discord server, but then again, why treat the thread dedicated to your mod like how you would a channel dedicated to literally any mod that is made, where it can easily get lost?
May 21, 2020 at 11:05 PM
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This is a decent attempt at a remake, but there are some grammar issues, there's a LOT of enemies, the level design isn't very polished, and many chests and NPCs are uninteractable. Also, the number of enemies is so bad in the Thicket that I couldn't get past it. Normally I don't open mods in Boosters' Lab, but this time I did just to see if I'm missing something. There are LOTS of places that I didn't find while playing this, and I feel like that could be a result of said bad level design as I didn't know much where to go.
Also, in the Sand Zone its incredibly hard to find where you started and the mimiga statues don't do anything. It may be unfinished, but I do want you to make the level design in the Sand Zone especially better.
May 22, 2020 at 5:44 AM
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This is a decent attempt at a remake, but there are some grammar issues, there's a LOT of enemies, the level design isn't very polished, and many chests and NPCs are uninteractable. Also, the number of enemies is so bad in the Thicket that I couldn't get past it. Normally I don't open mods in Boosters' Lab, but this time I did just to see if I'm missing something. There are LOTS of places that I didn't find while playing this, and I feel like that could be a result of said bad level design as I didn't know much where to go.
Also, in the Sand Zone its incredibly hard to find where you started and the mimiga statues don't do anything. It may be unfinished, but I do want you to make the level design in the Sand Zone especially better.
I have a lot of the same issues, to be blunt Asper shouldn't have released this to the world until they completely finished it or at least let us explore a bit each update.
May 21, 2022 at 7:56 AM
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hey the mod was removed where it is now
May 21, 2022 at 2:05 PM
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hey the mod was removed where it is now
The mod was likely cancelled.
Doesn't surprise me because this is how all beta remakes end up.
May 21, 2022 at 11:57 PM
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i found it in your profile in doukutsu club
also if still develop it
there is cs beta ogg in this site
Aug 15, 2022 at 3:45 PM
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I can't download it :/